4th Oekonux Conference: Free Software and Beyond - The World of Peer Production
Trans-Pennnine Indymedia | 29.03.2009 21:26 | Analysis | Globalisation | Technology | Sheffield
Tatiana Bazzichelli - The Art of Networking - mp3 62M
Vinay Gupta - Ending Poverty with Open Hardware - mp3 64M
Marcin Jakubowski - Building the First, Replicable, Open Source Global Village - mp3 64M
John McKerrell - Open Street Map Session - mp3 54M
Philippe Aigrain - Synergy Between Free Non-Market Exchanges and the Economy - mp3 62M
Johan Söderberg - Ronja - Darknet of Lights - Communication via Free-Air-Optics - mp3 62M
Smári McCarthy - The End of (artifical) Scarcity - mp3 59M
Raoul Victor - Money and Peer Production - mp3 70M
Silke Meyer - "Peer Reproduction?" - mp3 47M
Marcin Jakubowski - Open Source Global Village
Marcin Jakubowski - Open Source Global Village
Marcin Jakubowski - Open Source Global Village
Marcin Jakubowski - Open Source Global Village
Smári McCarthy - The End of (artifical) Scarcity
Smári McCarthy - The End of (artifical) Scarcity
Smári McCarthy - The End of (artifical) Scarcity
Smári McCarthy - The End of (artifical) Scarcity
Smári McCarthy - The End of (artifical) Scarcity
Following are short descriptions of the sessions for which audio files are attached and links to the pages for each of the sessions posted -- from links pages you will be able to find further information about the people doing the presentions and hopefully the slides from the presentations:
Tatiana Bazzichelli
The Art of Networking
Networking practices in grassroots communities
Networking means to create nets of relations. Since the 80s, the platforms of networking have been an important tool to share knowledge and experience to create works of hacktivism and net art. As a practical example, I will refer to the concept of hacktivism and art through the description of some Italian underground interventions and actions.
Vinay Gupta
Ending Poverty with Open Hardware
What would a world without poverty look like? It is not a seven billion person suburbia. We'll examine realistic models for a post-poverty world, and how open hardware fits into that vision.
Marcin Jakubowski
Building the World's First, Replicable, Open Source Global Village
Theory, strategy, practice, and challenges.
We are building the world's first, replicable, open source Global Village. We are a land-based social experiment for creating unprecedented quality of life using on-site resources. Our working assumption is that open source physical infrastructure is the enabling prerequisite of such an experiment, and that the power of efficient, integrated, and ecological production must be seized in order for such a community to thrive and to be competitive with mainstream lifestyles. Initial technology development results have surpassed predictions, and we are currently developing a more rigorous program for a rapid-deployment, open source technology development pipeline. This pipeline relies on design of products that are simple, optimal, high-performance, low-cost, and therefore replicable. We observed clear indications of memetic replicability of such open source, technologically and ecologically integrated communities. Initial results, strategies, crowd-based support methods, and operational challenges are covered in this presentation. End goals are livelihoods beyond the ongoing struggle for survival, and personal evolution to freedom - and the first milestone to this is a complete, 30 person villlage - to be built by year-end 2010.
For the physical reality of our experiment, see the Distillation video series for an overview of the technology base:
Presentation slides: http://openfarmtech.org/index.php?title=Oekonux_4
Blog post about the presentation: http://openfarmtech.org/weblog/?p=593
John McKerrell
Open Street Map Session
The Open Street Map project aims to create a free and open geographical data set that can be used for many applications including streetmaps and routing based applications. The project was started because most maps you think of as free actually have legal or technical restrictions on their use, holding back people from using them in creative, productive, or unexpected ways.
Philippe Aigrain
Conditions for synergy between free non-market exchanges and the economy
Johan Söderberg
Ronja - Darknet of Lights
Homebrewed Anonymous Communication through Free-Air-Optics
Ronja is a hardware project for building interent communication through free-air optics. Unlike most other free hardware projects that still exist only in the planning stage, Ronja hackers have produced a fully operational technology from scratch. The whole development process has taken place among a group of hackers that has been active for more than six years. Their experiences give insights into the challenges that lay ahead of a possibly emergent, hardware hacking movement.
Smári McCarthy
The End of (artificial) Scarcity
The Failures of the Materials Economy and How We Fix Them
What is the functional model of our society and how can subtle changes to it's underlying principles alter it significantly? Are the assumptions we make, often unknowingly, correct, and if not, why are they so readily accepted and what can be done to change that? In this talk I aim to dismantle our conceptions about our sociopolitical reality and propose five alternatives fueled by a single uniting factor, providing a roadmap towards a new monetary system, a new economic model, a new legislative system, a new judicial system and a new executive authority system.
Presentation slides (not yet posted): http://www.yaxic.org/talks/2009/03oekonux/slides.odp
Raoul Victor
Money and Peer Production
How can money and peer-production coexist? If we think peer production as a germ form of a future post-capitalist society, the answer depends on the step considered in the process which leads from the emergence of that new form to the entire reorganization of society according to its new principles. This is an attempt to set the problem and to envisage some answers using the framework of the "Five step model".
Silke Meyer
"Peer reproduction"?
Key signing parties between trust, subtle othering and control
Key signing parties are a ritual belonging to encrypted electronic communication. Talking about the participants' otherness is an integral part of those parties where the degree of belonging to the free software community is assessed by way of criteria that are deeply embedded in mainstream society.
Trans-Pennnine Indymedia
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31.03.2009 12:43
e-mail: josef@uniteddiversity.com
Homepage: http://uniteddiversity.com
Unwelcome Guests on "Transition Towns and Open Source Villages"
16.04.2009 19:09
- #458 - Tale of Two Towns
Transition Towns and Open Source Villages
Rob Hopkins, Marcin Jakubowski
Seeds of a new energy descent, post capitalist society rooted in the principles and practices of permaculture and the free software movement
There are a lot of excellent shows in their archive:
Homepage: http://www.unwelcomeguests.org/
Two more broadcasts of the audio on Unwelcome Guests
04.05.2009 18:22
Beyond Exploitation to an Economy of Solidarity
Charles Eisenstein (reading) , Raoul Victor
Last week on the program we heard a documentary that covered a twenty year period during which the remote Himalayan region of Ladakh was subjected to capitalist development in the name of progress that destroyed an ancient culture based on solidarity, and the fragile ecosystem which had previously met the needs of the people. Where there had been a sense of abundance and happiness, there was now typical third world squalor and dispair.On the program this week, we cover the global economic crises as the death throes of the unsustainable rule of money, and how to re build a culture in itsd ashes, based in mutual aid and respect for each other and the land. You can have TARP, or BARF or FART, but business as usual is so, so over,
I'll begin by reading you an article by Charles Eisenstein, author of the Ascent of Humanity . He puts the current economic crises at the cusp of a needed and longed for change in the basis of human society, what he calls the age of reunion, the return of the gift economy.
We;ll conclude the program with another presentation from the 4 annual oekonux conference, Free Software and Beyond The World of Peer Production held in Manchester, England last month that brought together an international group of people from the free software movement that are exploring the application of peer to peer networks and free collaboration beyond software to society as a whole..
Unwelcome Guests #461 - Technology and Control
The paradise that never came
Smairi McCarthy, Charles Eisenstein (reading)
This week on the show we'll continue to explore visions of human society more congenial to our highest aspirations as well as our most basic needs. In the first hour of the program we'll return to another recording from the 4th Oekonux Conference, on the topic of ending artificial scarcity by applying the philosophy of free software to economic and legal systems.
Then a reading from the Ascent of Humanity by Charles Eisenstein dealing with the religion of technology and control, the unifying principle beneath humanities diverse crises.
Homepage: http://unwelcomeguests.org/