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Mahathir: The Alternative G20 Agenda

Nigel McCollum | 28.03.2009 13:58 | G20 London Summit | Analysis | Globalisation

Real Financial Fairness

Prime Minister of Malaysia for 22 years, TUN DR MAHATHIR MOHAMAD, successfully led his country through the 97/98 East Asian financial crisis. He has described the current economic turmoil as heralding the end of capitalism and the free market as we know it.

On the eve of the G20 - the meeting Gordon Brown is billing as the 'fairness summit' - come and hear this respected Commonwealth leader give his vision for the reform necessary to ensure global economic fairness for all.

After his speech Tun Dr Mahathir will be taking Questions from the audience.

THIS IS A FREE EVENT - OPEN TO ALL, however, please register by email to ensure a place. Thank you.

Nigel McCollum
- e-mail:



28.03.2009 16:43

By who? Perhaps one of the questions he'd like to answer at the end of his speech is if he'd like to sign the petition against torture and the abuses of human rights that has been perpetrated under his dear leadership.



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The famous "I have friends who are Jews" Mahathir!

28.03.2009 20:54

Try googling "Mahathir anti-Semitic" for example.

Shame on RCS, no platform anti-semites!

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