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childslaves owned by Dutch companies

F.E.M. Foolish European Mothers | 28.03.2009 00:15

Childslaves have been rented out for years to amongst others French farmers who directly benefit from the cheap labour.
Following proves that the governement fully condones this.

The French governement complained because the Dutch childslaves were not insured against workrelated injuries. See the translation of the official letters and see how the Dutch treat children like cattle. They do not care nor investigate the childrens wellbeing. They just pour more tax payers monies into yet more investigators and overseers who are only there to ensure that the productiveness of the children is sufficient and that they can get somehow insured.
One boy escaped from a workcamp in France.
Officially the workcamp is a learning by education camp and also hosts tourist outings totally seperated from the slave labourers in order to cover the horrid truth. They operate via the Rabobank.
This is an ongoing situation. Please stop this.

F.E.M. Foolish European Mothers


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boy escaped farm in France now in jail

28.03.2009 14:37

please print them out.
Please spread these.
If you want to see who Thomas, is and see the report on how his mother did try to find Thomas after he went missing but was only allowed a short visit after he turned himself in watch the following link.
It is in Dutch but they basically state Thomas worked for 2 farmers in France, This lasted a year. The last farmer being a jerk who admitted to having a short fuse. Thomas stole one of the farmers cars and escaped. The farmer punished Thomas and did not feed him. The second room shown is that of Thomas. He had only an old bed and a small tele on a table, (I can see no areal can you?) and the place looked like a stable. Thomas could not speak French and had to work long days and was not allowed to attend any school. The farms are in remote areas and the farmers can do as they please with the boys. There is no real supervision on the farms.
The jeugdzorg promised not to put him in jail if he would turn himself in.
He believed them and turned himself in.
Now he is in jail.
His mother is not a bad mum and is never accused of being a bad mum.
Thomas should never have been taken from his mum in the first place.



29.03.2009 16:01
