Chris Knight suspended for making G20 comment on Radio 4
BBC | 27.03.2009 12:13 | G20 London Summit | Repression
Apparently The University of East London have published a statement about their suspension of him from his job but I couldn't find this online, below is an extract from the BBC article about it which contains a transcript of the words he was suspended for uttering.
Mr Knight, who was organising protests next week, said [on Radio 4]: "We are going to be hanging a lot of people like Fred the Shred [Sir Fred Goodwin] from lampposts on April Fool's Day and I can only say let's hope they are just effigies.
"To be honest, if he winds us up any more I'm afraid there will be real bankers hanging from lampposts and let's hope that that doesn't actually have to happen.
"They [bankers] should realise the amount of fury and hatred there is for them and act quickly, because quite honestly if it isn't humour it is going to be anger.
"I am trying to keep it humorous and let the anger come up in a creative and hopefully productive and peaceful way.
"If the other people don't join in the fun - I'm talking about the bankers and those rather pompous ministers - and come over and surrender their power obviously it's going to get us even more wound up and things could get nasty. Let's hope it doesn't."
"To be honest, if he winds us up any more I'm afraid there will be real bankers hanging from lampposts and let's hope that that doesn't actually have to happen.
"They [bankers] should realise the amount of fury and hatred there is for them and act quickly, because quite honestly if it isn't humour it is going to be anger.
"I am trying to keep it humorous and let the anger come up in a creative and hopefully productive and peaceful way.
"If the other people don't join in the fun - I'm talking about the bankers and those rather pompous ministers - and come over and surrender their power obviously it's going to get us even more wound up and things could get nasty. Let's hope it doesn't."
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27.03.2009 13:03
27.03.2009 13:33
Kaze no Kae
Not sympathetic
27.03.2009 13:48
1. He has become some sort of figurehead. Maybe it's the media that made this happen (latching on to a strong personality to form a narrative) but I'm uncomfortable about the notion of having some sort of 'leader' as well as the cult of personality that has developed.
2. The focus on bankers is a distraction. The problem is not the bankers, it's the system. Lynching Fred the Shred isn't going to change anything. Gordon Brown used derivatives to fund public spending and cover up borrowing, as did many of the Eurozone governments. It is capitalism and the notion of unlimited growth that have gotten us here and an obsession with bankers is not going to help.
thank god someone has the balls to talk like this
27.03.2009 14:04
On the other hand, it doesn't surprise me that he got the boot from his job - people who stick their necks over the parapet usually do.
Smash the banks! Hell, smash the whole financial system!
27.03.2009 18:13
This Chris bloke got carried away and forgot he wasn't down the pub and his 'having the balls to talk like this' just gives public support to the filth when they come down really hard. Not that they need the excuse, but you know what I mean. I've got no problems with his politics, but this isn't just about Chris and he should have saved the Big Bloke talk for after the event.
The guy's a fucking dick
28.03.2009 03:06
He is not an anrchist and london anarchists are more than willing to distance themselves from him. If he is speaking for his class it's the very class we are fighting to eliminate.
If we are being kind it was a kind of johnny rotten moment grasping at the last final moment he will have in the limelight.
As a middle class tosser he makes makes me fucking lucky to be working class.
28.03.2009 11:56
London anarchists are the dicks. They are a minority who thrive on confrontation, distract police from doing a real job so they can be herded around, and seem to use up an inordinate amount of public resources. One day, the majorities tempers will fray and refuse pander to these people anymore.
divide and rule
28.03.2009 15:34
At DW Comment Part 2
28.03.2009 15:50
Look at those that have been and are behind the banking system and you will discover why such things were allowed to happen. Look the people behind this and how much influence they have over the governments.
Countries should hold gold, silver and other commodities with an intrinsic value rather than the toilet paper that is the paper currencies.
There is nothing complex about any of this. A gourp of very wealthy powerful people decided they would make stuff up to trade and make rules up fully knowing the flaws and potentional and evrntual collapse. But they do not care they have stashed away their millions by the time all is exposed.
Even as we discuss the situaton the government continues to prop up these banking crooks and in the process every single one of us now carrying more of their debt.
The Government should have let the banks fail. With the money that they have invested so far they could have taken over the assets and liabilities and had a fully nationalised bank. Let those bankers go down!
John Smith
gold and silver have no intrinsic value
28.03.2009 19:23
Surely gold and silver have no more intrinsic value than paper? Well, they are more useful for making some things, but not to the extent of the price difference. They only have value because our society puts an artificial desirability on them.
@ John Smith
30.03.2009 12:02
Gold and silver have little intrinsic value - what practical value they do have is dwarfed by the essentially arbitrary social prestige which has been assigned to them. And regardless, as capitalism backed by gold is still capitalism, I'm not really sure what difference it makes.
In another note:
- Who is Chris Knight?
- Why should I, or anyone else, care what he thinks?
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