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BNP in Sutton last night

East Midlands Unite Against Fascism | 26.03.2009 22:53 | Anti-racism | Sheffield

Last night about 50 people from East Midlands Unite Against Fascism, Mansfield and Nottingham Trades Council, Stop the BNP, UNISON, GMB, Unite and others protested in Sutton in Ashfield.

Despite the BNP trying to throw us off the trail, saying that they had moved their event, we found the BNP cowering behind dozens of police, two horses, and the helicopter with almost the whole of the block cut off to allow the fascists to gather.

The Nags Head was the venue, and the pub and brewery will be hearing from us shortly! In the mean time, feel free to voice your protest at the MANAGER, but please remember the ordinary people behind the bar would have had no choice. Remember, no one should give their money to a venue that hosts fascists!

Despite BNP claims, their Lie Lorry was nowhere to be seen, and their impact was limited to fascists talking among themselves, safely away from the public.

At least 20 local youngsters arrived and were more than happy to get involved, especially once they were told what was happening! One local "hard case" decided to shout some racist rubbish, and was immediately lifted by the police! Ha ha!

The BNP "hard men" seemed to want to stay behind the police lines. Two sad cases decided to try come out, but they weren't worth the bother.

There will be more events, leafletting, and lots to do between now and the elections. Some things you probably won't find in prospective candidate Lewis Allesbrook's election material:
Church of England bible teachings are "twisted and evil".
He wants to go to Brussels to "revel at causing some havoc".

The response from the passers by was 100% against the BNP. Hundreds of leaflets and newspapers were given out to a great response.

For more info on future events, email, and keep an eye on Indymedia.

All sightings, tip offs and info also welcome :)

Thanks to Protest Photographer for the pics on Indymedia.

East Midlands Unite Against Fascism
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Bit worried about some of this report

27.03.2009 12:32

Whilst I'm glad that people turned out to oppose the fash, some of the reporting on Indymedia has been a bit worrying.

I think in future, if people have clear intelligence about BNP events it should be made available to *all* antifascists straight away.

Some of the attitudes displayed by this reporter are a bit worrying too:

"One local "hard case" decided to shout some racist rubbish, and was immediately lifted by the police! Ha ha!"

What's so great about someone getting nicked? It's a bit hypocritical slagging off the fash for hiding behind the cops and then relying on those same cops to save you from local racists.

"The response from the passers by was 100% against the BNP."

Well clearly there are lots of local supporters otherwise they wouldn't be a threat in Ashfield.

"Some things you probably won't find in prospective candidate Lewis Allesbrook's election material:
Church of England bible teachings are "twisted and evil".
He wants to go to Brussels to "revel at causing some havoc"."

Can you explain this and what your sources are otherwise it looks a bit made up.


abit hypocritical, police should be arresting nazis physco's with

27.03.2009 13:11

with serious antisocial behaviour disorder

arnold frank

Thanks for comments

27.03.2009 20:27

All available was sent to as many people as possilbe thorugh email, phone, face to face and Indymedia. Perhaps you'd like to send a message to and I'll add you to our list?

Nothing great about getting nicked, been there done that. It was amusing, hence the paragraph ending "ha ha!" Besides, I never said the local was a fascist - he wasn't. Just giving it the big one. And who said that we needed protecting from him? Piece of advice to him - if you're going to start shouting a @@@@@ and @@@@@@@ etc, don't do it right in front of a copper!

In my experience, the vast majority of people are antifascist, and they're not difficult to find. And yes, there are a number in Sutton.

Source for Allesbrook quotes:

Also I'd like to apologise personally to anyone and offended by a style of journalism that is not specifically to the taste of the reader.

East Midlands UAF

So the BNP supporters

03.04.2009 13:23

So the BNP supporters were in the cosy pub having a pint and you were stood on the street a block away like moaning grannies? Wow you should be congratulated. How many counties did you pass through to get a block away from the Nag's head?