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Israeli Airstrike on Sudan

xx | 26.03.2009 12:01

news is filtering out of an Israeli airstrike on Sudan at the height of the Gaza attacks in january



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The part of the story not to miss

26.03.2009 13:05

What probably has most of the players in the area (and most militaries in the world) wondering. Not the "technical" aspects of the air strike which after all was in a part of the Sudan relaively close and not all that far in from the sea. But the "intelligence" aspects.

HOW did they do it? Find out how the Fajr missles were to be moved and details of this truck convoy, exactly where it would be when.

mail e-mail: stepbyspefarm

US and UK Supply WMD to the Zionists!

26.03.2009 13:57

Ofcourse what the zionist media does not want to discuss is the fact that ILLEGITIMATE ZIONIST ENTITY get all there weapons and intelligence from the US and UK including the Nuclear, Biological and Chemical weapons! And when these zionist barbarians use these WMD on the Palestinians the bastard media just talks about IsraHELL being wiped of the map or Islamic Terrorism.

The UK and US turn a blind eye to Israeli state terroism because that is what they haveand continue to practice!

Remember it was Israel that wiped Palestine of the map!
It was the US that dropped the Atom Bomb on Japan!
It was UK that gassed the Iraqis!

I hope the Palestinian resistance get whatever weapons they can to defend themselves!

Hamas are not the terrorists IsraHELL are the REAL terrorists!

John Smith

dodgy story

26.03.2009 19:58

while it is not beyond the bounds of possibility that the israeli war machine has committed such an act - rather than it being the work of american forces known to be active in the area - and nor is it stretching credibility to suggest the conoy struck was involed in some form of military supply, two things stand out to contradict such an apprasial:

1. the source (IMEMC) is known to deal in propaganda (if not outright slander) in support of the aims of the zionist cabal

2. the complete lack of any evidence

were it, on the other hand, to be an attempt to ratchet up the pressure on iran (linking the "Fajr" missiles), to increasingly isolate Hamas (in this case from the physical as well as the moral right to arms) and to further their ambitions in the region ... well then this is the perfect story ... for a zionist.

as it stands it is utter nonsense
