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Tips on using the media during the G20 actions/parties

green arrow 2009 | 23.03.2009 19:43 | G20 London Summit | Climate Chaos | Globalisation | Social Struggles

Simple tips about effective strategies at the G20 actions.

The G20 actions are shaping up to be a memorable few days where the people really came together to show how they felt. What with so many great actions planned, (Only one tenth of which we know about) the fact that a select committee has just called for an enquiry into the way the police have been treating protesters, (Congratulations to all those from the Climate Camp legal team and the Lib Dems they worked with to get such a great result!) and the fact that the government and the finance industry have screwed up so wildly that even my completely non-political, apathtic neighbour Dave is talking about coming out for the G20 actions.

So, some simple tips:

1. Before leaving for your actions, plan your 3,9,27. That is, three points, spoken in nine seconds, using around 27 words. That is the perfect soundbite for being aired on TV. So, if any reporters are close, offer your services, either to camera or microphone. Obviously don't swear or rant. 3, 9, 27. It's the perfect news media soundbite.

2. Facepaint/fun noses/festive beards... they all frustrate digital capture.

3. Now, some of you will take umbrage at this but I suspect the massive majority won't: if you see any violence being perpetrated, shut it down. I'm sorry for all you anarchists with names like Flint Dog or Spike (whose real names are often Tarquin) but violence is exactly what will make the front page. It is exactly what the police, The Mail, The Evening Standard, the government etc would LOVE! And anyone who is trying to rally people to violence, make a big song and dance about them, identify them to everyone around as you may well have found pockets of agent provocateurs who will definitely be there. Challenge them. Don't be afraid or intimidated.

I'm sorry to you 'hardliners' but walking along smashing loads of windows is pathetic, it makes for a shit front page. Use your brains, do something spectacular that looks brilliant and gets us on the front page for something positive and immediately atrractive to the general public. I know, the word 'attractive' may grate but it is advertising. We are advertising to the world through a very limited and often treacherous pinhole camera called "the media" It's like a bloody school day out, where the teachers told you, "You're representing the school so I want you to look and act your best". The fact is, you are representing a massive and just movement for radical change in the way this world is being run. Okay, we all have different ideas of the details of how that change will actually be but put aside our differences for just one day can you? Our similarities our overwhelmingly greater.

For two weeks in August last year, the climate camp was put under extraordinary stress by the police, (1,400 from 23 constabularies spending 5.7 million) who were out to push us to the limit and get some violent reaction. They got none. When they filed their reports of harm to the police, it was full of things like "a wasp sting", "hurt back while getting out of car" but NOWHERE were they able to show us being violent back. We won BECAUSE of this. There is now going to be a major investigation into the policing there and at protests in general, the kids in my block know all about Kingsnorth and the TV in general ended up covering us very positively. When there is no violence but spectacular actions, courage and erudite arguments being presented courteously in the media... WE WIN EVERY TIME.

We will swamp the City, shut down all the roads, have a massive party, (Like in the great days of RTS) We will make ourselves heard. We will inspire the nation and the world ONLY if we don't have headlines of violence and destruction.

5. You do not ever have to give your details unless you are arrested. If you are detained, you need say nothing at all. The first fifteen minutes after arrest are when you are most vulnerable. The police are trained to extract as much as possible from you, (In an offhand, 'matey' way) during that period. Say nothing. Continually insist on knowing exactly why you have been arrested and make sure you have the police write down in their notebooks what they say and you sign it. They often try and change their reasons for arrest later.

The police love you being violent. Just don't do it. Ignore them. Even better, include them if you can.

All the best and all power to those of you who have the courage and conviction to come and join in!

Nothing can defeat an idea whose time has come. Victor Hugo.

green arrow 2009


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  1. Nice one Green Arrow — Silent Bob