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G20 Which side are you on? | 22.03.2009 13:55 | Sheffield

It has to be made clear as the hype and propaganda towards the G20 builds on both sides we need to ask which side are we on?

Do we enjoy the spectacle of the spectacular of The Middle Class fighting the police, or do we keep raising the concerns of The Police State, that the state to some extent will allow such protesters there moment so they can increase the pressure upon The Working Class, from Climate Change to The Global Crises it is not the making of The Working Class, once again the greed and actions of The Middle Class have brought us here.

The protest over the next coming weeks has nothing to do with the injustice of our class, it has more to do with The Middle Class protecting and protesting to save there privilege, the state welcomes there protest in private as it is a means to practice and clamp down on the Working Class, and if we are asked at underclassrising which side are we are on it has to be made clear neither:

In the last weeks a report was made to parliament [] into the abuse of police powers during the climate camp protests at Kingsnorth in 2008. The report [] and accompanying video [] documented systemic abuses of power including blanket stop and searches, arbitrary seizure of property, and a campaign of phycological intimidation which included sleep deprivation through helicopter overflying late into the night, mock night and dawn raids by tooled up riot police, and the infamous ‘Flight of the Valkyries’ incident.

Following the report the Kent Police voluntarily referred complaints about the actions of their officers to the Independent Police Complaints Commission [].

David Howarth, Liberal Democrat Shadow Justice Secretary said [
over-policing], “What happened at the Climate Camp was deeply disturbing and part of what seems to be a disturbing national trend. Political agendas have no place in policing.”

The extent of political policing was further exposed the previous week the Guardian revealed that the police have been building up a database of thousands of political activists [] as well as harassing sympathetic journalists.

The police also began their annual summer propaganda offensive against protesters in the form of ‘the summer of rage’ in [] which they began to lay the foundations to justify heavy handed suppression of the right to protest, and further attacks upon The Working Class:


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J Jorden

22.03.2009 15:18

One is also confused as these wadicals, you state your corner and they become all upset, ha but he called me names nasty horrible working class type, had something to say..

It seems they can not deal with any amount of critique, thought from there mantra etc, and one of those who is active in organising the G20 counter protest got caught with there hands down the knickers of one of there students when they was teaching at Sheffield Hallam University, was asked to leave said Sheffield Hallam University..

“The majority of protest groups have promised to demonstrate peacefully, but there are fears anarchist and hardcore anti-capitalists from Britain and abroad will try to fight police in pitched battles reminiscent of the anarchist riots of the late 1990s which caused millions of pounds of damage. [...] One organiser is believed to be a senior lecturer at the University of East London.”

The Independent:

He being the former one from Sheffield Hallam University, Christ you could not make up this shit it already there

J Jorden

divisive crap

22.03.2009 21:52

hidden before, underclassrising repost again, this time under the petticoat protection of the sheffield 'collective' (that why they call themselves underclass?)


Lets Talk..

23.03.2009 11:19

One climate change activist, who has been arrested on numerous protests, said yesterday: "With so much media attention and so many world leaders coming to town next week I can guarantee there will be all sorts of groups looking to perform an array of exciting direct action stunts.

Time again we are told it is divisive crap, to bring forward at this time of the global crises, concern over climate change, the issue of The Middle Class. We are openly classist, not because we are having a temper tantrum, being naughty children, rebelling against The protest over G20 for the sake of it, neither are we seeking attention.

We might have the same concerns, and issues of those involved in The G20 protest, but feel there is more direct action we can take within our locality, for us there seems to very little, no point in taking part of finding a common path with the likes of those involved in what we feel is a utopian and somewhat crass protest.

As has been said it is nothing but a stunt, in all of The Hype we have not read any serious alternatives towards the everyday problem of capitalism, just the need to protest what seems to us for the sake of it, we have been there on such protest and to be frank wish we had not waisted our time in trying to engage or work the middle class involved.

It might be all to easy for us to sit in our little meetings, plagiarise some of our content, spend time writing a cretquie on all of this, then face the bile spewing from the mouths of those involved, telling us we must engage and find common unity.

There is no common unity we have with The Middle Class, there will never be any, we dislike the stretchers of capitalism such as the G20, The Police as much they might do, but we do feel our time our energy is far better spent in giving them a kick.

Agreed it might seem we are just a bunch of extrema head bangers, to place ourself s against The G2O protest, and when we are asked which side are we on, it is simple the side of The Working Class, with so much media attention upon what you are planning, do you not feel you have wasted another opportunity to place anarchism into the conversation? Because we feel once again another opportunity has been waisted, and this is the real shame.

Our Comments are been Hidden:

23.03.2009 14:44

Some indyemedia admin bod, nothing to with Sheffield keeps hideing our Comments, goto here
to read what has been hidden and no doubt this will be hidden, and more misinformation posted..

Two classes, them and us

23.03.2009 23:08

I'm not surprised posts by underclassrising are hidden, they are ROUTINELY DISRUPTIVE and in breech of the sites posting guidelines. Contributors like underclassrising work for the state and if they didn't exist the state would invent them. Their posts UNDERMINE ANY HOPE of unity or even tolerance among those who must come together to resist the new GLOBALISTS of the new world order. The USEFUL IDIOTS and embedded spooks within Indymedia will also make sure that at least some of these posts are appear on the wire to PREVENT THE FORMATION OF ANY EFFECTIVE MASS MOVEMENT.
