Stop the BNP Fundraiser this Wednesday 25 March!
East Midlands Unite Against Fascism | 21.03.2009 16:37 | Anti-racism | Sheffield
The nazi British National Party (BNP) want to hold a fundraising “event” in Sutton in Ashfield. They want to raise money for their European Election campaign this year by having an evening of speeches fron BNP Furher Nick Girffin and “light and sound effects plus cinema-graphics”. Who writes this stuff?!
The last time Nick Griffin tried something like this in Notts, over 100 people turned up to stop the meeting. We blocked the venue entrance leaving an impotent Griffin helpless. We can do it again!
Meet at Nottingham station, 5.30 Wednesday. Bring you, your mates, your colleagues, cars, banners...
Updates to follow, or email
Meet at Nottingham station, 5.30 Wednesday. Bring you, your mates, your colleagues, cars, banners...
Updates to follow, or email
East Midlands Unite Against Fascism
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Hammer Time!
21.03.2009 18:10
MC Hammer
Rather than hitting them, why dont we ask them to give donations for the people
21.03.2009 21:38
Maybe we could do this before or after away from event so the police dont feel forced to stop us.
No hammering should be necessary, let the sado's string themselves up, unless they wake up
robin Hood
bnp demo
23.03.2009 23:20
red dog
red dog
more info would stop the calls of this UAF demo being undemocratic
24.03.2009 20:22
More people will support you in this if things are more transparent & democratic.
Not saying where the venue is also abit of a shame, seems as if you dont trust people, most people do hate the people for goodness sake& they do deserve alot of what they get. The BNP should either top themselves or change.
For future demo's invite more people in on the planning early please, Antifa,stop the bnp,NAFA,AFA & UAF all need to learn to work together & be as democratic as possible!!
Maybe 2 redirection points would work better, 5.30 train station, 5.45 at the phoenix & then meet up at the take the piss out of the fascists gathering point
Johnny ex dread
24.03.2009 22:58
red dog
26.03.2009 12:16
Would have been much much better if we'd got there sooner and we'd had more people but the local kids who joined the demo made it worthwhile :)
All it took was a quick explanation of what we were doing and why, and what the BNP were about, and they knew which side they were on, and let the nazis know it. Good on 'em!
It wasn't just UAF - Stop the BNP were there too and Hope Not Hate announced it via email. I agree that we need maximum unity from all groups to smash these bastards.