London Indymedia's SHAC Clampdown
Chicken | 17.03.2009 11:39 | SHAC | Indymedia
Running scared of police attention?
More Support For SHAC Demos
"More Support For SHAC Demos" (articles/860) has been hidden by the user "marcos."
The following reasons were given:
Needs to be checked, don't have time for it right now.
SHAC Financial Campaign Update
"SHAC Financial Campaign Update" (articles/830) has been hidden by the user "marcos."
The following reasons were given:
Needs to be checked, don't have time for it right now.
WTF is this, solidarity actions by Indymedia London in support of the Police clampdown?
More Support For SHAC Demos
"More Support For SHAC Demos" (articles/860) has been hidden by the user "marcos."
The following reasons were given:
Needs to be checked, don't have time for it right now.
SHAC Financial Campaign Update
"SHAC Financial Campaign Update" (articles/830) has been hidden by the user "marcos."
The following reasons were given:
Needs to be checked, don't have time for it right now.
WTF is this, solidarity actions by Indymedia London in support of the Police clampdown?
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Inevitable and sensible
17.03.2009 13:57
SHAC have their own website - why not use that?
SHACwatch is soooo not welcome
17.03.2009 14:18
Because they have every right to use a website whose mission statement is this:
"The Indymedia London website provides an interactive platform for reports from the struggles for a world based on peace, freedom, co-operation, justice and solidarity; and against environmental degradation, neoliberal exploitation, war, racism and patriarchy. The reports cover a wide range of issues and social movements - from neighbourhood campaigns to grassroots mobilisations, from critical analysis to direct action."
SHACwatch however has no such right as it stands for repression and gloats over the victimisation of activists by the state.
solidarity not submission
Inevitable? Sensible?
17.03.2009 15:32
Presumably it is inevitable and sensible just not to bother with demonstrations and nonviolent direct action?
Lynn Sawyer
'needs to be checked'
17.03.2009 15:47
So I guess someone from SHAC has made contact with the London Indymedia and is working with them to verify posts? If not I guess it's all pissing in the wind.
Which part bores you?
17.03.2009 17:38
That the 'media activists' at London Indymedia aren't showing solidarity with a campaign that is being severaly repressed
Brokeback Bill
How long does it take to check?
17.03.2009 19:17
But it's a few days since:
Sat Mar 14 14:10:16 PDT 2009
"More Support For SHAC Demos" (articles/860) has been hidden by the user "marcos."
And a few more since:
Sun Mar 8 14:24:39 PDT 2009
"SHAC Financial Campaign Update" (articles/830) has been hidden by the user "marcos."
How many days are we expected to wait for our "indypendent" news?
Till it's no longer news perhaps?
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