Direct Action Germany: End of February
direct action news from germany | 16.03.2009 21:26 | Anti-militarism | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | World
03/03/2009 - First attack against the Thor Steinar shop in Friedrichshain (Berlin)
02/03/2009 - Spontaneous demonstration for Christian S. / Stones against a Commerzbank (Berlin)
28/02/2009-01/03/2009 - Arson attack on expensive cars (Berlin)
01/03/2009 - DHL branch painted olive green (Berlin)
26/02/2009 - Army vehicles burned down! (Burg)
26/02/2009 - "Erik and sons" hacked!
24/02/2009 - Tires of two police vans slashed (Berlin)
24/02/2009 - Police prevents arsons attack – probable target the german army (Karlsruhe)
19/02/2009 - Package station of Wuppertal's post office colored (Wuppertal)
18/02/2009 - War memorial rendered nicer (Göttingen)
Mid-Feb - Antifa actions during the neonazi demonstration
First attack against the Thor Steinar shop in Friedrichshain (Berlin)
Spontaneous demonstration for Christian S. / Stones against a Commerzbank (Berl
DHL branch painted olive green (Berlin)
Army vehicles burned down! (Burg)
Package station of Wuppertal's post office colored (Wuppertal)
Oldenburg, 3 of March 2009
On the 03.03..09 we caked the city major Schwandner in PFL (Oldenburg).
He earned the cake for his politic!
The superfluous ones
A cake for the city major Schwandner
This cake has been well earned by the city major and not only because of his trips to China of in the castleyeards, which are right now on the lips of everybody, but also because of locally enforced political decision, which a re a much worse thing.
At first, for us it is about the restructuring of the harbor and trainstation districts: the city plans a district for new-rich elite, made by offices and expensive apartments.
Extravagant strolling for people with money.
That this thing looks like as a total wrong plan, it is one thing.
The other one is the intention followed by Schwandner and co. through this.
Indeed it is very clear that such a district produces superfluous ones.
People stemming from specific part of society will be displaced from here because of growing rents, through which one will make an exclusive living place for the riches.
So one is seeking a displacement of the „superfluous ones“ from the city image and, above all, it is about profits.
So instead of profit there s a cake for mr. Schwandner...
On the other side, it is about politics enforce against jobless people.
The city act a politic of „spare“ for what concerns help of jobless people, which means also that they get less and less money and have no chance of building themselves a life.
One tries also to criminalize and intimidate all jobless people who self-organize.
Through this one tries to prevent them to take in their hands the ongoing situation.
A further point is that the city actively support the repressive politic acted in the detention center of Blankenburg.
As example, the busses to Blankenburg drive only five time a day.
Migrants pay for a trip (both way) 4 euros, which means 10% of their monthly „pocket-money“ of 40 euros, this even though the city could support them financially without problems.
Also, the city carries on a racist system of coupons, which prevents migrants who are tolerated to get social help.
Through this cake for Schwandner it is not just about his person, but about his role as a representative of this politic, which declares people as superfluous-
He get this cake for creating a yuppie district, for reducing social help, for the existence of the lager Blankenburg and so on – so for a politic, which declares people as superfluous.
For capitalism to be superfluous soon instead of us!
Source: Indymedia
First attack against the Thor Steinar shop in Friedrichshain
Berlin, 3 of March 2009
It is not going good for the swanky Thor Steinar oullet, opened on Saturday in the „leftist“ district of Berlin-Friedrichshain.
Only two day after its inauguration it got its windosw smashed daytime, despite the massive police presence (day and night).
This seems to be so embarassing for the pigs that they did not release any statement about the action.
Alreadyy in the night before the inauguration there has been an attempt to throw color on the store.
The alleged author has been arrested by civil cops though.
Source: Indymedia
note for english speaking reader: recently a Thor Steinar shop, so a famous shop which makes money by propagating neonazi ideology, target of numerous attacks and campaings during the year, opened in Friedrichshain, very close to the Rigaerstrasse, where several house projects are hosted and in general where people live which understand themselves as active antifascists.
This is not the first time such a shop open is such district: last year was the same in Rostock, where the shop suffered massive attacks of any type and got closed.
We are sure, this very one won't last that long as well...
Spontaneous demonstration for Christian S. / Stones against a Commerzbank
Berlin, 2 of March 2009
On the night of the 2.3.09 a spontaneous demonstration took place in Kreuzberg.
It directed against the imprisonment of the antifascist Christian S..
About 50 people took part. The demonstration walked around Mariannenplatz and Kottbusser Tor, where a Commerzbank got smashed.
It walked also the Adaltbertstr. and the Oranienstr., where some construction material flew onto the streets. All the time people chanted slogans for the release of Christian S. and distributed flyers.
Inhabitants and passer byers expressed their simpathy.
As the cops came closer with a massiv e presence, we spread around the Heinrichsplatz.
It is to be believed that the prison Plötzensee will keep to escalate the situation in order to provoke further disturbances.
Freedom for Christian S. Now!
Prisons to become holes!!!
Solidarity with the antimilitarists on trial!!!
Solidarity with the three squatters from München!!!
Away with justice, prison and pigs!!!
Source: Indymedia
Arson attack on expensive cars
Berlin, 28 of February/1 of March 2009
The series of arson on cars goes on.
During the weekend, three cars of the trademark Audi burned in Friedrichshain, so the police.
The cops could partly stop the fire by themselves.
In Mitte, there has been an attempted arson.
On sunday morning, in the Antonstr., a witness saw how a man threw a burning piece of cloth under a limousine, screaming against capitalists.
The police could prevent a fire on the car, state security investigates.
Source: Berliner Zeitung
DHL branch painted olive green
Berlin, 1 of March 2009
A branch of the package service company sited in the Ritterstr, Berlin, has been painted green during the last days.
There, the doors were opened and green color was everywhere.
Beside this, flyers lied on nthe floor, which clarified the reason of the action.
Therein, one thematized and criticized the cooperation of DHL with the german army and others, as for example the US-one in Iraq.
Also, one found advertisement for a website and a campaign, which has the goal to attack publicly attack the DHL image and raise attention about militarization, civil-military cooperation and war.
Source: Indymedia

Army vehicles burned down!
Burg, 26 of February 2009
Yesterday night (26.02.09) three special radio cars of the german army burned down.
The amount of the damages reaches about 100.000 euros, one does not exclude a political motivation for the act.
Here an article of the press:
Flames destroy three radio cars of the german army
A fire happened on thursday night on a car workshop sited in Burg provoked a damage of about 100.000 euros.
Three vehicles of the german army parked there burned almost to the ground.
A police patrol noticed the fire shortly before 1am on the yard of the car workshop sited in the Zerbster Chaussee and called the fire brigade.
As the latter came few minutes later, two of the three cars were already completly burned.
Firebrigade tried gto get the fire under control, since it was threatening to reach alos the workshop building.
It took them over half an hour.
Officers of the LKA (criminal office) came to check the situation, they do not exclude arson.
„We investigates in all direcgions“, confirms Burg's police spokeperson Ralph Völker.
„From a technical defect to a politically motivated act, one can not exclude anything right now“.
The three vehicles, sited on the workshop for reparations, are three special radio cars.
Police ask inhabitants for cooperation.
Source: Volksstimme
„Erik and sons“ hacked!
www 26 of February 2009
Shop closed on the www
The datenantifa hacked officially the online-shop of the neonazi trademark „Erik and sons“.
One can check now on different website the data of the right wing customers of this inhuman shop.
One left a message on the former website of „Erik and sons“:
One other style – same old shit
We close down this website because the trademark „Erik and sons“ is establishing next to the other well-known trademarek „Thor Steinar“, which is contributing spreading neonazi ideology.
We are fed up with nazi idiots, who want to build an „aryan race“ by using northern – german mithology!
An end to the profiteers behind NS-symbols!
Close down these shops everywhere and by any means“
here one can find the data of the customers (we wish them to be widespread)

Source: Indymedia
Tires of two police vans slashed
Berlin, 24 of February 2009
Unknown persons have slashed the tires of two police vans in the night to Tuesday in the Hans-Schiftan-Str. in Neukölln.
Until now, one excludes a political motivation (we are still happy though!)
Source: Berliner Zeitung
Police prevents arsons attack – probable target the german army
Karlsruhe, 24 of February 2009
After a hours-long hunt, one managed to prevent an attack against a depot of the german army in Karlsruhe.
The police declared that a car with plainclothes policemen would have followed two suspicious and masked up bike riders through the innercity.
The two managed to escape in the darkness and through several city districts, but the police gathered proofs which should lead to them.
The criminal police accuse the two of preparing an explosive attack.
„They used the protection of the darkness and chose streets where cars could not go and pieced of forest“, declared a police spokeperson referring the successful escape of the two.
The police hunted them for over three hours with a helicopter armed with a camera recognizing the heat, before they lost them.
However, they threw away several stuff, as for example several plastic bottle of 1,5 liter taped together and filled with gasoline.
Package station of Wuppertal's post office colored
Wuppertal, 19 of February 2009
A claim which reached our mailbox:
„In the night from the 18 to the 19 of February, we colored the package station of Wuppertal's main post office with red color, as also we spraypainted the words „Stop the war-logisticians of DHL!“
By this we want to raise attention about the militaristic engagement of DHL, as we also did already in January through the olive-green postboxes.
Following some action in Berlin and München, the DHL published a writing for its workers, where they explained that because of the DHL's cooperation with the german army, further actions could take place.
The graffitis on Wuppertal's post office have been painted away already in the morning.
DHL seems to not wanting to defend its war engagement in the public.
The DHL, 100% property of the Deutsche Post World Net, transports already since 2002 stuff for the german army.
Right now, they tried to apply for the biggest transport job of german history, since the german army wants to delegate most of its basis logistic to a civil company.
Concretely, it is about the storage of army material and transport of war equipment, soldiers, ammunition and fuel.
DHL out of the „war business“!
Prevent the 60 years festivities of NATO in Strabourg/Baden-Baden!
Antimilitarist package-deliverers - Campaign Comprehensive Resistance“
War memorial rendered nicer
Göttingen, 18 of February 2009
On friday the 20.02.09 one planned a military music show in the Lokhalle of Göttingen.
Therefore, on the night from the 17 to the 18.2 two war memorial have been rendered nicer!
Here the call of the antimilitarist perspective of Göttingen:
„The Göttingen Lokhalle is a regular place for show of military marches of a special kind: the „biggest military music show“.
Around 400 army musicians are awaited for the 20 of February, on top of this thousands lovers of the still alive march-music.
Different antimilitarist initiatives call for this day to a big gratification action around the building opf the Lokhalle and we can even rely on a decision of the Göttinger landcourt: mid of january the process against an antimilitarist of Göttingen ended with an acquittal.
He was senteced a year ago to breaching the housepeace, following the protests against the show at the Lokhalle.
The housepeace, so the court, could not have been broken though, since the building of the Lokhalle.
Source: Indymedia
Antifa actions during the neonazi demonstration
A claim which reached us:
„On monday the 2 of February we payed a visit to the offices of Rohr, district Mariendorf, and we torched his car.
direct action news from germany