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BNP hammer attack by extremist

lhm | 15.03.2009 01:32 | Repression | Social Struggles | Terror War | Birmingham | South Coast

why was the hammer attack by extremist violent activist protesters pulled from indymedia?

can someone answer this - are we afraid of diverse view - vilence is violence is extreme behaviour.
pictures and posts were vanished - kilan mundera style - was I seeing things or what???
please respond? this is important. what was the thinking behind the screening??



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the imc-uk-moderation list should say why articles were hidden

15.03.2009 02:18

The imc-uk-moderation list should say why articles were hidden.

The archives are publicly visible here:

For the BNP hammer attack, see here:


I have hidden these reposts of a corporate media article:

- BNP member attacked with hammer (424225)
by antifa

- BNP member attacked with hammer (424224)
by antifa


You can see the hidden articles and the comments here:



15.03.2009 02:20

probably because it was a direct repost of a bbc article?


This machine only kills fascists

15.03.2009 05:50

Guthries guitar ?
Guthries guitar ?

It is silly to take public pleasure in your enemies injuries. Even you can see why that would raise suspicions.

If this is the assasination attempt it is being portrayed in the tabloids then I would expect greater injury, and a hearse draped in the Union Jack.


sorry but

15.03.2009 07:45

what do you think a BNP Britain would look like? An episode of the "darling birds of may"? More like a ultra-authoritanian nightmare. How do you think the BNP will deport 2 million people? By force obviously. And what would happen to the economy? it will collapse. and so those 2 million people will be put to work in camps whilst waiting to be deported - sounds familiar.

Hammer time

MC Hammer