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Huntsman jailed for attack on monitor

Goose | 14.03.2009 01:41 | Animal Liberation | Social Struggles

A Huntsman from Devon's been jailed for a moronic, unprovoked attack on a hunt monitor.

Christopher Marles used his horse to knock Helen Weekes over and send her flying into a ditch. When she climbed out, he threatened her and shoved her back in, despite her pleas for him to stop.

Marles stood and laughed at her as she clambered out again. Two people then pinned Miss Weekes, who was crying by this point, against a car and tried to take her camera. She later had to go to hospital with severe stomach pains, and has had trouble sleeping since the assault last March.

Marles, 47 from New Buildings, Farringdon, was jailed for 6 months at Exeter Crown Court, having also breached a previous suspended sentence - his lawyer claimed the huntsmen felt they shouldn't have been filmed, and that Marles had been drinking that day.

The case judge, Recorder Ros Collins told Marles "you acted like an arrogant, cowardly drunken lout and I hope you are thoroughly ashamed. You are lucky the injuries were not more serious".



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Only six months!

14.03.2009 10:24

I am glad to see this hunt scum jailed, but if it had been the other way round the sentence would have been much higher than six months.


9 months' suspended - but 6 months' jail.

14.03.2009 18:50

Well, what do you expect? This wretched little country's Monarchy fully supports the hunt, not the Ban, so it's not surprising that the established jurisprudence will bend over backwards to be lenient. Not so, one hopes, the other inmates of the jail!

Howard Phillips