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Amok run of Winnenden, in Germany, is comprehensible

Benjamin Bildung | 12.03.2009 13:31 | Analysis | Culture | Education | World

In a State Media television interview yesterday the German Chancellor Angela Merkel from the Christian Democratic Union Party, CDU, announced the Amok run of Winnenden in the Federal State of Baden-Wuerttemberg, near the regional capital of Stuttgart, as being "incomprehensible". In fact there are specific historical, sociological and psychological influences and efficacies.

There is no such thing like ethical or a special intellectual education at most schools in Germany, so there are pupils who feel the pressure of gaining economical success in later life by passing their school terms smoothly, but if they fail, some are getting mad... like the Amok runner of Winnenden. He obviously didn't know how to succeed emotionally.

There are different reasons for becoming mad-minded in Germany: First of all, there is an aristocratic, selective school-structure emerging from the 19th century, called the 'three-divided school-system' - that means one school for working class pupils (Hauptschule), one for the coming civil servants (Realschule) and one for the privileged élite (Gymnasium) - still dominating in many parts of Germany, especially in the south-west where the Christian Democratic Party, CDU, takes the governmental responsibility - as the political culture in Baden-Wuerttemberg for decades looks like - a much more disintegrated and dehumanized school-system than, for instance, in Britain before the comprehensive Primary- and Secondary School was established in the 1960s and 1970s.

Ideologically Germany has been one of the most disrupted countries in Europe since the days of the 30-years-war between the Protestants and Catholics from 1618 to 1648.

When it comes to questions of education, the political answer often is: "I agree with you to disagree."

A progressive consensus of how to develop a philanthropic and socially integrated society is further away than the nearest neighbouring galaxy.

That's why there is a kind of schizophrenic mood among the native Germans, not the immigrants.
There is a tendency of not trying to understand each other or of developing empathy, patience and friendliness, particularly among the middle-class and upper-class Germans. They are looking for scapegoats again and again and stigmatize other people for their own ignorance.

I would say: Since 1933 something is rotten in the state of Germany.
Germany is still a fragile civilization, built up on engineering progress, but not on terms of humanity and participation.

A well-known German publicist, Dr Ralph Giordano, now in his eighties, a few years ago said in an HR-interview - the broadcasting station of the Federal state of Hesse – Hitler in 1945 was defeated militarily, but not yet intellectually!

The historical darkness of Auschwitz - human selection, physical annihilation and self-destruction - is the psychological underworld of 99% of the Germans even nowadays.

There is still a long way to come forwards in this country with its great tradition of classical composers, poets and expressionist painters, a long way to go for politicians, the educational system, teachers and pupils as well as for the rest of the society.

The Amok run of Winnenden - once more - is a beacon!

From Bremen, Germany, Benjamin Bildung

Benjamin Bildung


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Amok running in Winnenden

12.03.2009 19:13

Sorry, what you are stating in your article is just NOT true... I am a teacher at Stuttgart school and must say that your statements have little to do with reality!!
Maybe you should first get informed about the topic and then try to put your opinion into the net!!


Change the attitude of mind

13.03.2009 00:19

Dear fellow-countryman tabse,

Your oppressive, exclusive and aristocratic-like statement gives me the evidence of being right with my estimate of 99% schizophrenic mood and behaviour among native Germans.

Germany, due to historical failures, is still one of the most regressive societies in terms of communication abilities, integration policies and equality of chances. That's why all UNO-reports of educational research have been criticising Germany for years now.

You can ignore that reality, or you can try to CHANGE your attitude of mind in order to help children and adolescents in developing emotional confidence and creativity.

I think, the old but still vivid German phrase "Talking is silver, silence is gold" ("Reden ist Silber, Schweigen ist Gold") is one of the reasons why so many boys and young adults are reacting violently in a narrow-minded environment.

I am deeply concerned about it.

With kind regards,


Benjamin Bildung


13.03.2009 09:53

I think it has been a long time since the Gymnasium has been the sole domain of the rich elite. Okay, they German educatuion is pretty fucking crazy compared to the UK system. But, I'm not convinced that the same amount of social disadvantage doesn't exist in the UK system despite its levels of relative broader social access. Anyone have any data to prove the point either way?

And what planet are you living on if you think that largely historical attitudes of Uebermenschen (superhumans) and Untertanen (underlings) are still a relevant factor in a kid going on a "killing spree" (Amoklaufen)???

The argument that after how many generations down the line, that Germans are still operating on an overwhelmingly racist level, is itself racist in implying that there is some kind of inherent racism in Germans or German culture.

From personal experience fi anything the cultural uniquity of Europeans is in the last throes of life as globalisation has robbed us all. Now if you wanted to argue that perhaps the kid went apeshit because globalisation is replacing German culture with American culture, you might be getting somewhere- and all that comes with it including shit food, smashing unions, diseased communties, gun crime and yes "going postal" (Amoklaufen)?

Is your argument some kind of anti-Deutsch Lite (TM)???

Because let's face it killing sprees such as these are far more American cultutally than German.

Like most things in life you can't just make the data fit a thesis. And you will find that there will be contributory factors on may levels from the personal psychological, the family psychological, the genetic, and yes somewhere in the mix the cultural too. And causality will likely have much to do with a lack support in his social circle.

And sometimes people just do insane things that have no philosophical or political dimension.

(Ex-Gymnasium staff)



13.03.2009 12:05

Is this author really german? I'm not german, but I'm living near Winnenden and I have friends from Winnenden.
This articel is based on assumptions and feelings not on facts. First of all, educating system in Germany isn't based on how rich your family is. It depends on how good you are. "Hauptschule" is for students who are less intelligent or lazy, "Realschule" for medium students and "Gymnasium" for better students. That's all! No elite or underclass things.
And there is ethical education in every school in Germany, it's part of the lesson plan.

The problems between upper- and underclass in Germany aren't bigger than anywhere else. By the way, this student's family is rich ;) The father has his own company and a nice pretty house with a garden and lots of friendly neigbours around ;) No need for wrong comments about upper- and underclass in this context.

Why did this student run amok? Probably because of his dictatorial father who has his own weapons at home. Not like in the USA weapon holders in Germany aren't really respected, Germans don't like people who have weapons at home.
To mention the third war and hitler in this context just shows that the author don't know anything about the amok run in Winnenden. This has nothing to do with happenings in german history.

Please stop spreading rumors and prejudices about other nations... we all know them. All Germans are nazis, all Americans are dumb and all Arabic people and muslims are terrorists.. what a bullshit *lol*

(head-shaking) greetings from Stuttgart.


Germany's invention of post-war educational segregation

13.03.2009 14:41

@ Hotzenplotz - 09:53

Dear Hotzenplotz, I was listening to an interview with Tim's former Table Tennis Coach just an hour ago. He described Tim, the Amok runner, as a "normal boy", "calm and introverted, not at all aggressive" and a 'non trouble-maker', all together the sort of a Make-up, cosmetic-like personality. His killing training area, the family mansion's cellar, nobody was interested in.

I am afraid to say, that's exactly the kind of character a majority of German teachers, politicians and parents are propagating again and again as the ideal 'Untertan' (subject) since 1933, or even since 1871, or after 1848?

By the way, I don't blame 99% of Germans of being racists. I was culturally refering to the inability of integrated communication skills and integrated emotionality.

@ maxxcite - 12:05

Ah, here you are, the neo-aristocratic, selective education conference of the Federal Republic of Germany!

Are you fragmented feeling?

What do you mean by telling me of "less intelligent or lazy" pupils???

The University of Bremen recently conducted a study of intelligence among 'Hauptschueler',
pupils from the so called 'Hauptschule', the third-class school, the German invention of post-war segregation and ghettoisation of human beings, one one the most barbaric school-systems in the world that makes pupils feeling depressed and schizophrenic or incapable in developing interpersonal understanding.

It emerged that most of the pupils there have the same level of intelligence as their counterparts from the German Grammar school, the Gymnasium have, but have failed due to discrimination of elementary school teachers, a poorer family-background etc.

And what does ethical education in Germany mean? Some lessons of Martin Luther's battle with the Catholic church, not to speak of Luther's antijudaist speeches, his hatred of Jewish culture and synagogues?

I wish you both a reflective weekend!


Benjamin Bildung

God in heaven

13.03.2009 17:12

What is that buttockchatposting doing on the Indymedia England? It should be on the Indymedia Germany, no? The situation of the Germany schools is highly not fascinating, indeed?
