Attack the arms factories - Solidarity with the EDO defendants
a few anarchists | 09.03.2009 16:22 | Smash EDO | Anti-militarism | Palestine | Social Struggles | World
EDO MBM is a daughter company of ITT America. ITT are the 12th largest
manufacturers of weapons in the world, currently producing electrical
equipment designed and used for warfare world wide.
manufacturers of weapons in the world, currently producing electrical
equipment designed and used for warfare world wide.
In recognition of EDO MBM’s implicit role within the global industrial military complex, the platform 'Smash EDO' has formulated a campaign which has persistently and
relentlessly acted against weapons components being locally produced in
Brighton, UK.
'Smash EDO' have taken blue prints from the UK Animal Liberation movement
(for example: ALF, SHAC) The chosen method focuses on one specific target,
downsizing the 'enemy', and attacking persistently. 'Smash EDO' is a
militant single-issue campaign with a strong anarchist tendency. EDO has
been a target for over five years by some of Brighton's activists and
anarchists, as well as others who came from across the UK and beyond.
A variety of direct actions have been applied, including 'lock-ons', roof
top occupations, 'die ins', invasions of the premises and every week with
out fail, there are 'noise' demos at the gates of the factory. These
actions are repeated many times and often result in the short term closing
of EDO. Ultimately these acts are made as a media stunt, but usually they result
in some delays in work productivity. The managing director has been
forced to damage his own property on many occasions, by cutting through
his own fortifications, or smashing his own windows to enter the building.
Individuals making these kind of direct actions usually hold themselves
accountable in this context and act within a framework of democratic
legitimacy, ie. using their 'right' to protest.
In June of 2008 a 'Carnival against the Arms Trade' presented itself as a
march through the streets of Brighton. The demonstration ended with
clashes erupting outside of the EDO premises. The car park was invaded- as
well as spray paint, windows were smashed and the managing directors car
was attacked. Following this national event in June was another
demonstration in October 2008 - 'Shut ITT'. There was a tense stand-off
with the police several times during the demo, and small groups of people
split off from the demo to cause damage with paint-filled bottles against
the arms factory. The demo spread into the centre of the city with many
places being caught up in the tumult. Again another successful
demonstration of how chaos can ensue when enough people gather together in
It is fair to say that Smash EDO has inspired individuals from all over
the UK and beyond, this has given birth to a real diversity of direct
actions. Individuals and groups have autonomously acted in defiance
generating an attack that crushes socially imposed ideas of acceptable and
accountable action.
Acts of sabotage have been relentlessly aimed at the EDO compound in
Brighton. EDO have been hit hard where all large corporations feel pain
most harshly, via economic damage. In 2005 air ventilation units were
smashed to pieces causing 40,000 pounds worth of damage to the factory.
Since this action EDO have fortified their premises with high fences,
razor wire and 24 hour security. Regardless of such high fortification EDO
has still been under attack. Windows have been repeatedly smashed, as well
as graffiti and paint bomb attacks.
In the early hours of 17 January 2009, EDO-MBM was attacked by 6 people in
an accountable direct action against militarism. Over £300,000 worth of
equipment was smashed, including computer systems, electronic work
stations, as well as windows and general damage to the property. The
perpetrators of this action called themselves 'The Decommissioners' and
held themselves accountable for the damage caused. The Decommissioners
have stated that this specific action has arisen from anger about the
occupation and subjugation of Palestinians, that it was a direct response
to the killings of thousands within the Gaza strip, January 2009. EDO
manufacture key components for the F15 and F16 fighter jets, The Israeli
States weapon of choice for air bombardment. It has also been directly
stated by The Decommissioners that "the time for talking has gone too far"
- The Decommissioners actions certainly speak louder than any words could
in the context provided. They justified their actions in the context of
preventing a ‘war crime’, using reference to international ‘laws’ and
‘rights’ which carries a belief in democracy and an individuals 'right' to
uphold the 'law'. Their belief is that domestic English law is corrupt and
not in compliance with international laws and therefore should be
The language used to 'justify' the decommissioning of EDO offers a
legitimate face to the general public. However this face is misleading,
this façade implies that there is a society worth reasoning with, that
democratic legitimacy itself will bring about social change and 'justice',
that adhering to some laws while others are manipulated by the State will
gain a eventual positive outcome. This is in compliance with State
imposed hierarchies that exist within capitalist framework and it is
flawed and foolishly misguided. Any action that attempts to justify its
means using laws which were created only to protect the State, will never
appease or rise to meet the brutal fist which relentlessly punches the
Corporations like EDO-MBM legally facilitate the deaths of millions world
wide. They profit from war and the terror of capitalist accumulation. To
act in solidarity with those who suffer directly under military
occupation, whose daily reality receives the physical effects of the
weapons manufactured in Brighton, those who feel the brunt of the sword,
is all well and good, however the sword slices its way through many
aspects of society as it reaches its supposed target. The profit generated
by EDO maintains an occupation of capital. The capital gained from these
wars helps to uphold the social order. War is a money making business,
one of the largest and the capital gained reinforces State power and
control. Control which tightens its grip on every soul which tries to
breath an independent breath. Power that wages wars under the trickery of
'defence', in the deceptive name of 'democracy'.
Our only justification is that we hold a free society within us and are
willing to do whatever it takes to destroy everything that prevents its
realisation. We recognise The Decommissioners as our close comrades in
total revolutionary solidarity, but these are only brittle words, the
fight against EDO in Brighton has been pushed by many people, with
different ideas, theories and actions, it will be interesting to see what
happens next!
The fight against EDO transcends wars legitimised by the State, the
struggle touches everyone, this is social warfare. It is counter
productive to create a legitimate theory to frame ones actions within,
what is important is to defy all attempts of legitimacy, to act out
against State oppression, to ignore State imposed reasoning. The smashing
of EDO, the act itself does this, it defies all social conditioning and
assumed logics, the action itself is the theory.
It is our desire to widen the provided context, to crush the deceptive
language of the State. 'Law' and 'democracy' are false ideas propagated by
the ruling classes, the violent brutal repression on one hand, and on the
other, the whole means of pacifist legal recuperation, representative
politics, trade unions, reformism. It is time to offer a perspective which
is lacking within the narrow scope generated by British politics since the
2002 anti-war movement picked up. It is time for our unbounded anarchist
attack on the entire capitalist system without recourse to compromise.
There are nine individuals facing potential charges for the destruction of
EDO. The Six ‘Decommissioners' and three others who are held in
'connection' with the action. Eight out of the nine arrested were held on
remand for one week in Lewis prison. Two of which are still inside now,
awaiting bail hearing. The charges faced for all are Conspiracy to commit
Criminal damage.
This is not the first time that the State has tried to pin conspiracy
charges to people in relation to Smash EDO. In 2008 five anarchists were
taken to the Crown court for Conspiracy to commit criminal damage and
after a long and painful court case were not found guilty. These are not
the only court cases to have arisen from mass police repression against
the campaign. Due to the nature of 'lock ons' there are many on charge
for aggravated trespass. Repression has become so absurd to the point
where things become funny - Protesters have even been charged for singing
karaoke at a noise demo! Throughout the national demonstrations many were
arrested for public order offences including assaulting police.
Please write to them using the following:
Robert Alford VP 7552 HMP Lewes , 1 Brighton Rd, Lewes, Sussex, BN7 1EA
Elija Smith VP 7551 HMP Bristol, 19 Cambridge Rd, Horfield, BS7 8PS
For more information see
relentlessly acted against weapons components being locally produced in
Brighton, UK.
'Smash EDO' have taken blue prints from the UK Animal Liberation movement
(for example: ALF, SHAC) The chosen method focuses on one specific target,
downsizing the 'enemy', and attacking persistently. 'Smash EDO' is a
militant single-issue campaign with a strong anarchist tendency. EDO has
been a target for over five years by some of Brighton's activists and
anarchists, as well as others who came from across the UK and beyond.
A variety of direct actions have been applied, including 'lock-ons', roof
top occupations, 'die ins', invasions of the premises and every week with
out fail, there are 'noise' demos at the gates of the factory. These
actions are repeated many times and often result in the short term closing
of EDO. Ultimately these acts are made as a media stunt, but usually they result
in some delays in work productivity. The managing director has been
forced to damage his own property on many occasions, by cutting through
his own fortifications, or smashing his own windows to enter the building.
Individuals making these kind of direct actions usually hold themselves
accountable in this context and act within a framework of democratic
legitimacy, ie. using their 'right' to protest.
In June of 2008 a 'Carnival against the Arms Trade' presented itself as a
march through the streets of Brighton. The demonstration ended with
clashes erupting outside of the EDO premises. The car park was invaded- as
well as spray paint, windows were smashed and the managing directors car
was attacked. Following this national event in June was another
demonstration in October 2008 - 'Shut ITT'. There was a tense stand-off
with the police several times during the demo, and small groups of people
split off from the demo to cause damage with paint-filled bottles against
the arms factory. The demo spread into the centre of the city with many
places being caught up in the tumult. Again another successful
demonstration of how chaos can ensue when enough people gather together in
It is fair to say that Smash EDO has inspired individuals from all over
the UK and beyond, this has given birth to a real diversity of direct
actions. Individuals and groups have autonomously acted in defiance
generating an attack that crushes socially imposed ideas of acceptable and
accountable action.
Acts of sabotage have been relentlessly aimed at the EDO compound in
Brighton. EDO have been hit hard where all large corporations feel pain
most harshly, via economic damage. In 2005 air ventilation units were
smashed to pieces causing 40,000 pounds worth of damage to the factory.
Since this action EDO have fortified their premises with high fences,
razor wire and 24 hour security. Regardless of such high fortification EDO
has still been under attack. Windows have been repeatedly smashed, as well
as graffiti and paint bomb attacks.
In the early hours of 17 January 2009, EDO-MBM was attacked by 6 people in
an accountable direct action against militarism. Over £300,000 worth of
equipment was smashed, including computer systems, electronic work
stations, as well as windows and general damage to the property. The
perpetrators of this action called themselves 'The Decommissioners' and
held themselves accountable for the damage caused. The Decommissioners
have stated that this specific action has arisen from anger about the
occupation and subjugation of Palestinians, that it was a direct response
to the killings of thousands within the Gaza strip, January 2009. EDO
manufacture key components for the F15 and F16 fighter jets, The Israeli
States weapon of choice for air bombardment. It has also been directly
stated by The Decommissioners that "the time for talking has gone too far"
- The Decommissioners actions certainly speak louder than any words could
in the context provided. They justified their actions in the context of
preventing a ‘war crime’, using reference to international ‘laws’ and
‘rights’ which carries a belief in democracy and an individuals 'right' to
uphold the 'law'. Their belief is that domestic English law is corrupt and
not in compliance with international laws and therefore should be
The language used to 'justify' the decommissioning of EDO offers a
legitimate face to the general public. However this face is misleading,
this façade implies that there is a society worth reasoning with, that
democratic legitimacy itself will bring about social change and 'justice',
that adhering to some laws while others are manipulated by the State will
gain a eventual positive outcome. This is in compliance with State
imposed hierarchies that exist within capitalist framework and it is
flawed and foolishly misguided. Any action that attempts to justify its
means using laws which were created only to protect the State, will never
appease or rise to meet the brutal fist which relentlessly punches the
Corporations like EDO-MBM legally facilitate the deaths of millions world
wide. They profit from war and the terror of capitalist accumulation. To
act in solidarity with those who suffer directly under military
occupation, whose daily reality receives the physical effects of the
weapons manufactured in Brighton, those who feel the brunt of the sword,
is all well and good, however the sword slices its way through many
aspects of society as it reaches its supposed target. The profit generated
by EDO maintains an occupation of capital. The capital gained from these
wars helps to uphold the social order. War is a money making business,
one of the largest and the capital gained reinforces State power and
control. Control which tightens its grip on every soul which tries to
breath an independent breath. Power that wages wars under the trickery of
'defence', in the deceptive name of 'democracy'.
Our only justification is that we hold a free society within us and are
willing to do whatever it takes to destroy everything that prevents its
realisation. We recognise The Decommissioners as our close comrades in
total revolutionary solidarity, but these are only brittle words, the
fight against EDO in Brighton has been pushed by many people, with
different ideas, theories and actions, it will be interesting to see what
happens next!
The fight against EDO transcends wars legitimised by the State, the
struggle touches everyone, this is social warfare. It is counter
productive to create a legitimate theory to frame ones actions within,
what is important is to defy all attempts of legitimacy, to act out
against State oppression, to ignore State imposed reasoning. The smashing
of EDO, the act itself does this, it defies all social conditioning and
assumed logics, the action itself is the theory.
It is our desire to widen the provided context, to crush the deceptive
language of the State. 'Law' and 'democracy' are false ideas propagated by
the ruling classes, the violent brutal repression on one hand, and on the
other, the whole means of pacifist legal recuperation, representative
politics, trade unions, reformism. It is time to offer a perspective which
is lacking within the narrow scope generated by British politics since the
2002 anti-war movement picked up. It is time for our unbounded anarchist
attack on the entire capitalist system without recourse to compromise.
There are nine individuals facing potential charges for the destruction of
EDO. The Six ‘Decommissioners' and three others who are held in
'connection' with the action. Eight out of the nine arrested were held on
remand for one week in Lewis prison. Two of which are still inside now,
awaiting bail hearing. The charges faced for all are Conspiracy to commit
Criminal damage.
This is not the first time that the State has tried to pin conspiracy
charges to people in relation to Smash EDO. In 2008 five anarchists were
taken to the Crown court for Conspiracy to commit criminal damage and
after a long and painful court case were not found guilty. These are not
the only court cases to have arisen from mass police repression against
the campaign. Due to the nature of 'lock ons' there are many on charge
for aggravated trespass. Repression has become so absurd to the point
where things become funny - Protesters have even been charged for singing
karaoke at a noise demo! Throughout the national demonstrations many were
arrested for public order offences including assaulting police.
Please write to them using the following:
Robert Alford VP 7552 HMP Lewes , 1 Brighton Rd, Lewes, Sussex, BN7 1EA
Elija Smith VP 7551 HMP Bristol, 19 Cambridge Rd, Horfield, BS7 8PS
For more information see

a few anarchists
Hide the following 2 comments
09.03.2009 23:23
'Eight out of the nine arrested were held on
remand for one week in Lewis prison'
Actually only three were held on remand, only one for a few days and the others are still on remand
What is known about EDO's company structure?
10.03.2009 23:20
How many employees do they have and what kind of annual turnover does the company have?