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FIT at Tibet march London

Watcher | 09.03.2009 16:15 | Repression

Forward intelligenge monitoring peaceful demo on 7-2-09

CW 3055
CW 3055

CW 3182
CW 3182

CW 4036 + SCD 43
CW 4036 + SCD 43

EK 148
EK 148

CW 4036
CW 4036

At Saturdays Tibetan march for freedom in London police presence was minimal approx 2-3000 attended march. However the ever present FIT teams were there, here they are any info they gather is held for seven years on intelligence database. contact FITwatch on any FIT or EGT in your area.

The Watcher

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SCD 4(3)

09.03.2009 18:28

SCD 43 is Specialist Crime Directorate 4(3), not the photographer's identifying number


Hey FIT......

09.03.2009 18:59

how do we know that the pictures you took of the Tibetan marchers will not be passed on to the Chinese authorities and used to harrass, torture and imprison the relatives of London based Tibetans?

Be honest, even you plod don't know where your pictures and footage of these peaceful demonstrators will end up, so we must assume that your pictures and other information will be given to China, making you the agents of a torture state.

Do you wonder why you're so unpopular?


Why call them fit?

09.03.2009 22:16

They are most certainly not fit!

ugly fucks