police protecting crime editor of sun from facing justiin discriminating coverup
mc Just ice | 09.03.2009 10:46 | Analysis | Other Press
police are refusing to charge crime editor of the sun mike sullivan and are protecting him from facing justice even though he admitted under oath his convictions of violence and affray t before judge and jury in a trail in whichhe made an attempt to frame victom with the allegations , the victom however used their evidence and cctv to secure enough proof to bring conviction to accuser, but police are refusing to charge saying justice was done,
he hasnt been charged yet but the victoms legal team are making progress the police complaints commission and cheif constable have been informed in detail of incident and victom awaits for the police to do their job without predudice or discrimination for which a lagal case will be set up if this denyal of justice remains held in place by the police. artles 7 are are equal under the law and have its protection is clearly been violated and the victom has been discriminated against because he has previous , however the victom was found not guilty , which leaves only one prooven guilty person to stand and account for their crimes on the london underground on 4/6/08
mc Just ice
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Doesn't work that way
09.03.2009 12:07
You want to say ''X or Y is guility" -- "Y has been found innocent" (not guility beyond reasonable doubt). ERGO -- "X must be guilty".
Unfortunately that wouldn't fly even in ordinarly logic (the lack of sufficient against Y doesn't create sufficient evidence against X -- could be insufficient in both cases and perhpas obviously so in the case of X).
As a matter of fact, this independence of separate court actions and their lack of a need to be consistent with each other is the reason for the existence in civil trials of the plea "interplevin" (I confess that I owe to EITHER X or Y the sum of Z -- a demand that the two civil cases be heard together and thus prevent the possible outcome that as separate court actions BOTH might be lost and the different cases order paying Z to BOTH X and Y).
evidince swore under oath is legal evidence which law must apply justice
09.03.2009 16:22
mc just ice
e-mail: international@rock.com
How about some background to this story?
09.03.2009 22:37
How about a little bit of who/where/what/when/how when writing your articles?
Just a brief paragraph explaining the background would suffice.
this is what happened on the tube on june 4th 2008 at 11 09 pm till 1120
10.03.2009 00:30
incident that sparks it off, drunk editor spots beer & decides to steal it
the momment the thought became an action and crime which exploded into an affray
the male to his right mumbled something in disrespect to this behavior and got up to move away from drunken man and in the process dropped cash on floor, with his back turned to the drunk he stooped to pick up his cash, meanwhile the drunk noted his actions and spotted a beer in his back pocket and stood up to grab the can from stooping man, the man startled and mr sullivan (the drunk) shot back into his seat to avade capture , the man then questioned him about it annoyed that he may have be offended upon by this man , the drunk denyed it, the victom then turned and asked if those sat opposite saw anything, mr jones told him he saw and then the theft victim became cross at drunk man and started to call him names such as thieving w..ker and the like ( i apologise but it is as it was, swearing) then he victom went to exit the tube , sullivan now enraged with rebuke and out of control through exxcessive drink leaps up and launches a nasty violent kick to mans back and sends him flying onto platform,mr jones witnessed all this in front of his eyes as he sat silently and thought that it was to dangerous to have this man onboard in his current state,so he got up to see if he could get him off the tube and into an open space where it is less claustrophobic and dissipate panic and fear onboard including his own, their were ladies present.however this backfired as the doors closed and tube moved on leaving theft victim at leicester square, theoffending man then turned his attention to mr jones who was standing by him now . mr jones cautioned him telling him he was under a citezens arrest for attemting to steal from a passenger then assault him being drunk and disorderly affray and being violent and abusive in a public place.
he growled at mr jones and when mr jones stoood firm, the drunk then swung a punch at him sending his sunglasses flying, and entrapped him in end doorwell of carraige,mr jones used a sort of head butt as drunk in an attempt to stun him as the drunk made moves in on mr jones to further his attack. mr jonesdid this to get out of his entrapment,but failed and the drunk then grabbed mr jones by throat and slammed him into the corner with mr jones feet raised from floor and commenced strangling him for quite a long time to the point mr jones was going dizzy . he raised his legs up to try and push drrunk away and then it goes blurr for him. he thinks he semi passed out from strangulation and comes round on all fours on the platformwith drunk in door well and his leg within kicking distance. the leg which had just kicked mr jones ( mr jones found out later drunk kicked him by drunks confession at trail against mr jones & instigated by drunk)
all mr jones had in his memory was of drunk kicking other passenger violently with deranged rage look upon his face, so mr jones lunged for the leg, before it got to him in a further attack and bit it to startle him enough to get away from him without further assault, , after a few minuiteslater mr jones returned to platform thinking tube had gone on to continue journey and mr jones wished to get home as planned as it was late and that was all he wanted to do but it was still the same tube in platform, then drunk mr sullivan rushed off the tube for mr jones as he walked along platform, i mr jones legged it,he was approached by witness and told to leave, to just go, so he did and on the way stopped a station guard and said arrest that man pointing in direction of restrained sullivan , he said wait here sir , imr jones decided then that staying near sullivan was not a good idea as he saw drunk being restrained trying to break free to get at him so i decided to get home on another line, which he did,
mc just ice
mr sullivan evades his justice on crimes he committed. police wont charge him
10.03.2009 01:44
the theft victim now engaging with sullivan in dispute over sullivans actions
sullivans response to me cationing he punched first his assault on me
mr jones pleaded not guilty to the charges brought against him and took trail to southark crown court which ran between 2nd and 4th of march, mr jones was innocent throughout this incident and acted only in the defence of the public and endangered himself to protect thier saftey and to attempt to restore order, subsequently the trail went as mr jones knew it would. the procecution wouldnt even use the cctv evidence in the alleged case against mr jones as it exposes the crimes of the drunk crime editor, well to mr sullivans dread, mr jones's defense barrister did show cctv thouroughly, as it was his defence and it is this that the jury returned a not guilty verdict for him, the arresting and case officer was then asked again by mr jones to bring charge against the drunk for his crimes, 2 occasions of abh/gbh(strangling) attemting to steal, drunk and disorderly and violent and abusive behavior in public place under public order act. the policeman refused saying justice has been done,
justice has not been done mr jones was framed by the drunk crime editor and police in thier trail against mr jones it is obsevable and very clear the drunk commits offences claimed , justice isnt done till mr sullivan is charged : the innocent one gets sentenced not guilty, and the guilty one walks away free and without charge, that is not justice!!!!!! do you want to know who the drunken offender is again!!!! he is the crime editor of the sun mike sullivan mr jones's legal team have copys of cctv evidence and the recording of the trail transcript where mr sullivan further admits his crimes against mr jones and the public including throttling him and being aware of it being a long time and watched mr jones go purple yet he was to drunk to remember the earlier incidents where he assaulted and attemtted to steal from another passenger, and he admits throwing him on platform & kicking mr jones
this is the crime editor of the sun and the legal team have conclusive evidence , howevermr jones has been discriminated against, wheremr jones heard " mr sullivan will not face charges because mr jones has related previos and a long a criminal record, mr jones thinks the police wont bring justice because they knew all along who the accuser was and have been defending his criminal actions because of his high position and its implications even though the evidence is cctv and addmission under oath. if he isnt taken to court and tryed for account of cctvevidence and his own addmission under oath before judge and jury,then this is a violation of public and mr jones human rights, (article 7 human rights act) ,
in regards to justice a moral example needs to be made mr jones quotes; "i am not a criminal , if for the sake of a title stereotyping, im an ex criminal who has found a peacefullow impact path in life and reformed his ways to do good and to spend time creatively,
mr jones further quotes"this all means to me im not protected by the law if he isnt charged and that is also a violation of the law itself, so in due respect , if i am to be brandished a criminal, and discriminated against whilst being found not guilty. im a british citezen with my rights being denyed . the police were quick to act for him because of his position and in force ( mafia behavior) but when the working class poor and rehabilitated non offending ex- ooffenders try to bring about same justice same incident as innocent party bringing evidence and justice into place, it is snubbed /covered up by police who obviously favour their criminal crime editor buddie more than the law itself or surely they would charge mr sullivan at mr jones request, .it is not the system or police duty that is at error it is some of the operatives within it whose motives are in violation with the whole principle of law itself, cctv is surviellance to identify a crime, if sullivan was me he would be doing bird by now , i have been discriminated and predjudiced against mr jones has sent copys of his plea for justice to police coplaints commision who have opened a case. mr jones declared justice will comeeven if i have to show prime minister as i believe coruption in high public office is the biggest of our national problems.it is the energy of thier corruption at the top that alows it to filter down to the bottom and not the other way..this is the current irony, he goes back to work and gets on with life laughing and thinking he is supeririour than the law its self because he can hide behind his title and police turn an eye even if his crimes are finally exposed in court and caught forever on cctv to be produced when true justice prevails and i remain agrophobic and housbound due to fear of public places and too stressed depressed and anxious to deal with important medical issues i have had since incident 9 months ago
i have added 2 image frames from cctv shown in court to show the seriousness of this occurence of mike sullivan crime editor of the sun
i am traumatic about the half done justice, i want to see the police do their job and bring him to account for his criminal behaviour as i was and as you would if you were caught doing a crime
the universal declaration of human rights article 3 quotes ;everyone has the right to security of personand article 5, no one shall be subjcted to cruel inhuman degrading treatment or punishment,
article 7 all are equal before the law and are entitled without discrimination to equal protection of the law. all are entitled equal protection against any discrimination in violation with this declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination and article 21 everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country directly or through freely chosen representitive,
mr jones chooses of cps and police arrest of mr sullivan for criminal activitys which were a violation of law of british government
mc just ice
cctv evidence doesnt need a clean record to give a truthful account
10.03.2009 02:03
the pictorial time line of events on cctv - application/msword 3.1M
eva dence