The Summer Of Rage Starts Here! - Call from London Anarchists
London Anarchists | 07.03.2009 14:59 | G20 London Summit | London
G20 London Summit: A rebellious call for days of action
March 28th - April 2nd 2009
'Put People First' Anti-G20 demonstration, 11am Central London
As the financial crisis has spurred a global economic recession the reality of the situation is being faced by us all – price hikes and wage cuts, job losses, spiralling debt and repossessions. The institutions of government and global finance are making us pay for their mistakes, giving themselves hefty bonuses for the privilege. As big banks get billions of our money to bail them out, the Post Office is threatened with privatisation and mass redundancies to claw back the pension hole! Government and bosses, while protecting their own interests, are steadily losing their grip as the anger of the working class becomes more and more apparent after a decade of enforced 'social peace'.
Putting working class anger first
The recent wildcat strikes at the Lindsay Oil Refinery saw workers take action for themselves, without union backing. Thousands of workers across the country walked out in sympathy strikes – a practice still outlawed under the Thatcherite anti-trade union laws. No repercussions were suffered by the workers - a lesson to us all. And although we oppose such slogans as “British Jobs for British Workers”, we do not dismiss the experiences, anger and positive action of those workers to develop a pro-working class position, based not on capitalism's demands for inter-worker competition, but on international class solidarity.
If we want social change we must fight without prejudice for it.
Solidarity is not a word but a weapon
Our purpose is to put direct action at the core of any fightback - against the repossessions and redundancies that we will face over the coming months and years, to restate our commitment for an international unity amongst all working class people regardless of nationality, race, sexuality or religion. We stand shoulder to shoulder with all those who take direct action against their current situation (against the state and its institutions, against the bosses and the capitalism they cling to), and confront those who seek to hinder or recuperate that action - fascist parties like the BNP, government forces, the trade union elite and the corporate media. The memory of the miners strike, Wapping, Poll tax lingers long and hard.
2009 is our summer of rage - we are only as strong as the power we give ourselves.
Join the direct action bloc on the Put People First mass demonstration on Saturday March 28th. Meet in Victoria Embankment Gardens, 11am. Look for the red and black flags.
Meet in the Square Mile (London's Financial centre) to take back what's ours
World leaders, including Barak Obama, are set to meet at Docklands Excel Centre in London's East End, for the G20 financial summit on April 2nd, to sort out the global crisis they themselves conspired to create. While unemployment escalates along with debt and poverty - we are told to tighten our belts, not to complain, to have faith in bankers, bosses and politicians, these leaders are preparing the biggest shake up in the history of capitalism since the 1930s. We can only imagine what is on offer as their solution - from the people that brought us wars in Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine, from the heads of economies that continue to concentrate the world's wealth in the hands of a tiny minority from the obscene rich and powerful who continue to steal the products of our labour and time, forcing us to fight amongst ourselves for what's left. We are living in uncertain, dangerous times, where we can either allow our futures, and the future of our children, to be decided by the same class of people that have brought us into this crisis (and continue to profit from our misery) or we can decide to get rid of the lot of them and organise society differently - for our own benefit and of the benefit of those around us; those we work with, those we live with, for a future based on our collective needs.
We are their crisis
Let's make this a chance for a fundamental change in society. Let's reclaim the history of working class struggle for a new free world, for a global human community fit for all, not the undeserving rich elite who are happy to see our lives ruined if it means that they stay in charge and at the top. Join thousands of disgruntled, angry, pissed off people on the streets of the financial district. As the bankers continue to cream off billions of pounds of our money let's put the call out – RECLAIM THE MONEY, storm the banks and send them packing.
April 1st in the square mile, City of London financial district
APRIL 2/09 // G20 London Summit, Excel Centre, Docklands
A day of fucking up the summit and other adventures. Be warned. Be aware. Be ready!
London Anarchists
Hide the following 52 comments
Join the anarchist block and get penned in by cops, no thanks!
07.03.2009 18:44
sensible protester
remember kensington 08?
07.03.2009 19:10
Israeli embassy
smash g20
Can't wait
07.03.2009 19:29
RE:sensible Protester
07.03.2009 19:30
Taking details?
07.03.2009 23:01
General Degenerate
Summer Of Rage Starts Here! YOU TWATS. . .
08.03.2009 00:32
An old Hat
put ya thinking caps on!
08.03.2009 00:34
cockney reject
re: sensible protester
08.03.2009 01:20
at the autonomous block during the gaza march most people ended up outside the cordon, and the people in side were largely 'non militant' many 'first time protesters', with i would say not more than 20 'autonomous' people out of over a 1000 total.
G 20
08.03.2009 13:49
Fred Flintstone
Re: G 20
08.03.2009 14:42
Barney Rubble
08.03.2009 16:32
still angry
08.03.2009 16:51
The mail (daily mail) web for today
Fred Flintstone
No, what bit of the website?
08.03.2009 21:50
14 March G20 finance ministers
09.03.2009 01:11
(Mail article mentioned above is
Dear erm. . .
09.03.2009 04:58
Old Hat
If you protest, you will be playing right into their plans!!!!!!!
09.03.2009 14:14
They have created the economic downturn to collapse the £, so it's then easier to bring in the Euro. The same plan for the US with the Amero. Once the US and UK have converted to the Euro and Amero, they will again crash the economy to sell the one world currency argument as the only answer.
So to the people of the world, please dont even attend any protests, what do they ever achieve anyway, remember the anti Iraq invasion march in 2003? Millions attended, did they listen? No. The only thing a protest can do is create even more problems for the people.
We can protest but in a new way, the only way we can overcome the governement is to all learn about Freeman on the land rights and then mass cross industry strikes. If every single working person went on strike for just a few days they would lose all power and realise we are awakening.
So mass strikes yes, protests and demonstrations no, unless you want to be penned in by the police and photographed as a potential terrorist.
Dont be fooled
kensingston gaza demo
09.03.2009 14:22
virtual reality
09.03.2009 15:14
This bloc is happening. It is organised by real people, that meet, have been involved for many years, take a responsibility for taking anarchist ideas into the wider world. If people choose not to go on the block or march then well done for making that choice!
To reiterate about the block. It is purely a march to give a vocal opposition to the G20, to build for April 1st/2nd and to gather round many dissilluisoned people. Thats its! Its NOT a black bloc, its NOT going on a rampage, its is purely a march. People are more than welcomed to wear black if they so choose, or a mask but this demonstration is about communication to the tens of thousands of people on the march - it is not only about us and what WE want to do. Leave it for April 1st.
And before you asked, the photo was from the Gaza Solidarity Demo Anarchist Bloc. For some, they were dissappointed we were not more "affective", for others we were affective enough considering the weakness and over-surviellance the anarchists in London have had over the years. Been there, done that. If people feel more is needed, participate, organise and do it.
MB March 28th Co-ordination (personal capacity - obviously)
London Anarchists
Honestly there are other ways rather than protesting
09.03.2009 16:28
If you aint heard of it, start looking up on the net now.
Last year the government sent warnings to the police, local councils and even parking attendents, stating they were expecting a summer of civil unrest and riots. This was before the economy went tits up in the later months.
How would they know this before the economy turned for the proper worst?
They know this because this is what the people in control want to happen. they are trying to make us protest and riot, so they can bring in more draconian laws. laws which will affect our freedom of speech and brand anyone who speaks against the gov as a terrorist.
I aint saying anyone here would cause any trouble intentionally, but they know about the heard mentality, so will employ spies to initiate trouble.
We all have the same quarms with the establishment and honestly this is not the way to do it this time. It was in the past but it's come to a time where we have to work out real ways to beat them at their game and protesting is playing straight into them.
They are expecting this and actually want it to happen. So they can bring in new laws which affect our civil liberties and the main reason to have an excuse for MARTIAL LAW.
Start watching and there are plenty of videos on there, the most important thing which can make them listen is learning to be a freeman and also like i said earlier, MASS STRIKES, it's the only thing that can hurt them.
The only thing protests do are hurt us in the long run. They will monitor and keep all of your mugshots on a database and then who knows what they will have in store for you once the new anti-human rights laws are brought in to stop another summer of rage, which they antagonised.
6 months later you could be arrested as a terrorist, or even worse see this.
Research, research, research, dont blindly folow the heard, that's what they want!!!
We can over throw them from just MASS STRIKES, the people are awakening and we need to start doing things against them, not as they want us to.
Dont be fooled
Save it for the 1st
09.03.2009 22:41
I think the day for militant confrontational action is 1 April when we completely close down the city - lets keep our gunpowder dry
no point arguing, just do what you think is right
09.03.2009 22:44
If you want to organise strikes, go for it.
If you want to trash the banks and other institutions of power, go for it as well.
All are great, and if we all do what we are best at, the combined effort will be vast.
Any effective tactic will lead to oppression - it's not point singling out black blocs - if mass strikes started affecting the status quo they would soon crack down hard on them too. If you never do anything that might lead to a backlash, you might as well stay at home in bed.
Police State
10.03.2009 06:49
Unity is Strength
miner major
Makes no sense
10.03.2009 10:48
That's not how the call out comes across which refers to the block as a direct action block which suggests the intent to take some form of action on the march. That's fair enough although all dressing alike under the red and black and telling the cops where you are meeting doesn't suggest much strategy for pulling anything off.
On the other hand, if this is about 'communication to the tens of thousands of people on the march' then a block makes little sense either since only those directly infront or behind will see the block. If the aim is communication then the 'block' should be dispersed along the length of the March, leafleting and talking to everyone, not just our mates in the autonomous block.
does not compute
Beatniks and Politics
10.03.2009 15:51
A yardstick for Lunatics.
One point of View.
Who cares what game we choose.
Little to win
Nothing to Lose.
Cold Stomper
to "does not compute"
10.03.2009 23:02
There will also be a rally on the day at 3pm speakers corner organised by anarchists. Come down and share your thoughts.
I am confident that you also have organised something and are preparing to make an effective political contribution on the day, can you share it with us?
In Solidarity
London Anarchists
11.03.2009 09:39
maybe im being an idiot but i didnt see many london anarchists at the january gaza protests. where was the black bloc then? is this a load of shit or is there going to be some real action taken here?
protest peaceful if possible, there is more gained from civil disobediance than civil unrest in this situation. but when they call in the cavalry thats the time to smash this town up. i was wondering if anyone can predict whether there is going to be a big international contingent present?
March 14
11.03.2009 22:23
Elma Fudge
response to honestly there are other ways than protesting
13.03.2009 00:02
.there are other ways..
..focus on creating the world you want to see....create it. as much as you can in your everyday life. research where your money many activists still shop in supermarkets, & use high street banks?
support those who are actively making changes,,,,fair
put your money where your mouth is ..come together in your communities to support each other....stop fighting & angry at injustices but use the energy to fire up your passion for life.....take responsibility & do your bit..everyone together we can make big changes...with love....yes i am a hippy & proud of it . one love
jelly baby
Do what you want
14.03.2009 20:02
p.s. Revolt in your way, and I will be at the March 28th protests!
we need more active protest.
21.03.2009 16:19
educate yourself now. Peaceful protest. Become passive agressive, invest in gold and stop joining the fucking army!
we can also make progress in the good, and start creating the world we want
22.03.2009 18:16
The one caveat to join a forum is you must be committted to a few basic uncontentious universal values.. for example, principles of peace, against war and arms sales, for a non-exploitative and low carbon economy with meaningful work, a concern about climate change.
From this vantage point we can start creating our own libertarian socialist world, . In short we create the conditions for radical democracy with a web network connecting all libertarian socialists (which efficiently matches a real-world network across every community).
We make our own employment, with our own currency (i believe eventually money would die out) etc.. in short our own alternative society,and drop out from capitalism completely.
I realise this sounds like indymedia and in some ways what is trying to emerge. But it seems to me it would be better if this were more coordinated, and done on a vaster scale.
How many times have we all seen black blocs infiltrated by pissheads or agent pr
23.03.2009 08:03
Honestly, advertising party blockades & defense is widely loved, but unilateral spikey bs is not, & if you do keep well away from others please, not because they hate you but because the police take it out on them.
Save the black bloc for Mr Hitler or Stalin, capitalism makes us all guilty, if the black bloc just stood around like decent bouncers to stop fash or undemocratic cops everyone would love you, instead you steam in then clear off leaving us all exposed, no wonder alex jones etc reckon many of us are provocatuers.
How many times have we all seen black blocs infiltrated by pissheads or agent provacatuers?
There are times & places, dont give the nazis a chance to encourage a dictatorship.
When Iam in my black bloc we act respectfully & vvwell disciplined, we cant afford not to, just like the Durruti columnn
Lets enjoy the party & laugh at the collapse of capitalism, organise & rejoice in the birth of a direct real democracy.
Black bloc is the last resort, lets only get ugly in defence please, otherwise most other anarchists & people will stay well away
Durutti MIB
24.03.2009 01:34
Talk talk talk away people.
Come on
24.03.2009 12:41
holly skllar trilareral commision
To the "elite"
The general plan is not to just smash afew banks up & protest, that is what procatuers do or what we do when police are ordered to mess with us, the people do want a real democracy.
People will keep doing this as safely & democratically as possible everywhere& use everything we have ballots,love, protest & force if we are attacked. Bolsheviks, fascist,Stalinist or any torturers& murderers will not be tolerated.
Capitalism is a sickness that effects us all, the worst offenders of any class in a elite or not need to be detained & or given real natural therapy.
Remember many of us are the people who feed you, drive you, clean & gaurd you while you sleep, stop messing with this planet we all live on & let us have real democracy please.
We cannot allow this system to destroy the planet, lets "evolve" & explore the space safely,the universe is waiting
soz about the repeat post, computer probs
24.03.2009 12:59
lots of love, pe@ce & kisses
Oops computer probs, Remember anarchists are not just in low positions many are
24.03.2009 13:00
lots of love, pe@ce & kisses
take it easy
25.03.2009 00:24
25.03.2009 10:28
The Birth Certificate Fraud With Which We Stop the Bankers
25.03.2009 13:46
So how did they do it? A ship when it enters the harbour to dock, (same dock as in a court) 'sits in its berth', and has to register with a 'certificate of manifest'. This is given to the harbourmaster by the captain and gives the harbourmaster temporary title ownership, until the merchant bankers claim their goods and the ship leaves. So how can this apply to human beings? Well your mother is the merchant vessel, as you are carried in water! Eventually you are 'delivered' by the ship, your mother, through the 'birth canal' (note the water based language) and are brought under admiralty because as a 'admiralty maritime product', you are required to have a 'birth certificate'. Under the law of the land you do not need a birth certificate but 'legally' a child must be registered within six weeks of berth. Legally (legalese- the secret language of the law society, which uses English words but gives them different meanings, so that human beings unwittingly contract with them) does not mean lawfully.
'Register' in Black's Law means to transfer title ownership (see ship at the end). So register anything, your car, your profession, your child and you have relinquished it to the body to which you register it. Now this constitutes fraud under contract law and everything in this system is down to contracts. Because contracts must be fully disclosed and have the signatures of both parties. You were a baby, and even if it was OK for your parents to enter into a contract on your behalf, which it isn't, they are not given a full or even partial disclosure of the significance of this document.
Next the birth cert. is given to the private merchant bankers by the govt as collateral for loans. Now we know why human beings are called collateral damage- barbaric isn't it? They float a bond for the value to them of your life and they create the person.
The person is subject to statutes and acts made up by parliament; the houses of commons and lords are all corporations registered at Dunne and Bradstreet, as are all councils, courts, schools, police authorities, & govt bodiews, the labour party is a corporation traded as Alistair Darling MP, he is a diplomat which allows the labour party to circumvent the law. However there is an important fact that Black's Law Dictionary records that statutes and acts have the force of law with the consent of the governed. We unwittingly consent by giving the person name and create joinder with the address with post code or date of birth. If we do not consent they cannot charge us, fine us tax us, rip us off in short. I have written a few articles for tpuc and the last time that I was arrested, merely for asking that a person undergoing stop and search, section 42, was told his rights, the police were unable to charge because I wouldn't contract with them. The article on this is in 3 parts under the title, Myrtle (Mirthful) Merryweather, The British Transport Police, One Brave Briton and Freedom, if anyone needs pointers on handling the authorities in this situation.
Mirthful Merryweather
Dissent or no?
25.03.2009 19:01
Anonymous Crusading Journalist
Qualification of earlier post
25.03.2009 19:24
- Most of us would agree, I think, that protest demos (especially mass protest), although of limited value, are certainly worthwhile; the malfeasance of concentrated power needs to be exposed for what it is, and a mass protest is a direct way of achieving that.
- The value of direct action (like the Fairford 5, the Raytheon 9, Smash Edo, Plane Stupid, Climate Camp…) to stop crimes against life (social and economic injustice, political repression, arms production and criminal wars, climate criminality, maltreatment of animals…) is self-evident.
- But to come back to the earlier post, I believe the greatest advance would be the creation of our own decent society (on a large scale across communities), unmoored from Capitalism, that celebrates life. I realise that’s what we’re all trying to do, but maybe we need more energy on this… and we can get out of Capitalism now (and I believe we’ll pull the rest of society with us).
Meantime, I hope the protests are huge.
Well well
A to B on the 28th? Maybe not...
26.03.2009 10:33
Want to do something a little different?
Email from Builidng Services company based in Square Mile
26.03.2009 13:09
We have had a visit from the City of London Police to advise us there will be a large protest on the 1st April/2nd April during the G20 Summit Week. Please can I ask you to all remain extra vigilant during this time in order to protect the security of the building and of course yourselves.
Please ask all colleagues to ensure they have their pass on them AT ALL TIMES. If you do not have your pass, you must check in at Reception in order to get a replacement pass. There will be no lenience on this.
If you have any couriers coming to collect or deliver to your floors on these dates, they will need to collect or deliver their item to the post room in the loading bay. We will not be letting any couriers into the building during these times. In order to sign for items, we will call you when a delivery has arrived and we will require a member of staff to come down and sign for the item.
The shutters to the loading bay will be closed during the day. If you need to park your car/bike/motorbike, please ensure you are in the loading bay by 9am or you will need to buzz for access (you must have your building pass to gain entry.)
We will have extra security in for the 2 days and would ask that any information received is passed on so we can manage the potential situation as best we can.
The City may see protests throughout the week of the Summit, however, intelligence suggests the City is likely to see demonstrations on 1 April including:
Financial Fools demonstration is likely to focus on three locations - Bank of England, European Climate Exchange in Bishopsgate and Royal Bank of Scotland in Bishopsgate. The protest is being advertised as a G20 meltdown with four meeting places advertised as Moorgate, Liverpool St, London Bridge and Cannon St at 11am converging on Bank Junction.
There are plans for a ‘climate camp’ outside the European Climate Exchange between the evening of 31 March and 2 April.
It is believed that the majority of the protestors intend to conduct a peaceful demonstration. Businesses should, however, remain vigilant at all times and ensure that buildings are secure. Banks and financial premises are the targets of the protest although this could extend to all premises in the city.
Fun at the seaside
28.03.2009 13:24
start looking at the EDO web pages
Slim Jim
Your right under section 44
31.03.2009 20:07
The power to stop and search under anti-terrorism powers should only be used when there is evidence of a specific terrorist threat. It should not be simply an addition to the day to day powers of officers policing protesters. Make sure you know!
another silly walk ?
01.04.2009 00:09
semi weneb
focus on creating the world we want.
01.04.2009 00:40
ho to our evolving consciousness.
and if we all joined together to demand the abolition of the arms trade that keeps the whole thing
love & peace for all beings .
jelly baby
jelly baby
01.04.2009 09:51
Kurt Mangger
to Kurt Mangger
01.04.2009 11:42
Great job everybody and good luck.
We will only be free when the last capitalist is hung from the guts of the last fascist
the black bloc effect
01.04.2009 18:42
1) the black block attacks a bank/shop and start breaking/burning etc. Cops stand staring calmly.
2) the main group of pacific protesters arrives on the spot. Cops attack them unmercifully.
followed by:
3) mainstream media portray the whole thing as a simpler "cops sedates riot" scenario, and simply drop the topics of the protest
4) most people take it as the truth, and do not worry investigating the topics of the protest
and, I would guess,
5) insurance companies repay the bank/shop, which can refurbish for free.
6) some underpaid immigrant repairs/cleans up the place.
With this I do not want to imply conspiracy theories about BB being infiltrated or otherwise connected to the cops. I'm convinced they are honestly convinced of their way of expressing dissent. I'm equally convinced it's the wrong one. It has no positive effects, and major negative ones.
If you want to REALLY harm banks and multinationals:
1) consume less. A lot less. Only when you really have to.
2) change the way you consume (second hand, local production,fair trade..)
3) tell others
in other words, la decroissance/degrowth/decrescita.
a rabbit
Storm the banks? Come off it!
02.04.2009 21:19
But I also think that shaking fists at capitalism and smashing the windows of banks is not going to achieve anything at all. Absolutely nothing.
Yes, it ventilates and expresses very angry tells bankers and governments how much they are hated. But so what? They will survive hatred because they have extremely well equipped police forces who enjoy an opportunity to push people, club them, pepper spray them and use CS gas. Being hated is something that has never bothered people in power, it makes them feel even more self important, even more powerful. There is nothing that so much pleases a power junky than to impose their will on the seathing rage of others and make them submit. Since it is their power that matters most of all to our betters this power is felt to be at its greatest when they can regard themselves as imposing it on those of us who are their inferiors.
This kind of politics is rather like expecting anything positive to come from writing to my Member of Parliament. It may give expression and ventilate a feeling of repeated outrage but it yields absolutely no return at all. It is futile.
If you are going to have mass action you must have millions of people behind you - and if you want millions of people behind you then you must have a tangible workable alternative that already in existence, at least in embryo, that they want to defend and fight for. Todays anti capitalist demonstrators don't have anything like that. Sure they are demonstrating against something that is immensely destructive of environment and communites but they are not demonstrating for something that is a credible alternative.
We have reached the outer limits of a debt based money system and the people in power are struggling to rescue the system with more debt. It won't work - so what it the alternative? If a new money and exchange system is needed then it will have to be created. In the 1930s when the recession was at its depth a small town in Austria established a local non debt based money system and successfully abolished unemployment in the town. If that example had taken hold throughout Austria and Germany there might never have been a second world war. But guess what - the Austrian monetary authorities closed down the experiment. Unemployment returned to what it had been in the town of Woergl. Now that, I think, would have been would have been something work demonstrating for - that would have been something to defy the law over - a workable alternative that is closed down in favour of a system that is in breakdown.
If you want to do something that is going to be an adequate response to this crisis you can protest against the system or you can work to grow and foster tangible productive alternatives. That isn't something that you can do overnight. It requires different skills to organising a demonstration - you need to build trust between people, you need to get people to commit themselves to a process where there will be obstacles to be overcome and some degree of frustration. You need to take the risk that you will embark on a course of action and fail, seeing others lose confidence and melt away. The place for demonstrations is when your approach is showing its value, gaining support and the powers that be move to close it down.
If you don't like the current money system then develop another one in your neighbourhood, your f
district, your town and network them together. There are now scores of groups all over the world developing complentary currencies.
If you don't like the system of agriculture then develop an alternative model for your community garden or community assisted agriculture. When people emjoy and like what you are doing then get them to set up their own. Once you've shown it works and you are hamstrung for lack of land then start demonstrating if your political overtures for extra land are getting you nowhere.
The chief reason that there is no green in the green new deal is that the multinationals are too integrated into the carbon economy to want to participate and there are not enough real green community level projects and businesses with enough organisational and business skills to take the money, work their way through the obstacles, organisational and technical, to get them put up.
If you think that capitalist consumerism is an inferior lifestyle ethically and that we all have enough to live on comfortably and enjoyably - then show how this lifestyle works in practice - without condescending all those other moral inferiors who haven't had the benefit of reading them same radical tracts as the ones in one's own style club. Spread your ideas by example.
Will this achieve an anti capitalist revolution quickly enough to avert climate catastrophe? Frankly I very much doubt it. The Arctic is melting and our betters are too preoccupied with money making to notice or do anything about it. What I am describing takes time and we don't have much time.
However, while I doubt that we will turn the situation around in time, working to re-create the money systems, the garden and energy projects and the lifestyles that we need does stand a slightly better chance than smashing windows in Threadneedle Street and making the police, the bankers and the establishment politicians feel self important and self righteous......unless and until those demonstrations are promoting viable alternative arrangements that are already getting off the ground and shown to be arrangements that will help millions.
Brian Davey
yes yes to rabbit & brian davey
20.04.2009 22:56
for your concise & intelligent comments & suggestions...the trouble is its much harder to really change & do something differently...much easier to kick out against something than take responsibility for your/our own actions that are part of the problem in the first place!!! but it is possible if we work together & support each other to change....& it starts within & then our own backyard & then our neighbourhood & gradually ripples out....trouble is campaigning mentality is into blame & violence hence the revenge remarks ..violence begets violence & the cycle carries on....
as ghandi said ..".an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind "..
ho peace & love to all beings
jelly baby ( i'm a rabbit too !!!)
jelly baby