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Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou

Freeborn | 07.03.2009 01:04 | Analysis | Health | Social Struggles | World

Profuse thanks comes from the illicit cannabis/THC drug dealers for keeping medical cannabis illegal and denying medical cannabis sufferers their human right to grow their medicine at a very low cost.

Again, Thankyou. This puts money in 'our' pockets in the exact same way as scoring drugs from pharmaceutical drug lords puts money in their pockets. $250 an ounce for a medicine that can be grown for $20?

Thankyou for that $230 profit x hundreds of thousands of medical cannabis sufferers.

Thankyou for the money - that should be spent on other things like food, clothing and a better quality of life, but is now given to 'us' in the same fashion as sufferers are forced to give it to the cartels and drug lords that you back and are sponsored by.

So, thankyou. 'We' drug dealers, just like your drug dealers, don't care about suffering and we don't care about the sufferer going without so they can buy 'our' drugs/ medicine for an exhorbitant price, and just like your drug lords 'we' flood it with chemicals and don't care.

Yes, there is a small portion of 'us' who actually do care about keeping toxic chemicals out of a natural, non-toxic medicine, that is also a recreational drug of choice, but the majority of us are only in it for the money, just like your drug lords.

Recreational drug takers buy 'our' drugs just like they buy yours...but thankyou for giving us the entire medical cannabis market as well! How sweet it is.

Also, many thanks for the apartheid/ social segregation policy of 'take our drugs only'/ 'our drugs all good, your drugs all bad' Prohibition on certain drugs only.

Because of this 'we' can charge exhorbitant prices on something that could easily be as cheap as chips. Thankyou for allowing 'us' to set up drug empires, and we thankyou in the same way that your legal drug lords thank you for allowing them to set up drug empires that put wealth before health, greed before need, corporation before compassion and, even though 'we're' not allowed to push our drugs in every medium, like your drug lords do, 'we' still make a tidy profit and this profit gets bigger every time you try to wipe 'us' out in favour of your drug cartels, your drug lords and your drugs. The greater the risk, the greater the reward. Persecution and eradication increases the price. Just look at people smugglers.

Just like the Australian anti-child abuse ad that shows child abusers thanking those who allow child abuse, we thank you in the exact same fashion. You created the policy that segregates and forces the sufferer to join 'our' criminal empire, when all they wanted to do is get a natural medicine at a fair go thankyou. And we thank you in the same exact fashion that your drug lords, who kill 34,000 a year in Australia alone and yet have complete immunity from these deaths and hospitalisations and side effects thank you.

Special thanks go to our Police, our Politicians, our Prime Minister, our Media, our pro-legal/ anti-illicit drug campaigners and anyone else who forces a medical sufferer to buy 'our' expensive drugs in the same way as you force them to buy yours. So, again, profuse thanks.

In this time of Global economic crises, thankyou for not only keeping us in a job (while so many are losing theirs), but helping us to increase out profit margin. We greatly appreciate it.

Thankyou for handing us, on a silver platter, the M.S. sufferers, Cancer sufferers, Seizure and other Neurological sufferers, Arthritis and other form of Pain sufferers (both acute and chronic), PSTD sufferers, Night Terror sufferers, Inflammation sufferers and all the other medical sufferers who buy 'our' drugs at high, high prices because they don't want to take yours. Just in case you haven't realized it yet, your drugs kill thousands a year and destroy pretty much every organ and cell in the body. Congratulations.

So, again, we can't thank you enough for this wonderful gift. Cheers!

And in case you haven't realized it yet, Governments, Police, Media, Pro-licit/Anti-illicit Campaigners and everyone else who say, "Say NO to any drug we don't agree with" and try to wipe us out, actually work for us (even if they don't realize or accept it). They work for us in the exact same way as they work for the so-called 'legal' drug lord empires of the make us all rich, and yes, we laugh all the way to the Bank.

Also, thankyou for giving us Police and Political corruption. This works for us as well.

Signed: All illicit Cannabis/THC Drug Dealers, Traffickers, Pushers, Cartels, Drug Lords and Drug Empires.

NOTE: This mentality and belief has never been stated before, but it is 100% accurate. We, the medical sufferers who benefit from medical cannabis are sick and tired of, not only being sick and tired but having to bow down and kow-tow to drug lords on both sides of the licit/illicit Great Australian and World Divide. Remember, as the late great Dr. Martin Luther King stated, "Injustice anywhere, is injustice everywhere".




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Surely people can grow their own...

07.03.2009 13:23 sufficient quantities for personal medicinal use? There's enough information out there on the web about how to grow and not get caught. Not ideal, I know but it's all about making the best of a bad situation.

Medicinal Weed