Talk by Alexandra Strickner: WTO – Shrink or Sink!
Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ) | 05.03.2009 18:58
An open seminar by the Our World is Not For Sale Network to stop the expansion of free trade agreements
Monday 9th March 2009, 4.00-5:30 pm
The Conference Suite, University Staff Club, University Park Campus, University of Nottingham
Monday 9th March 2009, 4.00-5:30 pm
The Conference Suite, University Staff Club, University Park Campus, University of Nottingham
Ten years ago the so-called “Battle of Seattle” took place. This moment marks the first break down of a ministerial conference of the World Trade Organisation (established in 1995) as well as the birth of a new global alliance – the Our World Is Not For Sale Network (OWINFS). As the founding statement “WTO – Shrink or Sink” outlines, the network’s objective was to hinder the expansion of the WTO and the free trade agenda. Alexandra Strickner has been actively involved in this network since 2003 and will share the experiences of the network to influence policy processes in this field.
The seminar is part of the 'Open Seminar Series' organised by the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ)at Nottingham University
The seminar is part of the 'Open Seminar Series' organised by the Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ)at Nottingham University
Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice (CSSGJ)