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Dodgy Development - how economic reform, development aid and corporate expansion

CSSGJ Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice | 05.03.2009 17:11

CSSGJ presents Richard Whittell, No Sweat activist and co-author of the recently published 'Resisting Reform? Water Profits and Democracy' about water privatisation in Bangalore and the campaign against it.

Richard will speak and show film from his visits to India at the CSSGJ Open Series Seminar which will take place in the University of Nottingham, University Staff Club, Conference Suite, between 4:00 - 5:30 pm. Open to all, please join us.

CSSGJ Centre for the Study of Social and Global Justice
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  1. Title of Richard Whittell's talk — CSSGJ
  2. When? — reader
  3. Date - 16ht March 2009 — cssgj