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Sheffield Green New Deal Conference

Sheffield Green New Deal | 04.03.2009 23:16 | Climate Chaos | Energy Crisis | Globalisation | Sheffield

A Green New Deal Conference was held in Sheffield on 28th Feburary 2009 -- From Global Challenges to Local Solutions.

The opening session was addressed by Colin Hines of the Green New Deal Group / New Economics Foundation (sorry for the poor audio quailty due to the microphone not being used).

The workshops that were recorded one on insulating the housing stock with Nick Parsons from the South Yorkshire Energy Centre and Andrew Jeffrey from South Yorkshire Housing Association.

The Political Responses workshop was addressed by John Smith , Sheffield University and Dr.Fazlun Khalid, Director Islamic Foundation for Ecology and Ecological Sciences ( IFEES).

The notice of the conference was posted here:

The conference was organised by the Sheffield Campaign against Climate Change

Sheffield Green New Deal
- Homepage:


Sheffield Council Slides

04.03.2009 23:25

Photos of the slides from Andy Nolan from Sheffield City Council.

Sheffield Green New Deal

Closing Plenary

04.03.2009 23:27

Photos from the closing plenary.

Sheffield Green New Deal

Further photos

04.03.2009 23:43

Sorry, some of the above and following photos are not in chronological order.

Sheffield Green New Deal


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Sheffield Green New Deal Conference

05.03.2009 20:57

Interesting concept of a Green New Deal and, it seems from the posting and Mp3s like there were indeed some positive energies and good ideas coming forward.

This is an observation only...What happens to the ones who didn't go there? For example - the uninterested, uninvolved and the riff-raff who couldn't afford the £12 or £15 costs?
Also, it appears once again from the photographs posted, that, it was by and large, the white, well to do - do - gooders who attended...always the same with these kind of have to work with what you have got, which, on the one hand, is a lot of well meaning, well informed and educated white ,english based people and, on the other, you have the ignorant, the largely uninterested media and the disinterested "others"...socially excluded - for want of a better word.

Nothing about us - without us!

How do SCACC and others address that?

Mr. Questioner