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This Thursday – keep up the fight for Mitie Cleaners at Willis!

supporter | 04.03.2009 18:11 | Workers' Movements

As the marvellous but short-lived campaign Justice for Cleaners has ended, it is now Cleaners for Justice! Cleaners in London are beginning to come together again to continue the fight for their rights.

Willis Building, 51 Lime St., London, EC3M 7DQ
Tube: Liverpool St. or Bank

The first three demonstrations by sacked Mitie cleaners and their supporters outside the Willis insurance brokers in the City have had an effect and Mitie called them into negotiate. They warned management that they were not interested in meeting if their demands were not met in full, and Mitie promised them that they had a 'proposal'.

But it was all a lie. When they got there, the only proposal on the table was a letter threatening legal action. Their website and the videos portraying Mitie in a negative way were threatened with removal as well.

They were also advised to stop demonstrating outside the Willis site and instead seek legal advice.

The cleaners reps considered it as a move to intimidate them and waste their time. They took note however, that present at the meeting were three top directors of Mitie....



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Keep up the good work

05.03.2009 08:51

Well done to the Mitie Cleaners.

The management obviously have stepped up their threats because you are winning.
You are turning public opinion against the not so Mitie Company and these people don't want that. Nothing is worse for most companies than to have public opinion against them - it dents their "image", which in turn puts off customers - ooooh naughty naughty.

Keep up the good work - more power to you all!

Peace with Justice

Peter Wakeham
Founder of ABU

Anti-Bullying (At Work) Union
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