Free speech on Indy?
Paul | 04.03.2009 10:52 | Animal Liberation
Over the past few months I've noticed that comments are being deleted and I can't see another reason than it's not supporting the editor of the articles view. This is more so with article responses in the animal liberation section.
I can understand that Indy has to protect itself from certain information but posts should stand when this isn't the case.
I believe that it is testament to a movement if they can't stand up to constructive criticism or face facts that go against their flawed article.
Let's get back to a well balanced indy.
I can understand that Indy has to protect itself from certain information but posts should stand when this isn't the case.
I believe that it is testament to a movement if they can't stand up to constructive criticism or face facts that go against their flawed article.
Let's get back to a well balanced indy.
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04.03.2009 11:27
also could you please expand on "facts that go against their flawed article. " as im not sure what post you are relating to exactly.
the angel to pauls devil
It's all true
04.03.2009 11:48
There appears to be an unwritten rules that hiding comments don't require reporting on the public lists so vast numbers are hidden without any recourse or accountability.
Indy has gone massively down hill but I don't know what can be done about it.
reclaim the media
I'm loving
04.03.2009 11:52
I don't think Indymedia is a 'free-speech' site, whatever that means, nor do I think it should be. I don't think people have the right to incite people to racism, as just one example, and there are many. But either way, many people who post or comment on here do so with this idea of total free speech. That's not what IMC was set up for, and it's totally in the moderators remit to keep it for what it is supposed to be, which includes an open publishing forum, but not one for total 'say what you like and fuck the rest' speech (that's built on some individualist right-wing libertarian bullshit base).
thank you. rant over.
Agree entirely
04.03.2009 12:10
Nearly every time I've posted about the Camden lab, my comments have been deleted. It's the only time I've seen this happen consistently to my postings, so it's struck me as strange too.
This has baffled me, as nothing I have written has breached the guidelines. The point I've made has been a polite and factual correction, as I feel sympathy for the campaign's concerns.
(All I've pointed out is that, if the lab is to be containment level 3, as the campaign keeps stating, then, by definition, it won't contain any "super viruses" - they'd go in a containment level 4 lab. I've also pointed out that a containment level 3 lab in London is not such an oddity, as there are around 800 of the things in the UK).
These points would seem worth addressing, and debating, if the campaign wants to avoid having big holes in its claims to the public.
Norville B
I agree with Angels
04.03.2009 12:17
on the other hand, i agree that the admins behaved terribly other the ip login issue and they really shouldn't be allowed to just hide what they like without anyway to see who did it or why.
angels advocate
Censorship Rocks
04.03.2009 12:25
This is not a free speech site and never intended to be
Admins Advocate
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