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Week of Action on ‘Welfare Abolition Bill’ March 7 – 15th

LCAP | 01.03.2009 21:29 | Gender | Social Struggles

Call to Action: The London Coalition Against Poverty, Disabled People’s Direct Action
Network and Feminist Fightback are calling on all groups and individuals
concerned with the eroding of our welfare rights to take part in a week of
action against the ‘Welfare Abolition Bill’ .

The London Coalition Against Poverty, Disabled People’s Direct Action
Network and Feminist Fightback are calling on all groups and individuals
concerned with the eroding of our welfare rights to take part in a week of
action against the ‘Welfare Abolition Bill’ .

As the government has bailed out banks and rewarded the bosses with big
bonuses they have been stealthily pushing through a bill that will
virtually abolish welfare for single parents and disabled people. Poor
people are being forced to pay for the financial crisis caused by the

The Bill proposes a number of draconian changes including:

• Introducing a compulsory work-for- benefits system in a US-style
workfare scheme
• Privatising more of the work of Jobcentre Plus to companies which will
be paid more the less benefits they award
• Increased punishments for claimants
• Cuts on carers’ allowance
• Compulsory two parent registration on birth certificates, including
survivors of violence

The third reading is expected near the end of March. We need to stand
with those targeted to oppose the passing of this bill by taking dissent
to the streets, to the government offices, to the bankers and the bosses.

A toolkit with more information on the bill, leaflets, a press release and suggestions for action is available here:

Join the planning email list here:

Take action now:

Forward the call to action and links to the toolkit to e-lists you are on or organisations you think might be interested.
Call an emergency meeting of a group you are involved in to plan an action.
Get together with others to leaflet your local Jobcentre Plus.

If you're in London (or can come down)...

* Come to the lobby of Parliament this Tuesday. Meet LCAPers at St Stephen's Gate at 11.30am, or come along to committee room 14 at 12.30-14.30.
* Join LCAP and Feminist Fightback to leaflet at job centres in Hackney in the next few weeks. Email if you have time to spare to leaflet.
* Come to the next planning meeting (hosted by Feminist Fightback) on Thursday 5th March, 7pm, The Angel, City Road (50m south of Old St roundabout)

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Arbeit Macht Frei

02.03.2009 16:37

Finally some action on this terrible reform bill. The bill has been well publicised in the mainstream press, it's good to see it hasn't gone unnoticed. The bill will push Britain closer to a US style welfare system with all that means. Abolition of Income Support, single parents forced into work, the sick, mentally ill and disabled forced onto JSA, 'Arbeit Macht Frei' workfare schemes. The whole thing was dreamed up by rich merchants and one university man in weeks whilst the government shell out for the rich and please the likes of the Daily Mail with draconian welfare reform promises. . . Action must be taken.