What would the chinese do when faced with a situation like that caused by Sir Fred Goodwin's refusal to hand back the 17million he is stealing as a bonus despite being responsible for a banking sector collapse?
The chinese would KILL HIM on live TV as a deterent to other profiteering scum.
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Would they now...
27.02.2009 10:44
animal rights activists target more bankers than other movements!
27.02.2009 10:49
Maybe we will see other movements taking a leaf out of the animal rights book and start taking the fight to the doorsteps of these scumbags?
Irony is that AR don't give a fuck about anything else but their single issue
27.02.2009 11:10
As you said the AR target some banks because of their involvement in abstract animal abuse whilst Anarchists target the banking industry as a whole because they have an understanding of the destructiveness of the "system" and a greater level of consciousness beyond the single issue and work outside the box to empathise and try to create equality and justice for all not just some furry creatures.