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George Galloway Supports Action Against Met Police

Anti-Bullying Union | 26.02.2009 12:57

The rampant institutionalised racism at the Belgravia Police Station has been allowed by the Senior Management for years. It is time to reverse the trend of bullying in the workplace and the Anti-Buulying Union would like to see more libertarian and progressive people take up the challenge.

George Galloway expressed his outrage at the racist treatment of his constituent Asad Saeed, a Police Community Support Officer, after his story broke in the London Evening Standard.
“I have come to know Asad, who lives just off Brick Lane in my constituency, very well and I am shocked and outraged at the treatment
to which he has been subjected,” said George Galloway. “He came to see me some time ago to tell me about the appalling situation at Belgravia
police station. It is quite clear there was a culture of overt racism in the station which was tolerated, if not encouraged, by senior management.
“Asad was wrongly dismissed from the police service after baseless allegations were made against him.
“He has thoroughly documented not only the racism to which he and others were subject but the prolonged failure of senior management on
the Met to take the allegations he had the courage to make seriously.
“I have no doubt from the documents I have seen that much more will come out at the Employment Tribunal due to begin in Central London on
Thursday. The Met thought they could have policing on the cheap with the PCSO system but there has been a dramatic breakdown in the
processes of recruitment, training and management in this station and I suspect beyond.
George Galloway continued: “There will need to be a full and independent enquiry into the failings at Belgravia and I believe further up the management structure which allowed what can only be described as explicit and vile racism to be routine in this station. And Asad needs to have his record wiped clean.
“But this case must also focus attention on the fact that the claims recently made that institutionalised racism was at an end are, to say the least, premature. There has been significant recruitment of people from the minority ethnic communities but relatively few of them are progressing to become police officers.
“More than that, there is a chronic under-representation of minority ethnic personnel in higher management within the police, as botht he Black and the Muslim Police Officers Association have repeatedly pointed out. For example, in Tower Hamlets, where more than 40% of the residents are from ethnic minoity communities, not one police officer in senior mangement is from an ethnic minority. How can we expect confidence in the police when it remains so overwhelmingly drawn at senior levels from one community?”
Published on 25th February 2009.
Anti-Bullying Union Comment was added.

Well done George trying to help an employee on the receiving end of rank racism and abuse.

I have every sympathy with Asad Saeed and I hope he succeeds with the Employment Tribunal, unfortunately the ET is hopeless at upholding the rights of employees, as I have found out myself.

Asad treatment is a symptom of the growing menace of bullying at work and as such requires more opposition from the Left and other progressives.

To date I have been unable to find any concerted effort by political people to oppose or act against bullying at work. I hope to correct this situation by setting up the Anti-Bullying Union - see my Blog "Anti-Bullying Union" address at

If anyone out there has a tale to tell regarding buulying at work please send them to me asap via the blog or email

Anti-Bullying Union
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Whats the point of this article......

26.02.2009 16:28

Galloway is a self serving multi millionaire ego maniac traitor who single handedly destroyed any possibility of a radical anti-war movement in this country. He is a fucking dick head and so is the person who posted this but most likely it was Galloway himself, meow meow

So fucking what!

Answer to So Fucking What!

26.02.2009 18:42

As you asked so politely, the whole point of the article was to highlight the growing problem of workplace bullying in the UK. Some 2million employees are affected by bullying, which causes misery, ill health and occasionally suicide.

Bullying is a blight on the workplace that is not being addressed by people on the Left or amongst more progressive people, libertarians etc.

We are a human rights group and our members support a lot of the campaigns that appear on Indymedia - it is only right that the suffering of millions of people in the UK (and the many more millions in most "western economies") be highlighted and that calls for action are needed and now.

Yours in peace

Anti-Bullying Union (not George Galloway)

Anti-Bullying Union

Then why are you using Galloway to highlight the situation...

27.02.2009 07:26

as if he is an authority on anything but self interest. The fact that you use his name takes from whatever point you are trying to make.... Get it!!??


I Do Get It!!!

27.02.2009 08:44

I most certainly do get what you are saying - but when so few people, in fact NO ONE in the main media, virtually NO politician, very few people on the Left and NO ONE amongst the more progressive people even mention the existence of bullying at work then when someone (even GG) says something then he is to be congratulated.

The problem of bullying at work is being taken much more seriously in countries like Canada, USA, Oz, New Zealand, with coalitions of Unions, workers and polticians tackling this problem. There they don't have to rely on iffy MP's like GG to speak out - they see the problem and they are doing their best to overcome it.

Bullying which can take the shape of racial harassment, sexual harassment, intimidation and abuse due to the victim being gay, lesbian Bi or transgender, bosses using coercion to get employees to work harder for less pay - these are some examples of bullying.
What are we as a progressive movement doing about it - NOTHING!!.

Would the author of the last comment prefer me to say nothing when the bullying of Asad is publicised, because GG said it? Come off it!!

Anti-Bullying Union

@So Fucking What

27.02.2009 12:02

The criticisms of this article are easy to demolish (and I am not specifically a supporter of Galloway or Respect).

Firstly, that Galloway "single handedly destroyed any possibility of a radical anti-war movement in this country" - utter rubbish. How *could* anyone do that? The truth is that the lack of a widespread radical anti-war movement is the responsibility of everyone who considers themselves radical but has not gone (for example) to decommission a weapons factory. That includes me, and I dare say it includes the anarchists on this thread who make a sport of out of blaming left figureheads for everything.

If said critics are feeling guilty about not being more radical in their anti-war activity, they should go and join some radicals who *are* doing radical work! They could poach some local Stop the War Coalition members in their area who want to do something more than march and write letters - what's stopping them?

Meanwhile the rest of the criticism seems to be based around the fallacy that if someone you don't like says something, it must automatically be incorrect. This doesn't stand up to a moments scrutiny. Surely if Tony Blair says that peace in the Middle East is one of the most urgent problems the world faces, then would you disagree with the *principle* of the statement? Of course not. You would of course be able to say he is a murderous liar, and it may be for US-centric and geo-strategic reasons that he doesn't *want* to achieve peace in the Middle East - but in terms of this discussion those things are irrelevant. You either agree with the assertion or you do not.

Accordingly if Galloway stands up to racist bullying in the police, then the worst you could say of it is "at least he is doing something right for a change". However if you condemn him out of hand, you are effectively standing for racism, and standing against victims of racism. Which would be a peculiar position for anarchists to take, I would have thought.

Aside: there is no need to be offensive on IMCUK. Swearing at people without provocation makes you look dim and illiterate - and there is more than enough of that around here already.



27.02.2009 20:57

Listen to all of those naughty swear words!

If only your mum could hear you! She'd think you are REALLY naughty.
