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Mobilization in Italy against Forza Nuova and the neo (and old) fascism

shut them down | 25.02.2009 14:28 | Analysis | Anti-racism | History

Forza Nuova is planning to open a new centre in Bergamo (north Italy)
there is a call for mobilization against it for Saturday 28 february and Roberto Fiore
is planning to attend.

Forza Nuova (italian fascist party) has announced the intention for 28 Saturdays February to inaugurate a new center in Bergamo. The party of Roberto Fiore ( expected for the inauguration) would want to open the center close to via Quarenghi, the multiethnic heart of the city, just when the government Berlusconi has decided to institutionalize the patrols of “citizens”. The anti-fascist local movement has already rejected several times the offensives of the radical right, and past saturday a demo marched against the opening of the new center. Forza Nuova arrives in Italy, in a dramatic political moment for the Italian society, crossed from emergency climate of laws against freedom, together with aggressions, homicides and fires against minorities. In this context, Forza Nuova appears like the tip of the iceberg, an armed fascist faction of the Berlusconi coalition that governs Italy and expression of political forces that they would like to bring history back...

shut them down
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fogna nouva are the least of your problems

25.02.2009 16:29

i can't see why you would waste your time on fogna nuova, they are the least of your worries when Itsly is run by a coalition of mafia and freemasons. the so called "left" is probably more masonic but also maintains excellent relations with the mafia, Umbria. toscana and emilio romagna would be in the shit with out all the mafia money that is being laundered by the "masso'communisti " masonicommies.
Why not first get rid of the fork tongued sinisteroids form a real left wing and fight from there.

good luck ..



25.02.2009 19:20

Starting with the nickname, which is a shame that You assigned here, You fascist and a disgrace that put mud on that name.

Richard Rollins

Shut up fascist!

25.02.2009 19:22

Fra Massons . Roberto Fiore: from terrorist to entrepreneur … and back again
One of Britain’s longest running security scandals, involving far-right terrorists, is about to cause enormous embarrassment to the government. Its two key players are living in London as successful businessmen, while being allowed to continue their extremist activities.
