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Netcu Watch // The Truth About Gladys Hammond

Netcu Watch | 25.02.2009 14:03 | SHAC | Animal Liberation | Repression

The following is an account sent to us which explains some until now unknown details of the supposed grave robbery of Gladys Hammonds remains.

Gladys Hammond

At the recent sentencing of the SHAC 7 the alleged theft of Gladys Hammond’s body from her grave was mentioned yet again despite having nothing to do with the SHAC campaign. The constant 'resurrection' of Gladys is clearly 'used' to convey to the public that all animal rights campaigners are callous fanatics. While most of the media have mentioned the grave-theft at one time or another none of them have made any effort whatsoever to authenticate the story.

The Alleged Grave-Theft

Allegedly it all began on the 6th October 2004 when the Staffordshire police would have you believe that two protesters visited the quiet countryside village of Yoxall in Staffordshire at the dead of night, armed with one fold-up spade, to steal Gladys Hammond from her grave. Anyone who has visited Yoxall will know that the graveyard is completely surrounded by houses. A female OAP was then said to have travelled some distance with the corpse before carrying it (dressed in a pink shroud) up four flights of stairs to the flat she shared with her Jack Russell, who was very partial to a bone ! Nineteen months later, in May 2006, Gladys Hammond was supposedly found on Cannock Chase.

Contradictions in the Alleged Grave Theft

1. An 84 year old was said to have noticed the “disturbed” grave whilst police photographs showed a professionally dug grave with precise sides and corners.
2. The vicar said the plaque was on the coffin lid whereas police photographs showed the plaque lying on the soil nearby and there was no coffin lid.
3. Police said bones were left at the grave which was a contradiction to what Janet Palmer (Gladys Hammond's daughter) said. She stated she “was relieved that her mother's body had been kept intact”.
4. Police said the gravestone was “smashed” yet police photographs clearly showed Gladys Hammond's name on the complete gravestone.
5. The Forestry Commission reported the corpse could only have lain where it was found for a very short time whereas the police stated it had been there for a considerable length of time.


The OAP was subsequently arrested on 1 December 2004 at 08.20hrs. She was totally unaware that her arrest had been headline news on the local news stations at 08.00hrs. As she was escorted from her flat by 3 detectives there were 6 police officers with large boxes waiting on the stairs to search her flat and seize her property. She was taken to the police station and questioned on and off throughout the day. The 6 officers found no trace of Gladys in the flat and the OAP was released without charge later that evening. The next day, despite making international media headlines as a grave-robber and named as a defendant in the High Court Application to ban all protests at the guinea-pig farm, the Judge allowed the OAP to continue her protests !

When the OAP eventually learned that the witness who had identified her as a “5’10” male with not dark hair seen standing as lookout at Yoxall cemetery in mid September 2004” and later changed her description to a “5’4” female with no hair” was the Rev. Jenny Lister vicar of Yoxall she couldn’t understand why a vicar would blatantly lie about her until she received a cutting from the local paper through the post which told of the arrest and charging of the Rev. Peter Lister (Jenny’s husband) for sexually abusing a 14 year old boy some years previously. She immediately thought what a great incentive for the vicar to lie if she could “do a deal” with the CPS to incriminate the OAP if they dropped the sexual abuse charge against her husband. This is exactly what the CPS did at his trial in Northumbria in 2005. Would vicars lie ? Well Jenny Lister certainly lied because the OAP had never visited Yoxall cemetery. Peter Lister also lied because the OAP has since met the person he sexually abused which means the two vicars have got away with horrific crimes whilst being aided and abetted by the Staffordshire police and the CPS. Meanwhile the OAP's solicitors have been refused the legal aid she needs in order to clear her name because the Legal Funding Commission “do not consider her case to be in the public's interests”.

Netcu Watch
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25.02.2009 19:33

Putting together the above dates with those from:

Oct 2004 - corpse goes missing
Nov 2004 - allegations of child abuse made to police against Peter Lister
Dec 2004 - OAP arrested in connection with missing corpse
Feb 2005 - Peter Lister arrested in connection with child abuse
May 2005 - Peter Lister has court appearance, case not dropped
July 2005 - Peter Lister has court appearance, case not dropped
Nov 2005 - Peter Lister has trial, case dropped
May 2006 - corpse turns up

Do we know what date Jenny Lister made her original statement, and on what date it was altered? This is a pretty important detail.

random researcher

Look to the Lodges...

26.02.2009 10:34

Yes, vicars do lie and also have predilection for boys, the stories about the abuse of choir boys are legendary.

One thing that vicars and Police have in common is that they are frequently Freemasons. There is a large membership of Freemasonry in the church, the Church of England especially.

I know of other cases where vicars have been allowed to escape any charges for abusing children. In one case, the victim, who was a disabled boy, was charged after alleging harassing his abuser. The vicar is still in his parish needless to say.

This sounds to me as though The Brothers have got together to help one of their own and at the same time, stitch up an innocent person.

Look at the local Lodge books if you get get them. I don't doubt you will see familiar names there.


Grave Digging...Archaelogy and / or Anthropology and / or Forensic 'Science'

28.02.2009 11:28

How naive of Nick BAKER to quote the Guardian, whom like the rest of the media, are not renowned for substantiating the facts.

Please ponder this...

> "The Press are renowned for printing the prejudices of their editors and advertisers."
(Source, Unknown).

> "In times of universal deceit, telling the truth, becomes a revolutionary act."
(Geroge ORWELL)

> "Where law and order are concerned, justice is an irrelevance."
(J Edgar HOOVER, F.B.I.)

Political Prisoner (of fascistan) TB6810
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Reply to Random Researcher

02.03.2009 12:04

Jenny Lister's statement was made on 13.10.04. She never altered her statement, only her description of the OAP.

Janet Tomlinson

Church Survivors

25.07.2009 10:59

Further detail on timings of the allegations aginst Rev Peter Lister:

The allegations made against the Reverend Peter Lister (formerly of Morpeth, Northumberland, and Yoxall) were made verbally to Northumbria Police before October 2004, i.e. before the Gladys Hammond events began; the allegations were first raised against him in September and recorded on paper and on video tape in November 2004.

There was clear evidence against Rev Peter Lister, so the case was taken on by the Crown Prosecution Service to be heard at Newcastle Crown Court. The judge stopped it on the morning of the trial, in November 2005, saying that the events could never have happened.

A policewoman wrote up the allegations made by the victim against Rev Peter Lister; these allegations were of serious sexual abuse were then transcribed and written up by the policewoman as the victim's statement.

At court, it became clear that something was wrong.
The policewoman somehow managed to put into the statement 'the wrong dates'. She did this despite being told the correct dates (we have a CD copy of the verbal statement made to Northumbria Police that proves that the correct dates were given to the policewoman). It appears that she was somehow unable to type in the correct dates, but she did mange to put in the wrong ones.

This is how the Rev. Peter Lister managed to avoid trial at Newcastle Crown Court.

It is extremely unusual for a case to be aborted at the last minute in terms of the prosecution offering no evidence.

The evidence was there. That's why the CPS took the case all the way to Crown Court.

During the investigation, the Police (Staffordshire and Northumbria) appeared to fail to arrest the Rev. Peter Lister until after Christmas 2004 as they, allegedly, 'didn't have enough police officers'.

2 Independent Police Commission Complaint investigations have led to the police denying every one of 20 or so charges of incompetence made against them relating to their investigation of Peter Lister.

The Gladys Hammond events happened in the church graveyard of the parish run by Rev Peter Lister and his wife the Rev Jenny Lister,. and occurred at the same time that the Rev Peter Lister was accused of sexual abuse against a child.

After the case of sexual abuse against the Rev. Peter Lister was dropped, he was reinstated as the Director of Education, Lichfield Diocese, looking after hundreds of schools.

He then took 'early retirement'.

We believe that the Police investigation of the case aginst Peter Lister was flawed. They've admitted that they got the dates wrong yet refuse to accept liability. The roles of both the Police and the Crown Prosecution Service in the case of R. vs Rev. Peter Lister need to be reviewed.

The problems in reviewing the case are several, not least

1/ double jeopardy (the same evidence can't be heard twice).

2/ The Police and CPS both investigate themselves - it is not an independent process.

3/ There is very little help and financial assistance for people who didn't get a fair crack of the whip at the hands of the prosecution authorities.

We firmly believe that, for whatever reason, the police and the CPS in the investigation of the Rev. Peter Lister messed up.

Church Victims
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Link to Jenny and Peter Lister 'Year of Hell' story inthe Burton Mail:

Chruch Survivors
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Missing details on the time of the discovery of the grave disturbance

29.07.2009 00:09

Important details about the timing of the discovery of the grave disturbance. Also 2 highly relevant media stories about the discovery itself are now missing from the online archives:

Firstly, it is very interesting to note the dates of the discovery of the grave disturbance. The Burton Mail (Nermin Oomer) reports that Police believe 'the grave (of Gladys Hammond) was dug up on Tuesday night or Wednesday morning...'

The BBC reports 'Ms. Lister, who first reported the matter to police on Thursday...

So when was it reported?

Apparently, Jenny Lister was notified of the grave problem by a parishoner.

Unfortunately, the following media stories seem to have disappeared from the online archives. I have searched but they appear to be missing.

Report 1:

Burton Mail 9.10.04 OAP TELLS OF GRAVE FIND by NERMIN OOMER - A PENSIONER has told how she discovered the grave of an elderly woman which is believed to have been dug up by animal rights activists. Police and church leaders have condemned the 'sick and despicable' criminals who 'seriously desecrated' the grave of Gladys Hammond ? the mother in law of Newchurch guinea pig farm owner Chris Hall?. (story)

Report 2

The BBC story that appeared, possibly on the 8th October, in which Rev. Jenny Lister describes how a woman parishioner of outstanding (or was it ‘upright’) character alerted Jenny to the grave disturbance.

How strange that both stories are missing. There must be copies somewhere?

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