G20 London - what the f***'s going on?
Ldn | 19.02.2009 19:35 | G20 London Summit
Can someone post a list of the demos so far publically announced please?
As this is one of the most important dates in the London calendar and as the times are heating up, the response by radicals so far has been crap, no?
Seems to be the liberal PUT PEOPLE FIRST mass demo SAT 28th FEB
Then STOP THE WAR demo APRIL 1st
April Fools Day April 1st in The City climate 'prank' actions
A protest at the G20 itself called by the Stop the War Coalition, the Palestine Solidarity Campaign, the British Muslim Initiative and CND on April 2nd
check the calendar...
19.02.2009 21:04
Details coming soon for radical/militant action
19.02.2009 22:46
Meetings have taken place organising a mass convergence in the city of London, targeting the financial institutions that uphold economic policies and the capital itself. Details and a press release coming soon, next week word has it. The organising has been late, not crap, as the g20 date was only agreed late last year. Since then meetings have devloped as fast as possible. Calls for action have already been announced in France and abroad for example.
It might seem like there has been silence from radicals, anti-authoritarians and anarchists alike as a lot is going on under the surface. This will all be revealed next week as other groups echo the call(s) for action (that's an incentive to write one on behalf of your group).
There's also this link, not sure of the relevance though http://www.g-20meltdown.org
smash the city
G20 protest
19.02.2009 22:48
G20 member
(pre)G20 summit films
19.02.2009 23:46
Indymedia cinema (London)
autonomous workers bloc
20.02.2009 09:15
Financial fools day - Climate Camp in the City
20.02.2009 09:55
G20 leaders' London Summit. Join us!
Climate camp 2009 /// Stopping carbon markets /// Because nature doesn't
do bailouts.
First the city traders speculated with our homes, jobs and money – with
disastrous results. Now they are speculating with our climate and the
very future of life on earth – and once again our governments are
cheering them on.
By creating a brain-bending system of carbon pollution licenses, fossil
fuel companies and trading firms have found a way to keep on churning
out global warming gases and to reap huge windfall profits at the same
time. Meanwhile, the UK government is justifying a third runway at
Heathrow and a coal-fired power station at Kingsnorth by saying that
these new “carbon trading” schemes will magically make all their
emissions vanish.
They are handing control of our climate over to the same people and
systems that caused the financial collapse. All the workable and fair
alternatives aren't getting a look-in.
We need to stop this foolishness.
We've camped against the Heathrow runway, we've camped against the
Kingsnorth coal power station. Now its time to camp against the
over-arching problem: absolute faith in unfettered markets and endless
economic growth. On April 1st the G20 leaders arrive in London. At a
time of climate crisis their response to the market meltdown is
emergency loans to car manufacturers, increased spending to encourage
consumption, and bailouts for the very people who got us into this mess
- just the things that will make the climate crisis worse.
Don’t let them get away with it: join our camp in the Square Mile!
Gather at noon, April 1st, at the European Climate Exchange, Hasilwood
House, 62 Bishopsgate, EC2N 4AW. Bring a pop-up tent, sleeping bag, wind
turbine, mobile cinema, action plans and ideas...let’s imagine another
Don't let the financial and fossil fools make the rules!
for updates, information or to get involved, visit:
http://www.climatecamp.org.uk/g20 or subscribe to announcements at:
To get more involved, come to our planning meeting:
March the 7th/8th in Nottingham
Keep an eye on www.climatecamp.org.uk/g20 for the latest details
and subscribe to our facebook event:
"As if individual speculators were to be allowed to export the clouds
out of the sky, or the stars out of the firmament, one by one. We
shall be reduced to gnaw the very crust of the earth for nutriment."
Henry David Thoreau, The Maine Woods 1864
Climate Camper
20.02.2009 14:00
Helpful anarchist
Hide the following 9 comments
my sentiments exactly
19.02.2009 22:16
After all we have fundamental challenges to our freedoms and constitution, a smug prick of a prime minister, increasing inequality in the country, the endless greed of our major corporations and bankers revealed in all their evil glory, the continuing death tolls and tragedy of illegal wars, the obvious rape and inhuman manipulation of vulnerable countries around the world, the cynical destruction of natural habitats and the environment by governments and multinationals, still - the relentless coercion of supranational bodies to push economic policies that enrich the wealthy at the expense of the poor....
And everybodies pissed because its so fucking obvious now...
And its HERE in London...
Fuck, theres gonna be mayhem on the streets while we show those bastards that ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!
And what is happening? NOTHING... a big fat silence
Am I wrong?
Time 4 action
people first
19.02.2009 22:34
StWC member
all i can say
20.02.2009 02:50
and keep your eyes and ears peeled for the announcements that will be coming up soon.
We wont pay for their crisis!
20.02.2009 10:25
I guess everyone who isn't content to just re-hash old victories and old forms (J18 RTS etc) is looking, waiting or feeling that something finally is happening in the spirits of us poor fucking sufferers. Recent inspiring signs have been the militancy of the Gaza demos, the college occupations (although they never went into full occupation mode with a critique of the university itself, followed by a critique of work, capital etc towards something better than fairly limited 'demands'). The wildcat strikes around the oil industry and the actions of Cowley car workers are even more inspiring. It's just bringing all these threads together into something that begins to look and feel and act like a mass movement. Also a movement that's not mediated or led by supposed revolutionary groups (trots or anti-capitalist, anarchist).
Inspiration also comes from France, Italy and Greece with the dynamic forms of occupations of buildings for large assemblies, talking shops, convergence zones, info points etc. Taking that energy and experiment in new ways to be around each other out onto the streets to block the movement of capital, physically in the roads and rail networks. These actions always consciously done with the single idea: we wont pay for their crisis.
That's something that needs to be taken up in the UK- we wont pay for their crisis. Not in redundencies, wage cuts, benefit cuts, student fees, pension cuts, price rises, bail-outs (and bonuses etc). That feels like something a movement mobilises around. Refusal and not half-assed demands (like Put People First).
I guess we are all waiting for a chance to act, for something to come out of the blue, some form, struggle, some riot, some event that just spontaneously begins a new round of struggles, a way to be involved in solidarity with others in struggles and for our own struggles to become others too.
Hopefully something can come out of the G20.
Seems like the best bet is for people to go the big march on 28th and make it angry. Make no demands, just make it fiesty! That's what spreads enthusiasm and energy, when other people see that something they can relate too is going on (like the wildfire of the poll tax riots all over England in March 1990).
20.02.2009 10:42
any links to info would be appreciated. thanks
stupid anarchist
G20 London April 2 Excel
20.02.2009 14:19
Am sure the locals of Canning Town will enjoy red-zone exclusion zones and over the top 'anti-terrorist; policing on those few days.
See you there, I guess!
Beyond reactionism
20.02.2009 19:06
The laundry list of grievances goes on and on ... where does one start getting a head around them? Yet, it seems to me that it is of pivotal importance that these grievances, these injustices, the incremental encroachments on our (alleged) liberties, the horror of our warfare governments and their toadies be listed and made explicit. It seems to me that it is critical to start raising these issues time and again, to get the general public to wake up from their slumber to recognise just what is actually going on in this country underneath the glitz of celebrity suck and consumer goods. I also think that we need to be aware of our audiences and develop literature and awareness campaigns designed specifically to target different demographics.
Finally, I think that we need to begin to articulate the alternate vision - what we are trying to build, not just what we are trying to destroy. Many people who would potentially be supportive of these causes for justice, liberty, ecological sanity, etc., are likely to cling to the old and exploitive ways because (a) they at least know this devil for all of its evilness and familiarity breeds a certain degree of security (even if illusory and at someone else's expense) and (b) if they feel included in both the shaping of a new vision, can begin to say and see what the viable alternatives are they may be more willing to express their anger in meaningful direct and political action - however that might be possible for them at their level. The level of strategic organisation within the anarchist movement is a significant Achilles heel which the authorities exploit to throw longer-term planning and actions into confusion and disarray. Let us not give them that opportunity.
In short, if we begin to think about the techniques the political and corporate tyrants use to engender docility and passivity, compliance and apathy and see how these might be appropriated to our own ends, we have established a potential Trojan Horse - slipping radical alternatives into the mainstream under the "Watchful Eyes" of the surveillance state and its myriad gatekeepers without them even noticing. I know that the radical zines attempt the task of communicating and kudos to them for all of their efforts. However, I also know that the radical zines are pretty much preaching to the choir. We need to start changing track in order to seed that groundswell, that critical mass, that will unseat the power bases of exploitation and elitism, and also provide a clearer sense of what the proposed alternatives are to this system. That will take vision, good writing and presentation skills, as well as providing a litany of how the daily life of every UK resident (and tourist!) is being impacted upon. Just as an aside, imagine getting it into "The Lonely Planet" and "Rough Guide" tour books just how regulated the spaces are in the UK, just how restrictive the laws are, just how under surveillance we all are as warnings to potential tourists. And on and on ...
'ave a go Joe
Its not exactly Seattle is it!
20.02.2009 19:31
Peace camp, people first?!!
I'll bet that will have all the major capitalists of the world reassesing their policies of greed and global dominance.
Come on -
"The G-20 (more formally, the Group of Twenty Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors) is a group of finance ministers and central bank governors from 20 economies: 19 of the world's 25 largest national economies, plus the European Union (EU). It has also met once at heads of government level, in November 2008. Collectively, the G-20 economies comprise 90% of global gross national product, 80% of world trade (including EU intra-trade) and two-thirds of the world population."
This is THE major event of 2009, possibly the last obvious major political target before the next elections
This is a chance to demonstrate our anger and frustration at the whole shabby economic crime being perpetrated by the greedy corrupt few against the vulnerable - and not so vulnerable - in the entire fucking world.
This is a chance to show our determination that we will not stand by while they cynically destroy OUR fucking planet.
This is a chance to shame our government on the world stage for all its shitty authoritarian legislation. To act against the police state it's steadily assembling, for the fascist surveyllance society were being subjected to, our stolen rights, the pandering to the greedy while punishing the needy, political arrogance, corruption and the complete undermining of our democracy.
I mean this is the chance for something fucking enormous
Every interest group has something to shout about here, no matter what it's politics. Every laid off worker, every dispossesed homeowner, every trade unionist, every environmentalist, every NGO for third world causes, every human rights activist, every socialist, every communist, every anarchist, every one ever stopped and searched under the misuse of terrorist laws, every anti war activist - EVERY fucker has a reason to be there!!
Hell I'm 52, middle class and pretty liberal and I'm so angry I could spit glass right now!
This country is going to shit and we need TO GET FUCKING ANGRY
Everyone I know has had enough. We need to stage a huge rally with broad popular appeal. Forget the radical and the narrow interest group stuff and stick with the big issues everyone identifies with - fuck theres enough of them!
There should be a 100,000 people DEMANDING to be heard there
Form an umbrella organising committee under which all interest groups can be included without partisan interests
This is NOT the time for a polite bit of placard waving or tea outside the bank of england
We need to make a major statement before the next elections. All parties need to see that there is a rightous rage in the country, that they CANT just do anything they want and we will sit by apathetically while they dismantle every chance we have to stop their domination.
They are cutting our balls off and we are just lying there while they do it!!
Time 4 action
"Whatever would Robert have said ... ?"
20.02.2009 22:12
This is a GI-NORMOUS opportunity. This is the solidarity promised to the Greeks, a revolt against the self-same system that saw (& authorised!) the murder of 15-yr old Alexis, the self-same system that instructs corporations on the degree to which exploitation will be accepted in exchange for power and prestige.
So what are we gonna do? Fuck the cops ... we already have their number, despite their technocrappology and their paranoia-inducing intimidating creation of a goldfish bowl society. We know them, we outnumber them, and we have a greater passion to protect life than they do to protect some abstract order passed down the hierarchy.
So, what then? There is solidarity and strength in sheer numbers, an anonymous throng of anger and passion and belief in something better. The elites are probably shitting themselves, and one can expect a major crackdown in the weeks leading up to the G20 Summit. Go slow, keep low profiles and decentralise. God speed, friends.
The Devil in Citizen Jones