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Occupied London #4 out now! Launch party Saturday 21.2, 6.30 at Freedom

occupied londoner | 18.02.2009 01:18 | Social Struggles

Occupied London #4 is finally out. You can order a hard copy (64pp, 16 pages full colour) from the menu to the right.

All of the issue's contents will be available here on 20.2, please check back then!

Come celebrate the launch of #4 with us this Saturday 21.2, at Freedom Bookshop from 6.30 onward. Tons of copies of the new issue, a screening of a brand new documentary on the revolt and the latest news from Greece.

Freedom is in Angel Alley, 84b Whitechapel High Street, London E1 7QX

Winter 2008/09: “Between a present yet to go and a future yet to come”

...a post- (and pre-) revolt special:

* Illustrations by Max Andersson (
* An interview with Manuel Castells
* A 16-page colour story by Edd Last Hours
* A crisis map of Pula, Croatia; articles on love&riots, on the recent arrests in France squatting in the Netherlands, the recent revolt in Greece and much, much more...

Free as always. Donations go towards the prisoners of the Greek revolt.

occupied londoner
- e-mail: occupiedlondon [at]
- Homepage:


Hide the following 4 comments


18.02.2009 01:56

obviously you can order the issue from , not 'the menu to the right'

that's what happens when you copy and paste - d'oh!



18.02.2009 13:07

Great magazine! Something a wee bit different for today's discerning radicals. Alyways a good read! Nice one Occupied London folks!



19.02.2009 14:49

firstly; London is not occupied, never has been. It has always ben theirs. what you getting at by calling it occupied london.
secondly: on preivous issues you said the magazine was 'free as in freedom'. freedom most definitely is NOT free. is comes at huge cost and sacrifice . don't belittle it.
thirdly: magazine is pretty shit, but the blog organised from greece was invaluable!



19.02.2009 19:08

Great magazine
