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Nazis plan to march against NATO summit

no nato | 17.02.2009 15:12 | Anti-militarism

For those travelling to protest against the NATO summit in Kehl (France) and Baden-Baden (Germany), this information might be of interest. There will be an anti-fascist mobilisation to stop the Nazi march, so please consider taking part.

The youth wing of the German neo-Nazi party NPD calls for a demonstration against the NATO summit in one of the conference venues, Baden-Baden in South East Germany, on April 4. Their demonstration, which is estimated to attract 300 NPD members and activists of the regional militant Nazi scene, comes with the call: "Resistance against the NATO summit - We've had enough of your wars".

The JN, as the organisers of the demo, has forbidden participants to wear army-style clothing, especially any that would bear US army logos. It has also directed demonstrators to ignore anti-fascists unless there is direct confrontation. It has also asked that participants carry the flags of Palestine and Iran, as well as the US flag up-side down.

no nato


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you will obey

17.02.2009 18:18

>> The JN, as the organisers of the demo, has forbidden participants to wear army-style clothing, especially any that would bear US army logos. It has also directed demonstrators to ignore anti-fascists unless there is direct confrontation. It has also asked that participants carry the flags of Palestine and Iran, as well as the US flag up-side down.

Order must be obeyed without question at all times.
I generally find most people have no problem ignoring anti-fascists.


Indymedia infiltrated by zionists!

17.02.2009 18:46

Buyt Indymedia - this is a pro-Palestine march! Why are you describing it as "fascist"? Do you WANT all those Palestinian babies to be MURDERED again?




18.02.2009 09:32

...are you taking the piss? the enemy of my enemy is not necessarily my friend. even if the fash say something vaguely acceptable on one specific issue, they are still fash and still deserve nothing better than a good kicking.
