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Tony Blair received $1 million 'prize' from Zionist backed charity fund

Bribe-tastic | 16.02.2009 21:50 | Analysis | Palestine | Birmingham

Former Prime Minister Tony Blair, now an envoy for the international Quartet on the Middle East peace process today received a $1 million bribe, ahem, 'prize' from the pro Zionist Dan David Foundation. Nudge nudge wink wink..

The Dan David foundation was founded by a former Zionist youth movement activist and businessman who made his wealth from the "Photo Me" franchise of photo booths found in most shopping centres throughout Europe and Israel. The foundation is today chaired by Itamar Rabinovich, former Israeli Ambassador to the United States and Israeli Chief Negotiator with Syria. Misseur you are really spoiling us!

The Dan David prize foundation awards three prizes of $1 million annually for "achievements of outstanding scientific, technological, cultural or social impact on our world". Tony Blair received the award for "his exceptional leadership and steadfast determination in helping to engineer agreements and forge lasting solutions to areas in conflict". Hmmmm. Let's read that again:

"His exceptional leadership and steadfast determination in helping to engineer agreements and forge lasting solutions to areas in conflict".

Presumably these long last solutions are not the ones which involve in excess of one million Iraqi deaths, depleted uranium cancer victims, and the foreign exploitation of Iraq's oil reserves that rip off the Iraqi people.

Clearly Tony Blair does not see any conflict of interest in accepting an enormous sum of money from an organisation run by people who have been active in Zionist institutions for many years, meanwhile brazenly keeping up the pretence that he is an impartial mediator in the Palestine-Israel conflict.

Not to worry, apparently the money will be donated to the Tony Blair Faith Foundation, a charity for "religious understanding". "The 21st Century will be poorer if it is not under the guardianship of faith", squeals Blair. The website reads "religious faith can also be used to divide. We have seen this throughout history and today we still see how it can be distorted to fan the flames of hatred and extremism". Sure, and don't forget tackling fanatical and extremist religious ideas such as "this land belongs to us because God told us so".



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Might come as a shock to you

17.02.2009 00:22

But the "Zionists" are well known for being big donors to charities.

You are likely to be rather hard pressed if the standard you want to apply to a charitable foundation being acceptable is that the "Zionists" aren't donating to it. I'm not saying there aren't any. But the only reason to expect the "Zioniosts" not to be ponying up when a charity passes the hat is if that charity is ANTI-Zionist.

mail e-mail: stepbyspefarm

Re: Might come as a shock to you

17.02.2009 10:16

"You are likely to be rather hard pressed if the standard you want to apply to a charitable foundation being acceptable is that the "Zionists" aren't donating to it. I'm not saying there aren't any. But the only reason to expect the "Zioniosts" not to be ponying up when a charity passes the hat is if that charity is ANTI-Zionist."

Indeed, however the point here is that the charity was founded and funded by a Zionist activist and is run by Zionists. Zionism is a vicious political (not religious) ideology which cannot be achieved without the theft of land and ethnic cleansing. Although the 'charity' claims to have ulterior motives (technological and social progress) it is no coincidence that some of the people they 'donate' to are both rich and in positions of considerable power. In this case Tony Blair has a position of considerable power in the Middle East with regards to influencing policy towards both Israel and Palestine.


Zionism not religious ? Come on...

17.02.2009 12:21

"Zionism is a vicious political (not religious) ideology which cannot be achieved without the theft of land and ethnic cleansing."

Of course zionism is a religious ideology and only that actually. It is all about the creation, expansion and defence of a JEWISH state/homeland and as far as I know Judaism is not a political party, a race or an ethnic group but a religion.

I gotta agree 100% with the rest of yor sentence though.


Tony Blair is a Zionist

17.02.2009 12:37

Tony Blair was the first British Prime Minister to sign the British State up to the "2 state solution" for Israel to be "recognised as a Jewish State" and for the West Bank and Gaza to become the "Palestinian State". Supporters of this political construct are labelled as Zionists. Many people believe that Zionism is not compatible with another political construct; "Human Rights". This concept originates with Tyneside radical Thomas Spence who coined the term "Rights of Man" which was further popularised by Tom Paine. Zionists range in political opinion from Lieberman, who supports full ethnic cleansing of Israel, through the Histrodut who support the maintenance of a Jewish majority in Israel, to Chomsky who describes himself as an "Anti-Statist Zionist" and is a strong opponent of genocide. "Palestine" refers not to a currently existing state but to the territory currently occupied by the State of Israel including Israel, the West Bank and Gaza. Palestinians are people who live in or whose families originate in Palestine. Palestinians may hold Israeli passports or deeds to land in Palestine.
Is there an e in Anti Genocideist?

Anti Genocidist

Re: Zionism not religious ? Come on...

17.02.2009 13:24

"Of course zionism is a religious ideology and only that actually. It is all about the creation, expansion and defence of a JEWISH state/homeland and as far as I know Judaism is not a political party, a race or an ethnic group but a religion."

Hi Bud, see your point, but there are many Jews who are not Zionists (specifically the most orthodox) and who disagree with ethnic cleansing and theft of land. It is important to differentiate because anti-semitism has been 'justified' by confusing these two issues.


Don't doubt mah sinceritah

17.02.2009 16:47

C'mon, now really, I don't mind honest criticism of my decision to invade Afghanistan and Iraq, it just really hurts when you doubt my sincerity. That is so unkind to victimise me for a genuine mistake. There was a blood debt to be paid to Mr Bush and I hope you all realise that I was brave enough to pay it. I am so disppointed that my own children are betraying me by taking internships with US senators rather than fighting in Daddys wars. There isn't a day that goes by without me grappling with my selfless decision to sell out my countrymens blood to pay that debt - do you think the millions of dollars in my bank account compensate for that sort of self-doubt?
Look at the smile, back to my eyes, then back to the smile. It's a pained smile isn't it?
I am the real victim here after all. Didn't I modernise the Labour party, reduce the gap between the rich and my family, and distance myself from my mafia colleagues? I think history will remember that I stood up to the tough decision, to slaughter innocents simply for personal gain, and was brave enough to take such a courageous stance in front of the TV cameras while Congress were pinning medals on me for my bravery.

A Blair