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Post Office campaign: 140 MPs now support EDM 428 ‘Royal Mail’

fightback | 14.02.2009 12:52 | Free Spaces | Globalisation | Workers' Movements

We're pleased to inform you that 140 MPs have now signed up in support of EDM 428 which calls on the government to abandon plans to privatise Royal Mail and the Post Office. Please continue to lobby MPs who've not yet signed up. We must urgently get new MPs to sign up, in order to keep up the pressure on the government to think again its proposals for privatisation of post services.

Compass strongly rejects the idea that our post service should be privatised. Instead of selling off this national asset we'd like to see the service invested in and modernised to ensure it's responsive to people's needs in the 21st century and remains a universal service that is publicly owned. In essence we believe in modernisation not marketisation.

This is the Compass New Year campaign priority. 140 MPs have already signed EDM 428 - but we need lots more MPs to support this - you can help by taking action and lobbying your MP today.

Let's not see our post services privatised and then 5 or 10 years down the line find ourselves campaigning for a tax on the windfall profits of privatised post service companies, in the same way we've had to with privatised energy companies. That is exactly what could happen if we just sit back and do nothing. Let's not allow a Labour Government to make the same mistakes and be deluded by the so-called benefits of privatisation.

Now is the time to take action, email or call your MP and urge them to sign up to EDM 428:

In the coming weeks we'll be coming out with our own proposals and positive vision for a modern post service (to include ideas such as a People's Bank) that remains in public hands - keep an eye out for further updates and email actions on this important campaign.

Lobby your MP now and let's campaign for a modern post service that remains in public hands!



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Most Lib Dems would not sign that

14.02.2009 19:11

as their policy to privatise the postal network and keep the counters=retail post offices business in the public sector as now. Although they might oppose a part-sale to a courier company.
