Viva palestina | 13.02.2009 10:38 | Palestine
The weekly picket of Marks & Spencer, corportae sponsor of Israel continues every Thursday outside M&S flagship store, every Thursday, 6-8pm, after more than eight years.
This Saturday 14 February, we will be holding a special rolling picket, starting at M&S Edware Raod and continuing along Oxford St, picketting various high street companies that support Israel.
This Saturday 14 February, we will be holding a special rolling picket, starting at M&S Edware Raod and continuing along Oxford St, picketting various high street companies that support Israel.
Come and protest British high street sponsorship of
Israeli brutality: Marks & Spencer, Starbucks, Sainsbury's and others.
12-3pm, Saturday 14 February
Meet at 12 pm, Marks & Spencer, 258 Edgware Road
(nearest tube: Edgware Road)
A loud and lively demonstration to raise awareness and publicise a boycott of Israeli goods, in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation.
This action supports the Boycott Israeli Goods
campaign's week of actions, highlighting the fact that on Valentine's Day millions of pounds worth of Israeli flowers are sold in British supermarkets.
Join the weekly picket of Marks & Spencers,
every Thursday 6-8pm, M&S 458 Oxford Street
(Marble Arch end)

Viva palestina
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The problem with boycotting Israel
14.02.2009 02:14
What people often overlook is that such a boycott would hurt the Palestinian Jewish working class far worse before it ever hurt the Israeli Zionist oligarchy, and that its biggest short-to-mid-term effect on the Palestinian struggle would merely be to isolate these workers and drive them further into the arms of ever more extreme fascists such as Likud and Yisrael Beiteinu. I don't want to speculate on where that would lead, but the worst case scenario is that Israel's last days would be punctuated by nuclear war as the most extreme Zionists, having gained control of the military machine, felt themselves backed into a corner.
For a better idea of what people outside the conflict zone can do to help defeat Zionism, we should instead look to the example of the Greek dockworkers who stopped a certain freighter last month in Astakos.
Solidarity, Peace & Freedom
Kaze no Kae
16.02.2009 20:19
I disagree strongly. For a start, Israel does not rely on foriegn trade, it relies on a US subsidy. In a way that makes your argument that sanctions are ineffectual more plausible so I am surprised you say the opposite. I also don't agree that the Treaty of Versailles led +directly+ to the holocaust, I feel that was a convoluted path that could have been circumvented at any point. Just because something happened does not mean it was inevitable.
So to the core argument. You claim boycotting Israel will hurt the Palestinians most. This may or may not be true but since the Palestinians are asking for this step then it is not for you to disagree. Boycotts, disinvestment, sanctions, cultural isolation and importantly direct action are our proven tools from the anti-Aparthied campaign in South Africa. The same arguments against disinvestment were made in that campaign 30 years ago and proved to be false. Yes, the townships may have suffered most from the isolation in terms of poverty in the short term (although that it isn't the case here since the UK doesn't import from Palestine), but they gained most politically. Palestinians want us to boycott Israel and it is patronising at best to use Palestinian welfare as an excuse for our own inaction.
South African victory
16.02.2009 22:55
Kaze no Kae