The articles not for questioning
The question of articulation | 12.02.2009 16:53 | Indymedia | Palestine | Social Struggles

No questions have been answered, so don't ask em!
Removed - or as they say here, 'hidden'.
None of the legitimate questions about the political power of those who collective refer to themselves as jewish have been answered or even addressed in a meaningful way.
To question the dictates of those who call for a jewish only state, who cite a jewish religious book to justify and strengthen the hands of their warriors and who look upon those who do not come under the term 'jewish' is apparently to much for the sensibilities of some [here].
No matter, that the percieved slight of those who wish to weald power under a jewish banner takes precendence over the slaughter of 1300+ non-jews.
Their slight is seen as dominant and over-riding. No better clarion call to those who would attempt to tar all with the brush of racism can be made.
Look they will say, questions about jewish power are not permitted.
If you want to know where real power lies, just look to see where questions are forbidden.
And the familar absurdities and [false] linkages to stormfrontesq organizations are brought to bare by those rabid in the knowledge that they are well concealed in amoung the comfortable silent majority.
Does this mean, if we are disallowed these questions even here in the heart of what is supposed to be the alternative media, that the only recourse to address the issues must come from even further away from the accepted[sic] norms.
This can only be bad, no voice and fists and boots will fill the spaces left:
Those that make peaceful change impossible, ensure that violent change is enivitable.
What a shame, and with so many comments and commentators involved too.
You can still read it at the above link if you are willing to squint hard enough through the censors pen, even comment here to continue the dialogue (just) engaged in therein.
Experience has tought us that questioning the legitimacy of decisions here is as pointless as asking israel to define its borders, zionists to define 'anti-semitism' and nazies not to foam at the mouth at the notion that they have been 'right' all along - which in the absense of moderating[sic] voices will be easy to claim.
None of the legitimate questions about the political power of those who collective refer to themselves as jewish have been answered or even addressed in a meaningful way.
To question the dictates of those who call for a jewish only state, who cite a jewish religious book to justify and strengthen the hands of their warriors and who look upon those who do not come under the term 'jewish' is apparently to much for the sensibilities of some [here].
No matter, that the percieved slight of those who wish to weald power under a jewish banner takes precendence over the slaughter of 1300+ non-jews.
Their slight is seen as dominant and over-riding. No better clarion call to those who would attempt to tar all with the brush of racism can be made.
Look they will say, questions about jewish power are not permitted.
If you want to know where real power lies, just look to see where questions are forbidden.
And the familar absurdities and [false] linkages to stormfrontesq organizations are brought to bare by those rabid in the knowledge that they are well concealed in amoung the comfortable silent majority.
Does this mean, if we are disallowed these questions even here in the heart of what is supposed to be the alternative media, that the only recourse to address the issues must come from even further away from the accepted[sic] norms.
This can only be bad, no voice and fists and boots will fill the spaces left:
Those that make peaceful change impossible, ensure that violent change is enivitable.
What a shame, and with so many comments and commentators involved too.
You can still read it at the above link if you are willing to squint hard enough through the censors pen, even comment here to continue the dialogue (just) engaged in therein.
Experience has tought us that questioning the legitimacy of decisions here is as pointless as asking israel to define its borders, zionists to define 'anti-semitism' and nazies not to foam at the mouth at the notion that they have been 'right' all along - which in the absense of moderating[sic] voices will be easy to claim.
The question of articulation