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The article in question

The question in the article. | 12.02.2009 10:00 | Energy Crisis | Palestine | Social Struggles

Yet another examination of jewish power hidden and forbidden.

Mossad and the CIA are very busy in Venezuela.

yossi maiman, the mossad guy that controlled turkmenistan energy during the runup to the 9/11 operation, co-owns venezuela's biggest cable television operation in partnership with tom hicks, who was a poohbah at clear channel (limbaugh, dr laura, noory/bell, hannity) and made bunnypants his first $15 million by buying the texas rangers from him. ...hicks was also one of bunnypants' biggest campaign contributors.

venezuelan media has been instrumental in stirring up the rich kids who are causing the trouble... and maiman is just another little cog in the energy acquisition machinery, which also includes, in venezuela, the National Endowment for Democracy, which is up to its eyeballs in doofus efforts to get rid of the democratically-elected chavez so poppy bunnypants' cronies can retake control of venezuelan oil.

it could be that as things deteriorate in the middle east and oil production in mexico continues to decline, the neocons will redouble their efforts to grab venezuelan oil...

all these problems could have been averted had putin not dumped the israeli russians who were controlling russian oil when the 9/11 operation got cranked up... those guys were scheduled to keep israeli america supplied with oil as israeli america tore up the middle east.

1. Two students who are leading the opposition to Hugo Chavez appear to have Jewish origins.

These are Diego Aaron Scharifker and David Smolansky Urosa.

(Student leader Yon Goicoechea accepted $500,000 prize in 2008 from the Cato Institute in Washington. "Between Chávez and the students receiving the gringo dollars, I'll take Chávez," said María Encarnación Contreras, 58, a housewife. )

2.It looks like Mossad recently attacked a synagogue in Caracas, in order to make it look like Chavez cannot keep law and order.

Venezuelan investigators have arrested security officials from the synagogue in connection with the attack on the synagogue.

Venezuela arrests 11, including 7 police agents, over synagogue attack

3.People disguised as pro-Chávez partisans, riding motorcycles, have carried out tear-gas attacks on the home of a television executive, the papal diplomatic mission, and municipal and media buildings.
Venezuela campaign gets rough

The aim is to make it look as if Chavez cannot keep law and order. This is a classic CIA tactic.

Chavez has ordered the security forces to detain Valentín David Santana who has taken credit for most of the tear gas attacks.

4.Thousands of right-wingers, many of them Jewish, have taken part in a march against Chavez.

5. The media is being used to undermine Chavez. However, the truth does manage to get out. tells us of 10 Years of Progress in Venezuela

Chavez has been in power for ten years and “Bolivarian Revolution” has brought sustained economic growth, and a huge expansion of health care and other social services.

High school graduation rates have increased from 47% to 66%, and university enrollment has increased from 676,515 students to 1.8 million students.

More than a million Venezuelans have been taught to read, bringing the illiteracy rate down to less than one percent.

Ten years ago, only 20% of Venezuelans had access to primary health care. Now nearly 100% of Venezuelans have access.

Infant mortality has dropped from 21 to 13 per one thousand.

Ten years ago, the richest 20% of Venezuelans received 54% of the GDP. Now, the richest 20% get 46% of the country’s total income.

There has been a big growth in the small and medium-sized business sector.

The percentage of people living in extreme poverty has dropped from 23.4% to 9.1% over the past ten years.

Unemployment was 14.6% in 2003. It is now down to 6.1%.

Under the previous regime in the mid 1990s, inflation was 57.8%

Inflation has averaged 22% during the Chávez presidency.


6. The most reliable opinion polls suggest that Chávez will win the referendum on 15 February 2009.


A comment from our classic oversocialized 'anti racist'

"And now we have a follow up anti-semitic reply...

" 'jews' do act collectively in the political field"


Do muslims and Christians act 'collectively in the political field'? Or are jews unique?

Would it be reasonable to point out that a number of the protesters at the marches for Gaza in London were Muslim, and thereby to insinuate that they were linked with Hamas, on the ground that 'muslims act collectively in the political field'?

That this is still here is a shame upon those who run this site. "

News for you kiddo: jews are NOT a race!

And when christians and muslims act colectively in the political field are we not allowed to discuss fully and openly here and elsewhere the ramifictions?

Why the special treatment for the examination of jewish collective power?

If anything is going to promote in the minds of the average reader here (and by average I mean the vast majority who recive passively and don't resort to the use of the comment section).

Or perhaps the nanny mentality so exemplified here believes that merely speaking truthful facts (in this case about the machinations of imperialistic hubris and zionist international power) about jewish collective power is beyond the pale - itself a very telling response.

Hide it hide it hide under the table.


Yossi maiman: one of israels richest men, and mover and shaker in the oil and gas business, has his sites set on Palestines (Gazas) resources

Diego Aaron Scharifker and David Smolansky Urosa: the students[sic] responsible for organizing the violent anti-democratic protests with the goal as 'opening up' venezuelan oil markets to ... suprise suprise Yossi maiman! And from such a solid source an all:

But don't let the facts deter those here from removing your right to judge for yourselvs the seriousness of the accusations!

Hide it hide it hide under the table.

The question in the article.


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Please can we talk

12.02.2009 10:38

Please can we talk about collective jewish power now.

Now that the majority of israels electorate have opted to support the desire to see the land there become 'exclusively jewish'?

Now that the majority of the religious leaders and followers have expressed their desire for a 'jews only country'?

Now that that the population of israel in polls, have agreed wholeheartedly with the decision to remotely bomb the portion of the population that is not jewish (in fact wanting 'a harsher' response indeed!)?

When can we talk about the collective actions and beliefs of that religion that openly describes itself as 'the chosen ones' or 'the light unto nations'?

When can we examine the actions of these people throughout history, like I did with the christian nature of the dark-ages and the medieval periods at school?

Can we discuss the current zionist political period and its jewishness like we did the inqusitions of the christian period?

If this is still visable, yes.

If it is hidden, no.

the what why and when of it

So far off base you're not even wrong.

12.02.2009 11:26

"Two students who are leading the opposition to Hugo Chavez appear to have Jewish origins."

Now why is their "apparent" Jewish origin more important here than the fact that they're linked to the far-right Cato Institute?

"Would it be reasonable to point out that a number of the protesters at the marches for Gaza in London were Muslim, and thereby to insinuate that they were linked with Hamas, on the ground that 'muslims act collectively in the political field'?"
No it clearly wouldn't because - this might shock you - PEOPLE WITH THINGS IN COMMON ALSO HOLD DIFFERENT OPINIONS. Muslims do not all support Hamas, Jews do not all support Israel, Christians do not all support the USA. This is pretty simple stuff. It's politics.

Why try to put a racial dynamic on a political issue?
Why include a link to a mainstream newspaper as if it supported your anti-semitic bullshit?
Why are you trying to link support for the Chavez regime in Venezuela with the promotion of jewish conspiracy theories?

Who benefits from all of that?

Not Indymedia not progressive politics not the "Bolivaran revolution".

Take your fake-naive facade of reasonable questioning and fuck off. Dress it up all you like, lipstick on anti-semitic bullshit stinks just as bad.


all questions are legitimate, give us answers or give us death

12.02.2009 12:20

"Take your fake-naive facade of reasonable questioning and fuck off. Dress it up all you like, lipstick on anti-semitic bullshit stinks just as bad."

A typical response from a bleeding heart and oversocialized liberal bullshitter.

Tell us why it is a facade to question power? Even jewish collective power?

How does one address jewish collective action if not by calling it out for what it is; ie jewish colective power.

The students have links with the cato instiute, as does the billionaire israeli oil magnate that owns and runs the virulent opposition to the socialist revolution burgening in venezuela via [his] TV station.

Are we expected to forget that both seek control over the national resources of both Venezuela and Gaza?

How come you can diss this without ever addressing the central question? Does it frighten you to think that maybe you are wrong and that certain jews act collectively and against non jews?

Why does it become verbotten to air these questions?

Is jewish collective power above questioning?

Will you ever take the blinkers off and honestly address the issues?

Or will you continue to act in such an outrageously insulting manner to legitimate questions?

In israel itself, what remains of the liberal/leftist media are more than willing to question in such a way without resorting to such childish tantrums. Explain to us now why we can not do the same.

How does one speak truth to power?

verybored with your tantrums

This is a repost of a deleted article...

12.02.2009 12:24

.. please get rid of it. It is still anti-semitic.


the original article can still be accessed here

12.02.2009 12:24

for those willing to examine it

an additionaire

this raises the question

12.02.2009 12:35

Is there a dielectic between zionism and the collective will of the non jewsih world?

Or is the dielect only between zionism and the collective will of jewish power?

If it is the former, the questions are legitmate and require answers for progress and peace to occur, if it is the latter, then there are no legitimate questions to ask about zionism and jewish power structures and those that raise them stand outside the political process - thus by definition extremists.

This will prove a very dangerous situation because extremism knows no boundries and the movement towards justice and peace will be co-opted by those not interested in either, but, instead, only interested in replacng one power structure with another of similar reach and dominance.

We only have to look back at recent (20th cent) history to see where that leads ... unbridled hatred and destruction of social movements.

Do any of us really want that?

I don't. If the price we have to pay to stop such drift is asking uncomfatable questions that may embaress those followers of Judaism that reject its more extrem proponants, so be it.


tell us mr eponimous one

12.02.2009 12:38

what constitutes anti-semitism?

some of are very confused by the short hand employed here when ever difficult questions about jewish power arise.

you seem to understand it 'anti-racist', can you put it in a more accessable form than just merely calling for blanket removal?


can we also

12.02.2009 14:10

talk about collective islamic power. It all the same religious bullshit. Jewish / islamic what difference - none.

All religions are as bad as each other, mine is better than yours, mine will get you to heaven yours wont, follow me I am right.

All bullshit control structures.

you cant single out jewishness for special attention.

what you can do is single out the over the top ISRAELI response for special attention.

ALL RELIGION IS DIVISIVE, that is why it was invented.


"All questions are legitimate", aye? Their agendas aren't.

12.02.2009 14:17

"When did you last beat your wife?"
"Why wear that short skirt if not to attract attention from men?"
"But what should we do about the plan revealed in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion?"
"What is to be done about passover bread requiring christian blood?"
"I'm just asking a question, why can't we talk about the reality of Jews killing Christian children for their rituals?"
"What sanctions should we take against the jews for killing Jesus?"
"How does one address jewish collective action if not by calling it out for what it is; ie jewish colective power. "

Questions that start from a flawed premise and are built on forgeries get the response they deserve.



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This posting has been hidden because it breaches the Indymedia UK (IMC UK) Editorial Guidelines.

IMC UK is an interactive site offering inclusive participation. All postings to the open publishing newswire are the responsibility of the individual authors and not of IMC UK. Although IMC UK volunteers attempt to ensure accuracy of the newswire, they take no responsibility legal or otherwise for the contents of the open publishing site. Mention of external web sites or services is for information purposes only and constitutes neither an endorsement nor a recommendation.

just like before

12.02.2009 14:32

Just like the last time this story appeared -- but this time with even less indication of that -- this story is reposted from a virulently antisemitic website, And that site you can not only read this Jewish conspiracy story, but lots of others as well. For example, Google "zundel" and see a series of posts glorifying Holocaust denial.

The last time the anonymous antisemite posted this story, he at least included the name "wake up from your slumber." Having been called out for it, this time he removes the name.

And the comments, with their heavily antisemitic overtones ("Please can we talk about collective jewish power now"), show exactly why hosting antisemitic articles, even ones disguised as "leftist," is a bad idea.



12.02.2009 14:35

why send them back to stormfront? for anti-semites (oops anti-zionists) indymedia is the new place to be

jaffa cake

Don't muddy the issue jaffacake

12.02.2009 14:49

Anti-zionism is not anti-semitism.

This article is the latter.


flimsy logic equals cop out

12.02.2009 15:08

First, why don't you fuck off back to the tiresome and simplistic sun reading world that you inhabit and leave the big questions to those with intellectual courage and curiosity.

Next, to address the absurd equation that you desparately grasp for whenever you are swamped with the responsibilty of thinking for yourself and producing more than just soundbites - which amounts to little more than the bushism of 'either your for us or against us' :-

Stormfront is the abode of those that cannot abide any complexity in their political[sic] doctrine ... you might try it, your childish insults and view of the world would fit in well there.

It is also the abode of nazi mentalities - who also stooped to the violent rhetoric that you employ to falstall meaningful debate.

Your attempts to link mostly unrelated questions amount to little more than false consciousness and owes more to the orwellian double speak of fascists the world over, besides which they are easily dismissed individually not only as poor quality ranting but meaningless isolated nonsense. I will not divert from the issues by responding to them.

The questions on jewish power structures are legitimate as long as human beings keep indoctrinating their childrens minds with these poisonous divisions (and yes there ae a great deal of similar questions we must ask of islam also and should not be put off by THEIR implicit violence to those that do so). It is not so much as singling out jewishness for these issues, more a concentrating on them in the light of both the murderous rampage of zionist warmongers and the religious underpinning of same - as evidenced by the willingness of a not unsignificant amount of those religious leaders tha claim to speak on behalf of [all] jews.

To ignore the legitimate and timely questions of jewish collective poltical power is to give power to those that would abuse such collective behaviour. I assume you are not in favour of that (fool that I am, I ask you a question knowing to be met with the charming responses you have so far graced us with!)

not CH

oh come now CH

12.02.2009 15:11

You and jaffa cake are two peas in a pod, you both seek to disengage the intellect and appeal to emotive terms.

You clang on about 'anti-semitism' without ever actually defining it.

You lett his jaffa in on the game, you deal with his avoidence of the issue.

custard cream

small correction

12.02.2009 15:24

"as evidenced by the willingness of a not unsignificant amount of those religious leaders tha claim to speak on behalf of [all] jews. "

should read:

as evidenced by the willingness of a not unsignificant amount of those religious leaders that claim to speak on behalf of [all] jews legitimising the violence on Palestinian citizens.

not CH

answer to CH

12.02.2009 15:33

No it's the distinction between anti-semitism and anti-zionism that's muddy and muddled. that's why posts like this appear here. that's why the posters can't see their socialism of fools.

if wish it wasn't like this and our task must be to disentangle the two again, so that there can be criticism of zionism AND anti-semitism, but that won't happen on indymedia i fear.

jaffa cake

Yeah take the moral high ground

12.02.2009 15:34

I'm not the one reposting content from and pretending that it is raising important questions.

I'm also not assuming the existence of "collective jewish power" as a catch-all explanation for the world's ills then portraying my stance as "acknowledging complexity" (because "blame the jews" is such a nuanced position).

Clearly yours is the greater intellect, though, as I've used the word "fuck" in my replies...

You stand with such brave and complex thinkers as Ernst Zundel and David Irving.


what absolute rot

12.02.2009 15:52 has been ruled by the zionist police as being beyond the pale has it? A good enough reason to give it a look then - without pre-judging it.

Who says that the existance of collective jewish poltical power is responsible for 'all the worlds ills'? That would be daft, hasn't been claimed so need not feature in a discussion about the ills it IS responsible for!

My intellect or lack of it is not the issue, nor is yours. The context in which you use the word 'fuck' is, and highlights the fact that you are not interested in exchanging information, correcting mistakes or examining difficult notions.

Ernst Zundel, David Irving and the like could reasonably claim to be brave thinkers - if only because they had a reasonable expectation that they would be railroaded by hysterics, daily mail readers and 'oversocialized bleeding heart liberals' as the first poster so amusingly put it.

Whether they are complex or not must be left to those brave or foolhardy enough to find and read their considerable output.

But I see your point - the same one you made before, ie attempting to de-legitimise questions about the use of jewish collective power by means of vague association (in this case with those that might reasonably be said to be tainted in the public imagination with the curse of 'nazism'). A familiar and low trick and one that is practiced by fascists continually. If you can not deconstruct that which has been put before you here by your own wit and intellect, resort to trial by smear hmm!?!

Still not willing to define your terms though?

Your not brave or complex then.

not CH

can I just note ...

12.02.2009 15:56

... that the major source for this info comes from the international herald tribune, considered a 'normal' and 'respectable' newspaper.

Perhaps that de-sensationalises it for some. Oh well, you can always call me rude things and demand my exile to stormfront - or whatever source you use for such things.


Recently on wakeupfromyourslumber....

12.02.2009 16:23

"Science of global warming doesn't support the hype "
"31% of Europeans blame Jews for financial crisis"
"Dachau 1945: The Souls Of All Are Aflame" - now why might that not be available?
"Holocaust Revisionist Put Under Pressure by Church, Courts " (oh the poor lamb)
"Nothing to say except Williamson hasn't budged. He HAS provided us a great opportunity to get sheeple to consider the facts. Bless him and may his detractors rot in hell"

Clearly only the zionist thought police would find anything objectionable here....

And as for the "source" being the IHT, Some anonymous fool posting up antisemitic commentary triggered by a mainstream media article doesn't make for a "source".

The IHT piece is a typical USA anti-Chavez piece with some additional scaremongering about antisemitism by way of "oh look they're attacking jews". Trying to associate Chavismo with anti-semitism to cut off its support, like they tried to associate it with the FARC last year and like they try to associate Morales in Bolivia with narcoterrorism.

Which is incidentally, exactly what the OP is reinforcing by taking US media spin at face value. Come on conspiracists, whose agenda are you serving here?


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