University of East Anglia Occupied
UEA Student | 11.02.2009 19:54 | University Occupations for Gaza | Anti-militarism | Education | Palestine
UEA buliding Arts was occupied this by around 10-12 students tonight, the Union Council has voted to be support the occupation, security (initially heavy handed got suddenly more polite when the media and various onlookers turned up!) Below is a copy of the leaflet we are handing out...
Why we are in Occupation:
The recent acts committed by Israel in Gaza were completely atrocious, the deaths of hundreds of civilians and the collective punishment of an entire people. The continuing blockade of the ares has prevented vital food, water and medical supplies from reaching those in dire need and nothing has been done, save the weakest possible condemnations from our leaders. The University of Gaza has been shelled to rubble, as have many other educational institutions in the area, leaving students without any way of finishing their education. Here at UEA neither the University authorities, nor the bureaucrats-in-training that run the Student Union Executive, have done anything meaningful to help this situation - something which we believe is totally unacceptable.We have no doubt this occupation will be denounced, but the total inaction of our University over this issue is something which needs to be challenged and questioned immediately. We would like to make it abundantly clear that by being against Israeli militarism we are neither anti-Semitic or pro-Hamas, who are a representative of militarism as well. We stand in support of Israeli students who are refusing to join the Israeli Defense Force (IDF), an action which is gaining them expulsion and even imprisonment for refusal to join an army by conscription. These actions will remain on their permanent record and will affect their future prospects in terms of work etc. We also stand in solidarity with the other universities across the UK that are, or have been, occupied over the issue.
What we want:
- A public condemnation, in the strongest possible terms, from both the University authorities and from the Union Exec over the continuing situation in Palestine.
- Education aid for the University of Gaza, for example, old computers, text books etc be sent there to help replenish the resources destroyed in the recent bombardment.
- For UEA to twin with the University of Gaza (this will make it legally easier for the UEA to send aid).
- Scholarships for Palestinian Students to help them continue their disrupted education.
- A condemnation of the NUS from the Union for its failure to address the massacre in Gaza in a meaningful way.
- No repercussions for any student, member of staff or the public, who is involved in, or in any way supportive, the occupation.
Who we are:
This is an occupation by a rag tag bunch of students at UEA, we represent no one group, we are united by our belief that the situation in Gaza is unacceptable, and that only through active participation and action are we likely to make any impact at all. The pathetic response from the powers that be over this issue make us sure in our convictions and we firmly believe that ideas without actions are meaningless. We have no intention of making life difficult for the student population, an accusation which we fully anticipate being levelled at us, and will say that anyone from campus, whether student or staff, is welcome to join us in this occupation. Support, in any form, is welcome, updates on our blog:
Why we are in Occupation:
The recent acts committed by Israel in Gaza were completely atrocious, the deaths of hundreds of civilians and the collective punishment of an entire people. The continuing blockade of the ares has prevented vital food, water and medical supplies from reaching those in dire need and nothing has been done, save the weakest possible condemnations from our leaders. The University of Gaza has been shelled to rubble, as have many other educational institutions in the area, leaving students without any way of finishing their education. Here at UEA neither the University authorities, nor the bureaucrats-in-training that run the Student Union Executive, have done anything meaningful to help this situation - something which we believe is totally unacceptable.We have no doubt this occupation will be denounced, but the total inaction of our University over this issue is something which needs to be challenged and questioned immediately. We would like to make it abundantly clear that by being against Israeli militarism we are neither anti-Semitic or pro-Hamas, who are a representative of militarism as well. We stand in support of Israeli students who are refusing to join the Israeli Defense Force (IDF), an action which is gaining them expulsion and even imprisonment for refusal to join an army by conscription. These actions will remain on their permanent record and will affect their future prospects in terms of work etc. We also stand in solidarity with the other universities across the UK that are, or have been, occupied over the issue.
What we want:
- A public condemnation, in the strongest possible terms, from both the University authorities and from the Union Exec over the continuing situation in Palestine.
- Education aid for the University of Gaza, for example, old computers, text books etc be sent there to help replenish the resources destroyed in the recent bombardment.
- For UEA to twin with the University of Gaza (this will make it legally easier for the UEA to send aid).
- Scholarships for Palestinian Students to help them continue their disrupted education.
- A condemnation of the NUS from the Union for its failure to address the massacre in Gaza in a meaningful way.
- No repercussions for any student, member of staff or the public, who is involved in, or in any way supportive, the occupation.
Who we are:
This is an occupation by a rag tag bunch of students at UEA, we represent no one group, we are united by our belief that the situation in Gaza is unacceptable, and that only through active participation and action are we likely to make any impact at all. The pathetic response from the powers that be over this issue make us sure in our convictions and we firmly believe that ideas without actions are meaningless. We have no intention of making life difficult for the student population, an accusation which we fully anticipate being levelled at us, and will say that anyone from campus, whether student or staff, is welcome to join us in this occupation. Support, in any form, is welcome, updates on our blog:

UEA Student
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