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Ministers demand to know the color of your child’s pubic hair.

F.E.M. | 11.02.2009 18:07 | World

The dutch state keeps a list with thousands of ‘facts’ on each child in Holland. It has been forwarded to private companies such as the bjz who can take children from their parents and keep them for profit. This list is called the electronic child dossier.

In the list there are facts such as the color shape and curliness of pubic hair. Also mentioned is if the child is still a virgin and if not how many times the child had sex and if a condom was used on all occasions.
I can think of no other one than a pedophile would benefit from such information.

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is this true?

12.02.2009 11:33

thats really disgusting. really really gross


Of course it's not!

12.02.2009 18:45

Do a websearch and you'll get a less fanciful picture.

First of all, it's not news: goes back to mid-2007. Basically, Dutch kids will have a card which will include some medical data. No mention at all about pubic hair colour - would anybody's medical records hold such info? No mention at all about "private companies taking children away for profit". No mention at all about how often someone's had sex or whether they've used a condom. How on earth would the authorities know that, anyway? Would every young person have a shadow to follow them into the bedroom and take notes?

Obviously, there ARE serious privacy issues about this and any other ID Card / Database schemes, but garbage like the above posting only makes opponents of such schemes look stupid.

Captain Bullshit