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Lieberman dumps Livni

Dick Whittington | 11.02.2009 11:25

Her baby slaughter in Gaza was for nothing.

A useless tango
A useless tango

Lieberman – a former nightclub bouncer and pimp born in Moldova who arrived as an immigrant to Israel 31 years ago – is likely to secure a major cabinet position in what will probably be a rightwing dominated government. Benjamin Netanyahu, the head of the opposition Likud, is projected to become the next prime minister.

Lieberman's broadening appeal stretches from the Russian immigrant community through the secular end of the settler movement to mainstream Jewish Israelis who are attracted to his tough manner at a time when the country feels itself under grave threat and in need of a strongman. Last month's war in Gaza only helped deepen his support.
"He says things that appeal like deport all Arabs."

Lieberman campaigned on the slogan "Without loyalty, there is no citizenship," promising a new bill requiring all Palestinians with Israeli passports to swear loyalty to the Jewish state or lose their citizenship. He advocates creating a bantustan out of part of Galilee that is home to Arab Israeli villages and handing it over to Palestinian control and calling it a state.

His critics among the Israeli left and in the country's 20% Arab minority are widespread. "Here we have a racist immigrant thug who is fighting against the residents of the land, the natives," said Ahmad Tibi, an Arab Israeli MP. Yossi Sarid, a former leftwing MP, said: "What's the difference between his party and all the fascist parties in Europe? It's the same message, the same technique, taking advantage of the same fears."

Dick Whittington