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Fabio di Celmo’s brother asks U.S. Attorney General to arrest Posada

Jean-Guy Allard | 10.02.2009 03:47

IN an emotional letter to the new U.S. attorney general, Livio di Celmo, brother of Fabio Di Celmo, the Italian tourist killed on September 4, 1997 in Havana, victim of a terror campaign unleashed from the United States, requested the detention of Luis Posada Carriles, the international terrorist responsible for this crime and demanded a review of the case of the Cuban Five arrested for penetrating this terrorist’s network.

IN an emotional letter to the new U.S. attorney general, Livio di Celmo, brother of Fabio Di Celmo, the Italian tourist killed on September 4, 1997 in Havana, victim of a terror campaign unleashed from the United States, requested the detention of Luis Posada Carriles, the international terrorist responsible for this crime and demanded a review of the case of the Cuban Five arrested for penetrating this terrorist’s network.
Eric Holder has just been confirmed by the Senate. Upon assuming office, he stated that he would put an end to the politicization of the Justice Department.
Addressing Holder, Livio Di Celmo states that it has been sufficiently demonstrated that the death of Fabio, “an Italian citizen and Canadian resident,” was caused by Central American mercenaries contracted by right-wing Cuban-American individuals and groups who wished to “cut the flow of tourists to Cuba via a campaign of terror.”
“In the case of my brother, who bled to death after his throat was penetrated by fragments of the bomb that exploded in the lobby of the Copacabana Hotel, an El Salvadorian mercenary was arrested shortly thereafter by Cuban authorities,” Livio stressed, writing from his home in Canada.
“Investigations and confessions linked this individual to the notorious international terrorist Luis Posada Carriles, who admitted in an interview with The New York Times in 1998 to masterminding those attacks,” he added after pointing out that the career criminal was also the author of the mid-flight sabotage of a Cubana passenger plane in 1976, which led to the death of 73 people.
He also reminded Holder of the Venezuelan government’s reiterated extradition application for the killer, who currently resides in Florida. Posada escaped from justice in Venezuela in the mid-1980s with the help of the CIA.
“Mr. Holder, please let me assure you that, once past the initial shock and period of grief, most people who have lost a relative or a loved one due to an act of terrorism, begin to be motivated by an irresistible desire to know who, how, and the why of those behind the terror that caused the loss of someone they loved.”
“I set off on such a journey of searching,” Livio said, describing the various discoveries that he made during his investigations. He specified that he knew up to what point U.S institutions, “including the FBI,” are “infiltrated by individuals tied to Cuban-American terrorists.”  He also verified the support that congress members such as Ileana Ros-Lehtinen and the Díaz-Balart brothers “openly give to these terrorists” and how he learned about the impunity granted in Florida to the F-4 Commandos and Alpha 66 terrorist groups," with their paramilitary camps in the Everglades.”
“A grand jury is investigating the case but has reached no conclusion despite the abundance of evidence,” he continues.
“I have reached the conclusion that the U.S. government has turned a blind eye to these terrorists who are prospering in Florida and other parts of the United States. This has been allowed for a long time. And thousands of lives have been lost.”
The new U.S. administration should confront these problems “if it wants its country to have some credibility in relation to terrorism,” Livio Di Celmo underlined.
“To add insult to injury, I discovered that, in 1998, the U.S. government arrested five Cubans in the United States who were monitoring and had infiltrated these same terrorist groups responsible for the attacks on Cuba in order to prevent future acts like the one that resulted in my brother’s death,” he writes, detailing details of the case.
“These five men were doing something that the U.S. government abstained from doing,” he said. “Millions of people around the world are closely watching this case.
“I think that you are aware of this case and I suggest examining it in detail and working to correct the injustice as well as investigating and persecuting those in government who have allowed this unthinkable injustice to occur.
“By God, your country has imprisoned people for trying to prevent and curb terrorism.”
As for Luis Posada Carriles, Fabio Di Celmo’s brother concludes, “my family and I are asking for his immediate arrest and an investigation into his accomplices and benefactors.
“He should be deported to Venezuela, Panama, or wherever justice is demanded,” he insisted.
In the context of terrorism, double standards cannot exist. “This time, the actions speak for themselves; there is a double standard,” he pointed out, reminding that “those who provide shelter to a terrorist should be considered terrorists.”
After noting that the Di Celmo family has presented such requests in the past, in order to obtain justice and for Posada to be considered a terrorist, without even receiving a response,” Livio Di Celmo confides that he hopes to “penetrate the soul” of these individuals in the new administration who have the “courage and the vision to change the errors of the U.S. government in relation to Cuba, and to work for peace and justice.”
 “Will you be one of these individuals?” ends the letter, sent on Thursday, February 5 to the new attorney general’s office.
For his appointment, Eric Holder had the support of many civil rights activists, such as the Leadership Conference on Civil Rights (LCCR), who assured that the first African American to occupy this post “will reestablish the moral and historic mission of the Department of Justice of impartiality and upholding the law.”

Jean-Guy Allard
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Hidden Light?

10.02.2009 12:34

Why not posted to the World? Has it been copied to US indymedias? Is there no International Court that should be informed?

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