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Global Cooling and the Madness of Davos

Patrick Saint James | 09.02.2009 12:23 | Analysis | Ecology | Ocean Defence | Sheffield | World

A wave of ‘Global Cooling’ continues to ravage Britain for the fifth straight day, with record snow falls clogging up London's streets and further hitting worker productivity. As this cold front continues to blow in from Siberia, another blizzard continues to blow in from Wall Street. Credit markets remain frozen solid. These two global crisis’ have one thing in common- both are not what they appear to be. Confused? Welcome to the club… the Davos club.

Like the Arctic polar bear, Al Gore and other captains of industry have been hibernating this past month, surprisingly absent from the headlines, as the cognoscenti gathered at this year’s Davos. As air mile budgets get reigned-in and hiring freezes imposed, Davos elite have been forced to confront a mini-ice age on two fronts...

On the climate front, experts have estimated these last two years have been some of the planet’s coldest ever winters, prompting even the most carbon-neutral pundits to re-examine the nearly institutionalised assumption of “Global Warming”. On the economic front, we've seen the perfect storm with an avalanche of bailouts worldwide and credit markets still snowed under. On its own, the month of January 2009 accounts for the worse bond market in US history. And the list goes on. Is anyone surprised that our once fearless leaders, like the majority of the public- are fast becoming confused. One hopes common sense might prevail in the end.

A London Hedge Fund manager hits the bottle as derivative markets go cold...

Could there be a ‘Global Cooling’? Each day I have looked out of my hotel window in London, and thus far it’s been all-white, all week. Record snow falls throughout Britain. No problem for me, just need an extra layer, a hat and some gloves. But this prospect presents a few problems for the carbon capital crowd. Mind you, it’s nothing a little marketing can’t fix. Hence, the spectre of Global Warming is fast being rebranded into a more flexible label we will come to know as ‘Climate Change’. Even as far back as 1989, top scientists had linked our weather to sunspot activity and my knowledge the laws of the universe haven’t really changed since then. So what happened? Political leverage happened and Wall Street saw a profit.

Even new US President Obama believes that global warming is a major ‘national security issue’. And he wants to "attack it… aggressively". It’s times like this when you get the feeling that like Don Quixote, we are charging at windmills- whilst all that time missing real events boiling below our media surface. Climate ‘changlings’ are currently away in closed session, busy revising, and working out a new spin whereby our much-dreaded nemesis, carbon dioxide, “quite possibly… could actually be responsible” for making this one of coldest winters on record. Talk about a PR stretch, but it’s happening already. Global climate tsar Gore has been caught blaming cyclones on the scourge of C02. This is where actual science has been usurped by good ole fashion global political leverage.

Here a revolutionary idea: we might actually be going through a natural cycle that these self-styled climate change "experts" are claiming is man made.

So we asked the US Department of Energy. They tell us that all of humanity contributes 3% of the worlds C02. They also say that C02 is responsible for only 9% of the greenhouse gases. So multiply 3% of 9% and you get 1/370, or in other words all of humanity’s CO2 ‘footprint’ constitutes about 1/370th of the earths greenhouse gases. Humans are relatively insignificant, and real climate scientists know this but it does not pay to say so.

The fact is that we are in a cooling faze. My redneck friend(and college professor) Walter illustrated this extremely well in story form:

“Imagine you are in a bar. Some guy pulls out a cigar and lights it. You look over at that old thermometer on the wall. Does the temperature in the bar go up? No, it doesn’t. Get it? See, that there cigar in that bar is roughly equivalent to man’s CO2 contribution to our atmosphere.”
In other words, no matter how much we try- we cannot have any effect on climate, much less “change” it one direction or another. One volcanic eruption emits more greenhouse gas to our atmosphere than we can do collectively in 100 years. That includes your old 1984 Dodge pick-up truck.

Last year at Davos, Gore eulogised, "If the world warms up by two degrees, all of the good work done in development will be undone". What good work? Cap & Trade? Meanwhile, real environmental dangers which do not fall under billionaire George Soros and Al Gore’s own new carbon neutral-driven, “Cap & Trade” pseudo-economy… dangers like deforestation, toxic polluting and the permanent GMO contamination of our natural food supply- are still ruining our ecosystem. So as the elite focus on the false threat of CO2, actual threats are now labelled ‘off-topic’ at high-minded gatherings like Davos. “Toxic waste? That’s sooo 1990’s. It’s all about global warming now!”

Politics aside, I’m still waiting for Climate Change lobbyists to explain to this writer exactly where the cooling and warming periods of Earth's ancient past came from without humanity’s SUV’s and flatulent livestock. The Dinosaurs Age comes to mind here- as well as pure marvel at Fred Flintstone’s carbon neutral, foot-powered car. Was Fred a green warrior, battling climate change? A man way ahead of his time. Only that the earth was many degrees hotter during the Jurassic era. Is anyone asking why? The Flintstones were great entertainment but have a look at the type of UN funded cartoons used to indoctrinate our children about the issue of climate change. They are targeting children in a relentless campaign to validate the climate change dogma for the next generation.

Now to the pristine slopes of Davos, Switzerland, where help is on the way. Well, sort of anyway. Last week, the fearless luminaries of our elite corporate, political and media institutions stepped off their private jets, pulled out their AMEX Blackcards and converged on the World Economic Forum, on their annual mission to try and change both the earth’s and the economy’s... climate. First on the list was how to explain the toxic financial waste dumps in New York, London and errr… Iceland.

There was a touch of irony this year, as a number of regulars stayed at home, including all of the UK’s big hitters. Google’s big party was noticeably scaled-down. AIG’s big bash didn’t happen, nor did Citigroup’s. It just didn’t seem like a good idea to be jet setting this winter, what with all the bailouts, lay-offs and labour union actions. It seems Gordon Brown had bigger fish to fry, namely, the whole of the UK economy.

One wonders what on earth all these great minds have been doing in Davos for the last 10 years, whilst Wall Street and the City of London built mountains of derivatives, ‘collateralised’ debt obligations and laid waste to the real value of our money markets.

Predictably, globalist neoliberal-leaning media pundits in Davos are now musing over the crisis, declaring to the public, "Well, we have trusted in the ‘Invisible Hand’ to make everything turn out all right... but it’s just not working anymore". Invisible hand? I remember that term from 9th Grade economics. Could it be that this fabled “Invisible Hand' they are referring might possibly be... our very own fractional reserve Federal Reserve banking system? Hardly invisible, it's more a slight of hand where they print stacks of money out of thin air and then lend it back to our governments at 17.5% interest, paid for by Federal Income Taxes. Fed policy is what creates and pops our bubbles. It’s the same slight of hand that was used to pass the bailouts and carte blanch TARP programs. Not surprisingly, there was no mention of the intellectual or financial integrity of these bailouts during these last two weeks at Davos.

Luminaries, who for whatever reason, decline even mentioning the name(Central Banking) of that very system which runs our economic lives, prefer “Davos-speak” instead, misdirecting the moral debate with maxims like “… we all are to blame for this terrible situation. Society’s thirst for easy credit. The end of Capitalism? We need a New World Order.” They are basicly saying we need a one world government to restrain the evil markets. As if it were the markets themselves that were our real problem here. It's pretty clear now after seeing the bailouts go full cycle(the hording of cash, the lying to Congress, the secret payoffs to banks) that "Crony Capitalism" is the real problem and we don't require a new world government to flush that out of our system.

Patrick Saint James
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