The BNP’s quest for ‘paradise on earth’
Harry | 09.02.2009 10:59 | Analysis | Anti-racism | Social Struggles | South Coast
BNP leader Nick Griffin is a figure who is polarising the British far-right. For many die-hard ‘white nationalists’, Griffin’s attempt to re-brand the BNP as a more ‘moderate’ party - modelled along the lines of European far-right parties that have managed to gain ground in recent years - is a shameful case of ’selling out’ to make short-term gains.
There are some within the ‘new BNP’, however, who are overjoyed by Griffin’s modernisation programme and see him as the future saviour of Britain. An interesting example of this is found in the Griffinite BNP supporters’ blog ‘The Green Arrow’.
In a post worthy of entry for Private Eye magazine’s ‘Order of the Brown Nose’, today we find the Green Arrow extolling the virtues of the Glorious Leader:
Let us take us an example of the principles and integrity of the British National Party, its Chairman, Nick Griffin.
Highly intelligent, charismatic and with a political vision not seen since Enoch Powell. Had this man wished he could have joined ANY political party and rocketed to the top. Being in politics now for over three decades he would most certainly have been a Cabinet Minister if not Prime Minister and earned a fortune along the way.
But he did not join the “establishment“. He knew what was being done to Our Country was wrong and he chose the side of right and truth. And in doing so he spurned wealth and chose instead hardship, the daily risk of death and constant vilification by the enemies of the people.
Elsewhere, the Green Arrow has more to say on the mighty Griffin:
What Our Country needs now and what we in the British National Party need now is a War Leader and we have one in the shape of Nick Griffin, intelligent, hard working, patriotic and most certainly the most politically aware politician of any political party in decades. He is a natural War Leader for both Our Party and Our Country …
You get the picture. That is what we want now and more of it. Every single day. We want it.
British National Party activists want hard leadership now. They demand it and Nick Griffin is the man, our man, to do the job.
Come on Chairman. Do not just kick the establishment. Kick us also. No more Mr Nice Guy.
The Green Arrow doesn’t just want ‘hard leadership’ and a kicking ‘every single day’ - he also wants more of anything related to the Great One. Of a Griffin video, the Green Arrow gasps:
Damn this dial up connection. I have still only seen the first two minutes and I want more. More I tell you more.
He wants pictures too:
But again we are waiting. And what are we waiting for? Images. Images of Richard Barnbrook and Nick Griffin entering City Hall. Images of BNP activists sat in Richards Office. We want images, images and just for the heck of it, more images.
Thanks to BNPtv, the Green Arrow can join in the Griffin worship even if he can’t be there in person:
After a bit of messing about downloading Flash, or something, I tuned in to BNPtv on Sunday to watch Nick Griffin give an excellent live speech from a meeting in Cornwall. He then answered questions, some of them from people like me watching on their computers.
It had a shaky start but was very enjoyable and satisfying viewing; it was almost like being there, and when Nick Griffin suggested they all go off for a pint at the end I even went so far as to have one or two myself. Next time I think they should include a live broadcast from the pub as well.
When the Green Arrow explains the vision of the BNP, the message only gets stranger:
Most of us in the British National Party know that we are in a war to save Our Country for Our Children’s Future. This is not a game. This really is a war and the stakes are high and in all wars there are going to be casualties and people will be affected to varying degrees. Some may even die. We are fighting for not just a Country but our very existence.
Some may even die? The future victory of the BNP is apparently inevitable nonetheless:
But now, with the British National Party and its Leader Nick Griffin, those of us who started the fight, so long ago can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel. Many of us will not reach the end but at least for the first time we can truly see the light and that to me makes every sacrifice that those who served before us worthwhile.
Indeed, victory is ‘assured‘:
Now that the British National Party has led the way in getting the truth out to the people of Our Country through the magnificent leadership of their chairman Nick Griffin and his motivation of the hardest working activists ever seen in the history of British Politics success is now assured.
And the BNP will prevail and Our Land will, one day, really be the home fit for heroes that our ancestors have fought and died for.
According to the Green Arrow, Britain ruled by the BNP would not just be ‘a home fit for heroes’ but a ‘paradise on earth‘:
But what of the older members of The Party who have died in harness? They knew that because of their advancing years they would never live to see our final victory but still they fought.
They fought because they believed in the same dream as you and I. That we, through Nick Griffin and the British National Party can turn Our Island Nations into the only real paradise on earth for it’s true people.
The BNP, it turns out, is more than a political party - it is in fact a ‘family’:
I laugh when I hear their pathetic excuses as to why the True British People are joining us and becoming not just a member of a political party but a member of a family.
A family with real family values. A family that cares not just for themselves but for their Country and their children’s future.
More than just members of a family, BNP members are ‘heroes’ of ‘the resistance’. Here’s what the Green Arrow had to say on the membership list leak:
No this is not a membership list. It is a Role of Honour and those genuine members on it are heroes.
Years from now that list of names will be engraved on a Brass Plate and placed at a suitable location where generations from now, people can read the names of the members of the resistance who fought back and led the way to the recovery of Our Country.
I am proud to say my name is on it. If yours is, you should be also and I am your brother and kinsman forever. Be doubly proud if you have Activist next to your name.
All of this is quite clearly loopy, but we’ve seen this somewhere before, of course.
• Fanatical and unrealistic devotion to a political leader who is seen to have sacrificed a normal life for a higher cause.
• Calls for ‘hard leadership’.
• A cult of heroism and talk of martyrdom.
• A manichean vision of the struggle of the forces of light against the forces of darkness: the ‘True British People’ vs the ‘enemies of the people’.
• Appeals to notions of folk community and a political movement seen as a family.
• A secular eschatology involving the vision of an earthly paradise to be brought about through epic political struggle.
The BNP’s ‘modernisers’ have toned down the blatant racism and overt connections to Fascist and Nazi ideologies and organisations, but if the ‘Green Arrow’ is anything to go by, the totalitarian fantasies are still alive and well.