Puppies rescued, home visits for top Barclays executives
ALF & ARM | 05.02.2009 18:18 | SHAC | Animal Liberation | Social Struggles | World
reported anonymously (translation):
"January 29:
Animal liberation continues on its course; this time the Frente de Liberación Animal–Comando Verde Negro-- it made no difference that the owner of the property could catch us in the act-- arrived at a room which had confined two puppies. The small room was in a bad state and the animals were very hungry, a large padlock with a big chain kept the door closed, behind which the dogs barked. We analyzed all possible entries to rescue these animals; we folded the laminate door down and got through to rescue them.
The dogs are now living happily in their new homes, where they will be respected without anthropocentrist treatment and other abuses.
The FLA-CVN will not be stopped by locks; though you put more security on your property, it makes no difference we will penetrate your walls!
FLA-CVN México"
FLA-CVN actions
anonymous communique:
"Barclays have had enough warnings about their blood money trading, now the time has come to pay.
We tracked down the top executives of Barclays Plc, who think hiding in expensive London houses will keep them safe... THINK AGAIN! First stop was [ Personal details removed as per:
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/static/privacy.html#Personal_Information ] . His two cars were paintstripped and the front entrance of his house was covered with spraypaint. That was a very white house you had [ Personal details removed as per:
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/static/privacy.html#Personal_Information ], we hope you like the new decorations. You are a filthy murderer [ Personal details removed as per:
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/static/privacy.html#Personal_Information ] for having shares in Huntingdon Life Sciences and the NYSE. DROP HLS OR WE WILL BE BACK DAY OR NIGHT...
Second stop was [ Personal details removed as per:
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/static/privacy.html#Personal_Information ]. We left a special message on your back garage door for you and your wife [ Personal details removed as per:
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/static/privacy.html#Personal_Information ]. For a top businessman you don't seem to be that good at making intelligent decisions [ Personal details removed as per:
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/static/privacy.html#Personal_Information ]. So we've made it a bit easier for you.. If Barclays Global Investors don't sell their shares in Huntingdon Life Sciences (Life Sciences Research Inc.) people close to you are going to SUFFER
[ Personal details removed as per:
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/static/privacy.html#Personal_Information ]... does it make investing in a profitless and failing company worth it? You know what to do to make this stop.
To give you a little preview of what may happen to people close to you we paid a visit to your daughter [ Personal details removed as per:
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/static/privacy.html#Personal_Information ].
This is just the start of what is to come Barclays, sell your shares or expect more. And don't even think about giving HLS a loan or WE WILL GIVE YOU HELL...................
Animal Rights Militia
[ Personal details removed as per:
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/static/privacy.html#Personal_Information ]
Barclays campaign
ARM campaign
Related article
http://www.indymedia.org.uk/en/2009/02/421008.html (January)
More info
"January 29:
Animal liberation continues on its course; this time the Frente de Liberación Animal–Comando Verde Negro-- it made no difference that the owner of the property could catch us in the act-- arrived at a room which had confined two puppies. The small room was in a bad state and the animals were very hungry, a large padlock with a big chain kept the door closed, behind which the dogs barked. We analyzed all possible entries to rescue these animals; we folded the laminate door down and got through to rescue them.
The dogs are now living happily in their new homes, where they will be respected without anthropocentrist treatment and other abuses.
The FLA-CVN will not be stopped by locks; though you put more security on your property, it makes no difference we will penetrate your walls!
FLA-CVN México"
FLA-CVN actions

anonymous communique:
"Barclays have had enough warnings about their blood money trading, now the time has come to pay.
We tracked down the top executives of Barclays Plc, who think hiding in expensive London houses will keep them safe... THINK AGAIN! First stop was [ Personal details removed as per:

Second stop was [ Personal details removed as per:

[ Personal details removed as per:

To give you a little preview of what may happen to people close to you we paid a visit to your daughter [ Personal details removed as per:

This is just the start of what is to come Barclays, sell your shares or expect more. And don't even think about giving HLS a loan or WE WILL GIVE YOU HELL...................
Animal Rights Militia
[ Personal details removed as per:

Barclays campaign

ARM campaign

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Hide the following 9 comments
How low will you people sink
05.02.2009 21:35
Yeah we've failed to influence HLS...
Ok, lets target people who give them money. No, that didn't work.
Ok, lets target their families. Surely hurting people with only the vaguest link to HLS will get our point accross!!!
Yep... Lets watch whats left off the public support for Stop HLS drain right down the plug hole.
What next. Lets target the daughters paperboy? Lets hurt random people in the street.
For fucks sake
Boo hoo
05.02.2009 23:07
Targeting those who invest in them didn't work, are you sure???
"Since December 2007 HLS has suffered from a serious lack of investment, with companies last year eventually selling all their shares. Shareholders included; TransAmerica Investment, Frontier Capital, SAC Capital, Axa, Wachovia, Alternative Investment Partners, Rathbone Brothers, Dresdner Bank, Deutsche Bank, La Grange Capital, Robeco Investment Management, Fairfield Greenwich Associates & BNP Paribas" -
"Surely hurting people with only the vaguest link to HLS will get our point accross!!!"
Vaguest link? Interesting perspective, vague maybe, relevant - entirely. Barclays are HLS' largest investor who own a large percentage of the company. Barclays is owned by executives and their shareholders - so in fact, those who own Barclays, own HLS. Indirectly, maybe, but ownership is still their responsibility - as any investor would know, or should. They have the largest influence over Barcays, who have the largest over HLS. Those who invested in the bombs who killed kids were and should be held accountable, and this is no different. They are the scumbags who make the killing possible, without money there would be nothing to finance the exploitation.
Not sure where you thought hurting people who profit from abuse will hurt your cause? That's like saying slapping a Nazi profiteer/sympathiser promotes fascism - its pathetic! Good try though ;) As for targeting people in the street, as previous stated, its large influences that are targeted, not people who have no influence what-so-ever, thats not the point! It's only religious fundamentalists and neo-nazi's that can't grasp the theory and practice of direct action, probably because they are so bound by authority and obedience.
Just like the comment - "What next. Lets target the daughters paperboy?" - why the paper boy? He has no influence what-so-ever over her. Whereas :
1. Children have a large (if not largest) influence over their parents.
2. Executives have the largest influence over their company.
3. Shareholders have the largest influence over their vested interests that are in major debt (like HLS), who then end up dependent on investors.
Note how they each have one of the largest influence over something, and that something is a chain to HLS. It's the thickiest financial chain that is chased, not the slimmest.
Whether its "ethical" is debatable, whether it works is far from a debate. If Barclays Chairman had done the right thing when the posh gardens he owned with his family got trashed by the ALF then this obviously wouldn't of happened -
For these scum bags details, see
As for having sympathy for greedy, exploititive, blood thursty bankers - shame no you. Thanks for letting me get my point across though, I think it helps people see how these things work.
Lets watch whats left off the corporate/state support for HLS drain right down the plug hole as we wait for the campaign against Barclays/NYSE to go down in the history books, just like the last time HLS were kicked off the exchange - does anybody remember the sinking ship? That definitely did the trick, 48 hours it took didn't it? Good old pirates! Same deal - through the investors.
05.02.2009 23:32
My god, you are threatening to kill people. Someone should track these people down and lock them up as they are dangerous, murderous thugs who harm and kill people. I don't normally support the police on things, but these kind of the people are the lowest scum on the earth.
05.02.2009 23:34
06.02.2009 00:16
(This is the funniest thing I have read in a very long time!)
Not sure where you got the idea of a death threat from, your imagination perhaps? They said she's not safe, that could mean a variety of things; she may become financially unstable soon, for example loose her job, or the possibility that her property will be attacked, like her fathers was. Saying she's not safe doesn't even imply physical, or even physiciological harm, it could merely imply economic or political harm, for example.
"Safety is the state of being "safe", the condition of being protected against physical, social, spiritual, financial, political, emotional, occupational, psychological, educational or other types or consequences of failure, damage, error, accidents, harm or any other event which could be considered non-desirable." -
Jumping to conclusions is common when using widely-interpretable and used terms such as "safety", this was most probably why the term was used, but good work pulling that conspiracy theory out of your arse. Thats the point however - its how you interpret the term, when it has not been elaborated on. Its no wonder that you (and no doubt many others) interpreted it in the way that abusers or the state would, such crap is promoted by the media and corporate giants, maybe cut down on their propaganda?
So in reality, all animal abusers, their investors and supporters aren't safe! Animal industries are in massive economic downfalls at the moment, along with all other industries if you haven't noticed. Industries aren't safe, am I also threatening murder for stating a fact?
So what did your argument come down to? They made a death threat because they stated the obvious fact; animal industries, their employees, investors and supporters aren't safe, at least not from non-desirable economic problems at least - so they are not safe. What a crazy world we live in when people speak the truth and they got accused of murder for it!
06.02.2009 01:56
Im sure you dont complain about the metods the suffregettes used to gain the vote. well they did alot worse, and this time there are lives at stake. best wishes to the brave activists involved.
lets hope this is the year hls closes.
Dear Jo,
06.02.2009 11:12
I think if you're going to make claims like that you should provide references to the people killed. Oh I've just noticed you have. You've provided references to all the people killed by ARA's. NONE!
It says a lot about the world when the small minority who actually carry out actions to save innocent lives are the ones perceived as the evil ones. And yet those that profit from death are innocent. Its worth noting that those that invest in vivisection also invest in arms to kill innocent people, because the only thing they care about is money. They are immoral, greedy, sh!theads who deserve my complete contempt.
It is the apathy of the vast majority of the population who care about nothing until it directly effects them. Well shame on them for having no conscience.
Respect to compassionate people all around the world.
Sparky The Clown
What, no criticism from SHAC?
06.02.2009 15:13
In the row over the recent trial, various SHAC posters suggested it was outrageous to suggest that any part of their moment had been involved in terrorising people or threatening their families.
So I hope someone from SHAC will publicly disown the original post, make it clear they disagree with it, and condemn the threat against made against a target's daughter.
Come on.
Norville B
To Norville B
06.02.2009 17:11
Nobody, to my knowledge, said that no one in the movement took such actions, what was said was there was no evidence that the defendants were involved or incited such actions. SHAC as an organisation also did not incite such actions.
The ALF and ARM do take such actions. SHAC in the past, as I understand it, has always had the policy of not passing judgement on the tactics of others, be they letter writing or illegal direct action.
Personally, I don’t support targeting family members.
Given the fact that legal campaigners are being locked up and the UK AR scene seems to have hit a temporary low, it’s good to see that people are dusting themselves down and getting back to action. This is not to condone or condemn illegal activities of course.