Help them preserve Western Civilisation
Bill Gates | 05.02.2009 12:09 | Anti-racism | Culture | World
A sad group of activists, bloggers and just plain mad people will hold their maiden conference next week dedicated to: Preserving Western Civilisation. The broad topics covered are: 1) Problems caused by Third World immigration into western countries 2) Racial differences in intelligence and how to deal with them 3) The Islamic Threat (!!!!!!!)
The speakers, naturally, are ace. There is Srdja Trifković. According to Richard: Among the slew of anti-Muslim screeds published in recenty years, one of the more prominent was The Sword of the Prophet, by Serge Trifkovic. Despite Trifokovic’s dubious background as a former spokesman for Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic (although he also spoke against Slobodan Milsoevic), he was embraced by American conservatives - paleo and neo - as yet another expert who dared to tell “the truth” about Muslims and Islams. Here he is on Frontpage, discoursing on the subject with fellow polemicists Robert Spencer and Walid Shoebat.
Then there is Pat Richardson, apparently the first Jewish member of the BNP to be elected to public office. Then there is Peter Brimelow, who hosts the ``white nationalist'' website Naturally there's a lot of people talking about immigration and Muzzzzlims. The organiser is a certain Dr Hart who once said that a Yugoslavia-type ethnic conflict in the United States could be avoided by a voluntary partition of the country into three states: an integrated mixed-race state, a white state, and a black state.
These people are a hoot!
Then there is Pat Richardson, apparently the first Jewish member of the BNP to be elected to public office. Then there is Peter Brimelow, who hosts the ``white nationalist'' website Naturally there's a lot of people talking about immigration and Muzzzzlims. The organiser is a certain Dr Hart who once said that a Yugoslavia-type ethnic conflict in the United States could be avoided by a voluntary partition of the country into three states: an integrated mixed-race state, a white state, and a black state.
These people are a hoot!

Bill Gates