UK Green Euro-MPs To Doorstop Israeli Embassy To Demand Gaza Aid Refund
Caroline Lucas MEP and Jean Lambert MEP | 30.01.2009 11:17 | Palestine | South Coast | World
The two UK Green MEPs are set to doorstop the Israeli Embassy in London at 2pm today, to demand a refund on EU aid money spent on Gaza's now devasted infrastructure
2pm, 30 January 2009
Israeli Embassy
2 Palace Green,
London W8 4QB
The UK’s two Green Euro-MPs will hand deliver a letter to the Israeli Embassy in London today (30 January), demanding a full refund of EU aid, estimated to be at least 53 million euros, spent on Gaza’s now devastated infrastructure over the past ten years.
In the wake of the Israeli army’s violent offensive on the Gaza Strip, Caroline Lucas, Green MEP for the South East, and Jean Lambert, Green MEP for London, are to call on the Israeli government to reimburse the European Union for the financial assistance it has provided to Gaza to ensure access to electricity, healthcare and sanitation, as well as spending on hospitals and schools.
Dr Lucas MEP said: “In a matter of days, the Israeli army’s aerial bombardment of Gaza and the ground offensive have destroyed much of the EU funded infrastructure. On behalf of EU taxpayers, we would like to ask, what plans has the Israeli government made to repay this investment in Gaza, either directly to the EU or to the Palestinian people?
“The Green MEPs believe that the Israeli government, as the body responsible for the recent damage to Gaza’s infrastructure – already rendered fragile by the ongoing Israeli blockade – should foot the bill."
Jean Lambert, the Green MEP for London, added: “Alongside the refund of EU aid, Israel must also lift the blockade on Gaza, which prevents the Palestinian people from building an independent, thriving economy, and gaining access to vital services. Hamas must also fully maintain the ceasefire to allow a sustainable peace process to begin.”
Notes to Editors
For further details, interviews or photographs, please contact Melissa Freeman on 0207 407 9935 / 07950 382149 or Georgina Bloomfield on 020 7407 6280 / 07988 790889.
2pm, 30 January 2009
Israeli Embassy
2 Palace Green,
London W8 4QB
The UK’s two Green Euro-MPs will hand deliver a letter to the Israeli Embassy in London today (30 January), demanding a full refund of EU aid, estimated to be at least 53 million euros, spent on Gaza’s now devastated infrastructure over the past ten years.
In the wake of the Israeli army’s violent offensive on the Gaza Strip, Caroline Lucas, Green MEP for the South East, and Jean Lambert, Green MEP for London, are to call on the Israeli government to reimburse the European Union for the financial assistance it has provided to Gaza to ensure access to electricity, healthcare and sanitation, as well as spending on hospitals and schools.
Dr Lucas MEP said: “In a matter of days, the Israeli army’s aerial bombardment of Gaza and the ground offensive have destroyed much of the EU funded infrastructure. On behalf of EU taxpayers, we would like to ask, what plans has the Israeli government made to repay this investment in Gaza, either directly to the EU or to the Palestinian people?
“The Green MEPs believe that the Israeli government, as the body responsible for the recent damage to Gaza’s infrastructure – already rendered fragile by the ongoing Israeli blockade – should foot the bill."
Jean Lambert, the Green MEP for London, added: “Alongside the refund of EU aid, Israel must also lift the blockade on Gaza, which prevents the Palestinian people from building an independent, thriving economy, and gaining access to vital services. Hamas must also fully maintain the ceasefire to allow a sustainable peace process to begin.”
Notes to Editors
For further details, interviews or photographs, please contact Melissa Freeman on 0207 407 9935 / 07950 382149 or Georgina Bloomfield on 020 7407 6280 / 07988 790889.
Caroline Lucas MEP and Jean Lambert MEP
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They should go to the Iranian embassy
30.01.2009 16:03
me again
Another one of the 'army of bloggers'?
30.01.2009 17:44
Israel doesn't want unity amongst the Palestinians as they may have to actually give them some of their land back if that ever happens. Spread your rubbish elsewhere, disinformation stands out a mile if you have your eyes open (unless you believe the crap you're spouting and then I would say read more and type less!).
Hasbara Barbera
Its a written article which does say that Israelis dont see suffering their army
30.01.2009 18:06
Zionists are their own worst enemy, why the hell didnt you just move to america or europe legally?
This article is also on the bbc site
well done to green party, your earning my vote
unsuprisingly holocaust denier Nick Griffin supported latest invasion& cleansing
no more nazi comments supporting israel
30.01.2009 18:07
30.01.2009 19:02
Anyone who thinks this is about rockets is sadly deluded. If it was about rockets then it would simply be a case of installing anti-rocket barrages all along the border. It would take these rockets out of the sky before they got anywhere. BUT if you needed those rockets to keep falling in order to try and hang on to some sliver of justification for the continued mistreatment of the Palestinian people then you might avoid this measure like the plague.
It's not about the rockets, it never has been. It is about breaking the will of the Palestinian people and their ambitions for a state of their own.
Free free Palestine, long live Gaza!
Hasbara Barbera
Any idea how much anti-missile barrages cost?
30.01.2009 20:26
Also are you saying Israel pulled out completely from Gaza so as to provoke excuses to go back in?
me again
OK I'll bite..............
30.01.2009 21:48
There is a huge difference between SCUDS and rockets made out of drainpipes and fertilizer.
If you are quoting cost as a limiting factor that is insane. How much money in armaments do you think Israel dropped on to Gaza in that 3 weeks (never mind the human cost!). How much do you think an F-16 costs? Or a Merkava tank? Or 200 nuclear warheads? The cost of anti-rocket batteries pales in to insignificance!
This whole argument about rockets is a parlour game, they have killed 20 people in 7 years. More people die in traffic accidents on a holiday weekend in Tel Aviv. If someone is firing rockets at you, then you have to ask yourself why. Might it be because you've stolen their land? Might it be because you have forced 1.5 million people in to an area the size of the Isle of Wight? Might it be because you offered them democracy and when they used it in a fashion you didn't like you tried to take it off them? Might it be because 50% of Palestinians 'survive' on less than $2 a day? Might it be because you close the borders and deny them the right to food, medical care, an education, the right to earn a living and freedom of movement?
You say Israel pulled out of Gaza completely and whilst this is *literally* true, their influence was felt there just as much when they pulled out and 'put the Palestinians on a diet' (Dov Weisglass). They control the air, the sea and the borders (including forcing Egypt to close Rafah). They decide if food gets in, they decide if people get out, it is a prison plain and simple!
If Israel wanted to stop the rockets without using anti-rocket batteries, they could have extended the ceasefire like Hamas offered. I mean even Shin Bet reports praised Hamas for stopping the rockets and even stopping rockets from OTHER militant groups during the ceasefire. Please don't tell me about Hamas breaking the ceasefire, we both know that Israel entered Gaza on Nov 4th and killed 6 Hamas members. Something they knew would draw a response. Technically speaking Israel never honoured the ceasefire as they didn't loosen the restrictions on the crossings (they tightened them if anything)
We get this BS about Hamas wanting to destroy Israel, but they offered to recognise Israel, in return for the implementation of UN resolution 242 (retreat to the pre-67 borders), as have MANY Arab countries. Unfortunately Israel cannot afford to do that because they'd have to give Golan back to Syria and they need the water from the Litani river.
Israel needs Hamas and Hamas needs Israel. If this conflict was ever framed OUTSIDE of the religious confines and was painted as a struggle for equality rather than Muslims vs Jews, there would be no argument!
You see your finger pointing at Hamas might work on some sites, but here people take the time to inform themselves. I think it would be pretty obvious that you aren't going to be able to persuade me, and I think if you carry this on all you will do is make even more of a fool of yourself than you already have. You could always fire up the GIYUS megaphone and get some back up but a million people saying something wrong wouldn't make it right.
Hasbara Barbera
@me again
30.01.2009 22:19
Hasbara Barbera
Israel pulling out of Gaza completely
30.01.2009 23:50
Sharon is reported to have bragged at the Knesset, in response to right wing critics repesenting more or less the evicted settlers, that this was in fact the heaviest blow ever dealt to the Palestinians.
And Hamas got voted into power pretty much because of it obviously.
And since then all of Hamas efforts have simply aimed at ending the blockade.
@Hasbara Barbera, reminder
31.01.2009 03:02
It's no parlour game for the residents of Southern Israel who have to put up with the rockets, I don't know why that is your attitude. The present degree of blockade was a response to escalating rocket fire, Hamas' election and its kidnap of Gilad Shalit. I don't think it's valid for the Israelis to try to influence Palestinian elections via a blockade as one reason for it, but if the Palestinians had stopped rockets after Israel's withdrawal there would have been no such degree of blockade. As far as Israelis are concerned they are damned if they hit back at their enemies and damned if they give them space.
Don't tell me Israel's entry to Gaza on Nov 4th was unprovoked, the rockets hadn't stopped completely, there were attacks on Israeli positions at crossing points and a tunnelling attempt into Israel was foiled.
You mean Hamas don't want to destroy Israel? Why would that be in their charter then?
Re. Najd, there was an Arab-Israeli conflict, which led to many refugees on both sides. Are you saying that Germany now has the right to fire rockets at Polish and Czech towns previously inhabited by Germans/German speakers?
If the evacuation of Gaza was really such a terrible thing for the Palestinians, why didn't they beg the Israelis to stay? Israel controlled the entry points to Gaza before that point and the present degree of blockade followed the persistent firing of rockets.
only me
@only me
31.01.2009 11:52
Here's the truth about Hamas firing rockets during the ceasefire, even admitted by the talking head Negev ->
The rockets did not stop but NONE came from Hamas and Hamas all but stopped the other militant groups from firing rockets.
Israel had been planning the bombardment against Gaza for more than 6 months, all the time the ceasefire was in place! (such peacemakers that they are) They needed a reason to start it and knew they could draw a response with the actions they used on Nov 4th. Stop painting Israel as the injured party, it's like excusing a rapist because his victim had a short skirt on. 1,300 people dead including 400 children and you have the chutzpah to post how it was reasonable! People have seen Israel for what they are, they've shown their hand and most civilised people don't like what they see.
Why would the destruction of Israel be in the Hamas charter? Oh no reason, they're just unreasonavble crazy Arabs with a deathwish aren't they? If someone HATES you (and I don't use that word lightly), wouldn't it make you look in the mirror and ask why?
This argument about an Arab-Israeli conflict is a specious argument. Israel didn't exist prior to 1948 (unless you count the 100 year period some 2 millenia ago) so this Arab Israeli conflict is really a bunch of Jewish people driving indigenous people from their land (no wonder the US and UK support them, there's a long history of that there too!). Have a look at what prominent Zionists and Israeli leaders have to say about it ->
You see I've taken the time to find out about this stuff (like a lot more people are) and your obfuscations won't work on me. Let's humour you for a bit and take at face value your claim of this Arab-Israeli conflict. What about all of the other land stolen from various countries since? Oh yeah they were as a result of other Arab-Israeli conflicts, with Syria, Lebanon, Jordan and Egypt. They're so unreasonable these Arabs, I completely understand.
If it was reasonable for the Jews to drive Arabs from their lands in '48, '67 and since, why is it not reasonable for the Arabs to do it back now? You are saying that you won the land in a conflict, how do you justify keeping it? Especially in the face of the LAW of the right to return? Oh that's right Israel are special and the law doesn't apply to them (we can see that with the lack of response so far on their most recent war crimes, let's not talk about Qana or Sabra-Shatila).
With regards the blockade (siege?), this is an act of war. One of the conditions of the ceasefire was that the blockade be lifted. This never happened and Israel tightened their grip.
Shit arguments sorry mate, in fact they're not even that good!
Hasbara Barbera
only you
31.01.2009 16:14
WTF do you mix 7/7 in that ?
* Are the Israelis to use anti-rocket devices against the other side's rockets no matter how frequent and how long they go on for, and how effective would they really be?
Sure that if they had done that, they'd look much cleaner today.
* It's no parlour game for the residents of Southern Israel who have to put up with the rockets, I don't know why that is your attitude.
I am not sure you are willing to understand what the plight of Palestinians is since SIXTY YEARS.
* The present degree of blockade was a response to escalating rocket fire, Hamas' election and its kidnap of Gilad Shalit.
So, according to you, it is valid to blockade a territory because the result of democratic elections you imposed on it does not yeld the results you expected ?
Can you tell me how many Palestinians had been captured by the Israelis before Shalit got captured by Hamas ? And how many they have captured since, mostly in the West Bank ? Why constantly screaming that name of Shalit ? Can you also scream the name of all the Pals that are in Israeli jails buddy ?
* I don't think it's valid for the Israelis to try to influence Palestinian elections via a blockade as one reason for it, but if the Palestinians had stopped rockets after Israel's withdrawal there would have been no such degree of blockade.
Come on dude. Israel pulled out of gaza while keeping control of all its borders. So if there were people occupying my flat, should I be happy that they leave the flat while keeping the front door keys, keeping control of the main water tab and electricity switch, etc... ? Which they can and will use to strangulate, asphyxiate me on any pretext.
* As far as Israelis are concerned they are damned if they hit back at their enemies and damned if they give them space.
I am just looking at how much space is left to Palestinians in the West Bank, shrinking daily in fact... But they are not officially your ennemies those one, are they ?
* You mean Hamas don't want to destroy Israel? Why would that be in their charter then?
Dude the Hamas charter exists only in response to 60 years of endles violations of their most basic rights as human beings, 60 years of countless murders, kidnaps, expropriations and theft of their land.
Now dude are you willing to speak about the extremist politico-religious ideologies of Rabbi Schneerson, Kook and Kahane, all of whom predate Hamas' Charter by a long stretch, all of whom are criminally insane, all of whom are permeating and influencing Israeli society at all levels ?
* Re. Najd, there was an Arab-Israeli conflict, which led to many refugees on both sides. Are you saying that Germany now has the right to fire rockets at Polish and Czech towns previously inhabited by Germans/German speakers?
Don't put apples and oranges in the same basket buddy. Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic are all sovereign countries. Palestine is an occupied territory without any sort of sovereignty. And it is not occupied as a result of an initial aggression on their part. It is brutally occupied and screwed since now 60 YEARS.
* If the evacuation of Gaza was really such a terrible thing for the Palestinians, why didn't they beg the Israelis to stay? Israel controlled the entry points to Gaza before that point and the present degree of blockade followed the persistent firing of rockets.
Do you really think that attempting to make points using a such a flawed logic is going to convince anyone here ?
reminder dude
only you
31.01.2009 18:29
WTF do you mix 7/7 in that ?
* Are the Israelis to use anti-rocket devices against the other side's rockets no matter how frequent and how long they go on for, and how effective would they really be?
Sure that if they had done that, they'd look much cleaner today.
* It's no parlour game for the residents of Southern Israel who have to put up with the rockets, I don't know why that is your attitude.
I am not sure you are willing to understand what the plight of Palestinians is since SIXTY YEARS.
* The present degree of blockade was a response to escalating rocket fire, Hamas' election and its kidnap of Gilad Shalit.
So, according to you, it is valid to blockade a territory because the result of democratic elections you imposed on it does not yeld the results you expected ?
Can you tell me how many Palestinians had been captured by the Israelis before Shalit got captured by Hamas ? And how many they have captured since, mostly in the West Bank ? Why constantly screaming that name of Shalit ? Can you also scream the name of all the Pals that are in Israeli jails buddy ?
* I don't think it's valid for the Israelis to try to influence Palestinian elections via a blockade as one reason for it, but if the Palestinians had stopped rockets after Israel's withdrawal there would have been no such degree of blockade.
Come on dude. Israel pulled out of gaza while keeping control of all its borders. So if there were people occupying my flat, should I be happy that they leave the flat while keeping the front door keys, keeping control of the main water tab and electricity switch, etc... ? Which they can and will use to strangulate, asphyxiate me on any pretext.
* As far as Israelis are concerned they are damned if they hit back at their enemies and damned if they give them space.
I am just looking at how much space is left to Palestinians in the West Bank, shrinking daily in fact... But they are not officially your ennemies those one, are they ?
* You mean Hamas don't want to destroy Israel? Why would that be in their charter then?
Dude the Hamas charter exists only in response to 60 years of endles violations of their most basic rights as human beings, 60 years of countless murders, kidnaps, expropriations and theft of their land.
Now dude are you willing to speak about the extremist politico-religious ideologies of Rabbi Schneerson, Kook and Kahane, all of whom predate Hamas' Charter by a long stretch, all of whom are criminally insane, all of whom are permeating and influencing Israeli society at all levels ?
* Re. Najd, there was an Arab-Israeli conflict, which led to many refugees on both sides. Are you saying that Germany now has the right to fire rockets at Polish and Czech towns previously inhabited by Germans/German speakers?
Don't put apples and oranges in the same basket buddy. Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic are all sovereign countries. Palestine is an occupied territory without any sort of sovereignty. And it is not occupied as a result of an initial aggression on their part. It is brutally occupied and screwed since now 60 YEARS.
* If the evacuation of Gaza was really such a terrible thing for the Palestinians, why didn't they beg the Israelis to stay? Israel controlled the entry points to Gaza before that point and the present degree of blockade followed the persistent firing of rockets.
Do you really think that attempting to make points using a such a flawed logic is going to convince anyone here ?
reminder dude
only you
31.01.2009 19:34
WTF do you mix 7/7 in that ?
- Are the Israelis to use anti-rocket devices against the other side's rockets no matter how frequent and how long they go on for, and how effective would they really be?
Sure that if they had done that, they'd look much cleaner today.
- It's no parlour game for the residents of Southern Israel who have to put up with the rockets, I don't know why that is your attitude.
I am not sure you are willing to understand what the plight of Palestinians is since SIXTY YEARS.
- The present degree of blockade was a response to escalating rocket fire, Hamas' election and its kidnap of Gilad Shalit.
So, according to you, it is valid to blockade a territory because the result of democratic elections you imposed on it does not yeld the results you expected ?
Can you tell me how many Palestinians had been captured by the Israelis before Shalit got captured by Hamas ? And how many they have captured since, mostly in the West Bank ? Why constantly screaming that name of Shalit ? Can you also scream the name of all the Pals that are in Israeli jails buddy ?
- I don't think it's valid for the Israelis to try to influence Palestinian elections via a blockade as one reason for it, but if the Palestinians had stopped rockets after Israel's withdrawal there would have been no such degree of blockade.
Come on dude. Israel pulled out of gaza while keeping control of all its borders. So if there were people occupying my flat, should I be happy that they leave the flat while keeping the front door keys, keeping control of the main water tab and electricity switch, etc... ? Which they can and will use to strangulate, asphyxiate me on any pretext.
- As far as Israelis are concerned they are damned if they hit back at their enemies and damned if they give them space.
I am just looking at how much space is left to Palestinians in the West Bank, shrinking daily in fact... But they are not officially your ennemies those one, are they ?
- You mean Hamas don't want to destroy Israel? Why would that be in their charter then?
Dude the Hamas charter exists only in response to 60 years of endles violations of their most basic rights as human beings, 60 years of countless murders, kidnaps, expropriations and theft of their land.
Now dude are you willing to speak about the extremist politico-religious ideologies of Rabbi Schneerson, Kook and Kahane, all of whom predate Hamas' Charter by a long stretch, all of whom are criminally insane, all of whom are permeating and influencing Israeli society at all levels ?
- Re. Najd, there was an Arab-Israeli conflict, which led to many refugees on both sides. Are you saying that Germany now has the right to fire rockets at Polish and Czech towns previously inhabited by Germans/German speakers?
Don't put apples and oranges in the same basket buddy. Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic are all sovereign countries. Palestine is an occupied territory without any sort of sovereignty. And it is not occupied as a result of an initial aggression on their part. It is brutally occupied and screwed since now 60 YEARS.
- If the evacuation of Gaza was really such a terrible thing for the Palestinians, why didn't they beg the Israelis to stay? Israel controlled the entry points to Gaza before that point and the present degree of blockade followed the persistent firing of rockets.
Do you really think that attempting to make points using a such a flawed logic is going to convince anyone here ?
reminder dude
only you
31.01.2009 20:48
I answer : WTF do you mix 7/7 in that ?
You wrote : Are the Israelis to use anti-rocket devices against the other side's rockets no matter how frequent and how long they go on for, and how effective would they really be?
I answer : Sure that if they had done that, they'd look much cleaner today.
You wrote : It's no parlour game for the residents of Southern Israel who have to put up with the rockets, I don't know why that is your attitude.
I am not sure you are willing to understand what the plight of Palestinians is since SIXTY YEARS.
You wrote : The present degree of blockade was a response to escalating rocket fire, Hamas' election and its kidnap of Gilad Shalit.
I answer : So, according to you, it is valid to blockade a territory because the result of democratic elections you imposed on it does not yeld the results you expected ?
Can you tell me how many Palestinians had been captured by the Israelis before Shalit got captured by Hamas ? And how many they have captured since, mostly in the West Bank ? Why constantly screaming that name of Shalit ? Can you also scream the name of all the Pals that are in Israeli jails buddy ?
You wrote : I don't think it's valid for the Israelis to try to influence Palestinian elections via a blockade as one reason for it, but if the Palestinians had stopped rockets after Israel's withdrawal there would have been no such degree of blockade.
I answer : Come on dude. Israel pulled out of gaza while keeping control of all its borders. So if there were people occupying my flat, should I be happy that they leave the flat while keeping the front door keys, keeping control of the main water tab and electricity switch, etc... ? Which they can and will use to strangulate, asphyxiate me on any pretext.
You wrote : As far as Israelis are concerned they are damned if they hit back at their enemies and damned if they give them space.
I answer : I am just looking at how much space is left to Palestinians in the West Bank, shrinking daily in fact... But they are not officially your ennemies those one, are they ?
You wrote : You mean Hamas don't want to destroy Israel? Why would that be in their charter then?
I answer : Dude the Hamas charter exists only in response to 60 years of endles violations of their most basic rights as human beings, 60 years of countless murders, kidnaps, expropriations and theft of their land.
Now dude are you willing to speak about the extremist politico-religious ideologies of Rabbi Schneerson, Kook and Kahane, all of whom predate Hamas' Charter by a long stretch, all of whom are criminally insane, all of whom are permeating and influencing Israeli society at all levels ?
You wrote : Re. Najd, there was an Arab-Israeli conflict, which led to many refugees on both sides. Are you saying that Germany now has the right to fire rockets at Polish and Czech towns previously inhabited by Germans/German speakers?
I answer : Don't put apples and oranges in the same basket buddy. Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic are all sovereign countries. Palestine is an occupied territory without any sort of sovereignty. And it is not occupied as a result of an initial aggression on their part. It is brutally occupied and screwed since now 60 YEARS.
You wrote : If the evacuation of Gaza was really such a terrible thing for the Palestinians, why didn't they beg the Israelis to stay? Israel controlled the entry points to Gaza before that point and the present degree of blockade followed the persistent firing of rockets.
I answer : Do you really think that attempting to make points using a such a flawed logic is going to convince anyone here ?
reminder dude
@ only you
01.02.2009 16:22
WTF do you mix 7/7 in that ?
* Are the Israelis to use anti-rocket devices against the other side's rockets no matter how frequent and how long they go on for, and how effective would they really be?
Sure that if they had done that, they'd look much cleaner today.
* It's no parlour game for the residents of Southern Israel who have to put up with the rockets, I don't know why that is your attitude.
I am not sure you are willing to understand what the plight of Palestinians is since SIXTY YEARS.
* The present degree of blockade was a response to escalating rocket fire, Hamas' election and its kidnap of Gilad Shalit.
So, according to you, it is valid to blockade a territory because the result of democratic elections you imposed on it does not yeld the results you expected ?
Can you tell me how many Palestinians had been captured by the Israelis before Shalit got captured by Hamas ? And how many they have captured since, mostly in the West Bank ? Why constantly screaming that name of Shalit ? Can you also scream the name of all the Pals that are in Israeli jails buddy ?
* I don't think it's valid for the Israelis to try to influence Palestinian elections via a blockade as one reason for it, but if the Palestinians had stopped rockets after Israel's withdrawal there would have been no such degree of blockade.
Come on dude. Israel pulled out of gaza while keeping control of all its borders. So if there were people occupying my flat, should I be happy that they leave the flat while keeping the front door keys, keeping control of the main water tab and electricity switch, etc... ? Which they can and will use to strangulate, asphyxiate me on any pretext.
* As far as Israelis are concerned they are damned if they hit back at their enemies and damned if they give them space.
I am just looking at how much space is left to Palestinians in the West Bank, shrinking daily in fact... But they are not officially your ennemies those one, are they ?
* You mean Hamas don't want to destroy Israel? Why would that be in their charter then?
Dude the Hamas charter exists only in response to 60 years of endles violations of their most basic rights as human beings, 60 years of countless murders, kidnaps, expropriations and theft of their land.
Now dude are you willing to speak about the extremist politico-religious ideologies of Rabbi Schneerson, Kook and Kahane, all of whom predate Hamas' Charter by a long stretch, all of whom are criminally insane, all of whom are permeating and influencing Israeli society at all levels ?
* Re. Najd, there was an Arab-Israeli conflict, which led to many refugees on both sides. Are you saying that Germany now has the right to fire rockets at Polish and Czech towns previously inhabited by Germans/German speakers?
Don't put apples and oranges in the same basket buddy. Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic are all sovereign countries. Palestine is an occupied territory without any sort of sovereignty. And it is not occupied as a result of an initial aggression on their part. It is brutally occupied and screwed since now 60 YEARS.
* If the evacuation of Gaza was really such a terrible thing for the Palestinians, why didn't they beg the Israelis to stay? Israel controlled the entry points to Gaza before that point and the present degree of blockade followed the persistent firing of rockets.
Do you really think that attempting to make points using a such a flawed logic is going to convince anyone here ?
reminder dude
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