Metronet HQ occupied in London
Guido | 29.01.2009 16:20 | Social Struggles | Workers' Movements

So on Wednesday the RMT returned to Metronet with plenty of mops and buckets in the hope that they might clean up their act by getting a contractor that does not pay people the minimum wage while grassing up its employees to the immigration services. ISS are also finding all kinds of dubious excuses for sacking anyone who joins a trade union. The demo itself was loud and lively but nowhere near as surreal and eventful as their last visit. See:

And are joined by IWW, AWL & others.
They proceed to suggest that Metronet should clean up its act.
...andjustify their presence with all manner of pettyness.
After the Police leave the security guards notice something strange on the floor
So the cops get called again, though this time they fail to show.
So everyone leaves in their own time having made their point.
It seems entirely possible that Metronet's 999 call coincided with happy hour in the local pubs. Bank robbers take note....