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Shoe Zone Fund Vivisection

Little Moo Moo | 28.01.2009 16:19 | Animal Liberation

The rest is up to you.

Shoe Zone also has a small charity branch known as the Shoe Zone Trust which donates a proportion of the company's profits to cancer research and charitable organisations.

To date they have allocated over £200,000. to a wide selection of charities like "We are supporting some of the social workers there that help rescue children from the streets and give them a proper education and new start in life." and " This charity makes dreams become a reality for children suffering from terminal illnesses and severe disabilities. These gifts benefit both the child and their family. "

However they have also donated money to Meningitis Trust, Cystic Fibrosis Trust and Leukaemia Research. All of which according to Animal Aid, test on animals.

I think they are probably not at all aware of the issue of vivisection. You can get them to ring you free of charge, start to enlighten them. Start to let the people know, vegie email lists, Vegan Society etc, etc

Saturday would be a good day for a demo outside your local shoe zone.

They wouldn't stock plastic boots if was not worth their while to do so.

Point out when more vegans and vegetarians become aware that they fund vivisection, they will lose sales. People will start to demo outside Shoe Zone shops.

A big national shoe retailer recently went bust because of the economic situation.

Tell them of your concerns and how you won't be buying anymore of their plastic boots.Find out important decision makers in the company and send them vivisection information. I will tell them if they decide to donate to Dr Hadwen etc then I will buy their boots again.

Little Moo Moo


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a demo...really?

28.01.2009 17:50

when there are companies like barclays (the largest shareholder in HLS), mcdonalds, BK, KFC ect you think this is a good way to spend your time. we must be selective as a movement targeting important companies with direct links to animal abuse not such tenious and charitable links to vivisection. i wonder if the author of this will be doing a demo or is just one of the many armchair activists who sit around telling us where to demo on here, when they do very little themselves. get off indymedia and do some real animal rights people.

are you mental?

I seriously doubt that

28.01.2009 20:00

"However they have also donated money to Meningitis Trust, Cystic Fibrosis Trust and Leukaemia Research. All of which according to Animal Aid, test on animals.

I think they are probably not at all aware of the issue of vivisection."

I really and truly seriously doubt that they are unaware that those disease research organizations use animals. Not at all sure myself how directly Cystic Fibrosis research would involve sensibly involve animals but probably there are analogous diseases in other species. In the case of meningitis would be covering a wide range of diseases (different organisms) at least some of which directly shared with us. And of course leukaemia is analogous in some of its forms.

The case to be made here is that using animals in this way is immoral EVEN if animal testing works (by which we mean works SOMETIMES -- not a claim that it works or is valid in 100% in all cases)


logistics of doing 2 demos!!

28.01.2009 20:07

The shoe zones stores are in town centres near barclays, in town centres, pop down to the shoe shop after going to the bank...not that difficult!


Shoe Sales In Rapid Decline

30.01.2009 00:08

Footwear chains in administration


little bit thick

03.02.2009 00:01

Presumably moo moo is too lazy to pick on the real offenders this is just too stupid for words!
