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'Activities Abroad' advertise "chav free holidays'

o | 28.01.2009 03:16 | Social Struggles

Below is an article reporting the new advertising initiative of Activities Abroad holiday company, assuring customers that they would not encounter any 'chavs' (apparently with names such as Shannon or Britney) but would rather be sharing their holiday with "John, Sarah, James and Alice". Charming.



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No War but the Class War

28.01.2009 10:05

Class prejudice should be treated the same as race or gender prejudice. While we participate in the resistance of the oppressed we need to fight the oppressor. If they said a holiday with "Ricks rather than Fannys" or "Ricks rather than Ahmeds" they'd be in trouble with the law. We need to make our own justice.

Frank Little

I'm surprised no-one thought of this before.

28.01.2009 10:54

Would you want to go on holiday where there are packs of these unwashed, Stella-swilling, tab-smoking monobrowed inbreds dragging their appallingly behaved progeny around? I know I don't.

Good luck to this firm, I'm off to check them out now!

Keen Caravanner

Chavs OUT!

28.01.2009 13:45

While this may well be a case of economic discrimination, “chavs” are nasty, violent, etc and not from as specific economic group. I live a council house myself and “chavs” does not refer to normal working class people.


Dip in silver paper

29.01.2009 01:59

ARC don't you realise all the posh twats you hang around with call you a chav behind your back.

Chav is a middle class term to keep divided an already decimated and impotent class, so we try so hard not to be the very thing that scares the fuck out of them.

If there's anything worse than a posh twat calling someone a chav, it's a spineless class lackey calling themselves "normal" working class.

Fig Blame

De Meaning

29.01.2009 11:29

The person who uses the word Chav or it's Scottish equivalent Ned are condemned by their own words.

Working class kids are working class kids, they are far more competent activists and far more decent people than the privately educated scum who decry them without ever talking to them.

I used to be against classism. No longer, I have witnessed the most polite, posh people commiting horrendous acts of betrayal and abuse while the scummiest among us cut to the quick and get results.

Classism is good, or at least inevitable for the next decades. There wouldn't be an excess of population if the upper-classes didn't consume all the resources, killing them saves the planet. Did Pip fly abroad to save the environment? Whoop de doo.
