Good Baad a completely unbiased gague of public opinion
Joel Hughes | 26.01.2009 13:38 | Technology
Good Baad is a new website that allows users to vote either Good or Baad on any topic they like - you can change your mind as many times as you like. The aim is to have the definitive record of public opinion, and how it changes over time. It is also hoped that users writing articles, blogs and discussions can use stats from Good Baas to illustrate their points of view and encourage others to voice their opinion.
Good Baad is a new website that allows users to vote either Good or Baad on any topic they like - you can change your mind as many times as you like. The aim is to have the definitive record of public opinion, and how it changes over time. It is also hoped that users writing articles, blogs and discussions can use stats from Good Baas to illustrate their points of view and encourage others to voice their opinion.
The site is self funded and the product of many evenings and weekends by web developer Joel Hughes. The site will only become a truly valuable tool once larger volumes of users are recording their feelings.
The site is only in its early stages and there are plenty of new features in the pipeline – the future developments are pretty open ended and are completely open to users to vote on (
The site is self funded and the product of many evenings and weekends by web developer Joel Hughes. The site will only become a truly valuable tool once larger volumes of users are recording their feelings.
The site is only in its early stages and there are plenty of new features in the pipeline – the future developments are pretty open ended and are completely open to users to vote on (
Joel Hughes